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Messages - Swerpious Maximous

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 114
Regiments / Re: Chefs of Swaziland[Real NARGL Champions]
« on: July 22, 2017, 01:37:54 am »
Wait someone stole my sig??
Look at Hawkince's sig, then compare it to your sig

Asian was bi for a year
you can't come out of the closet then go back in it
That's what I always thought

The Glenn meme will forever go on

Forreal tho I was going off in that 1v6 I seriously think I coulda won it after I got it to a 1v3 :(

really don't think so, Colonys was still alive and was top fragging so I think he would have beat you  ::)

the last time colonys was relevant was 2013 (no offense to colonys)
Who are you?

uhm yes hi, i want to make a complaint about the 30th regiment of foot they are very rude to me, actually the purplepanda man doesn't want to put me on the roster even here, and last event i wasn't even allowed to play in the match, is this discrimination just because i am european? i am an important member of the regiment yet i am constantly discriminated against, i would like the community representatives to finally take some action and ban this regiment from NW thank you for considering, (sorry for bad american)

-an important member
Got it, 30th members being banned as we speak
fuck fuck fuck evacuate the reg
As if Community reps have powers lol

good one
Coaxing bans is the primary power of the CR

Should probably just replace me with Orc

There was a merge?

Team Name: 63e Logic
Captain Steam: u have me
Players(7 starters/3 subs max): Fartknocker, Fireboy, Aaron, Pizzahut, Duuze, Jackie, Zen / Curtis, Marcus, Predurdur
Will you actually be here? 0% chance that everyone shows up but the 63e always finds a way.
You missed a couple of the rs

That's the best thing I've heard all day

bick lost to Victor in a 3rd place match?

This looks like comic sans

im better than you all
But do you have the ability to carry your reg by not even being in the server?

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