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Messages - laner107

Pages: 1 2
Regimental Name: Nr11
Leader's Name and Steam: Laneciar, [Nr11]Laneciar
Aprox. Number of people attending: 10-18
Will you obey all the rules?: Yes
Will you bow to your Illuminati Overlords? Sure

Events: EU / Re: [NA] The 3eVolt's Friday Linebattle - 8 PM EST - Full
« on: March 07, 2014, 05:42:40 am »
Regiment Name: Nr11
Leader's Name: Laneciar
Leader's Steam: [Nr11]Laneciar
2nd Leaders Steam: disaster_wp
Estimated Attendance: (8 minimum): 10-15
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes

Regiments / Re: Infantry Regiment Nr.11 [Recruiting NA]
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:18:54 am »

Regiments / Re: Regiment List
« on: February 23, 2014, 07:38:44 am »
- Regiment Name :  Infantry Regiment Nr11
- Regiment Tag : Nr11_
- Faction : Prussia
- Class :  Everything
- Based : NA
- Thread Link :

Regiments / Re: Infantry Regiment Nr.11 [Recruiting NA]
« on: February 23, 2014, 07:30:08 am »

Regiments / Infantry Regiment Nr.11 [Recruiting NA]
« on: February 23, 2014, 07:29:58 am »


New Recruit?
Your tags will be Nr11_Rct_Yourname
Flag is 3rd Page, 1st Colum, 2nd down, black background grey eagle.

Want to get promoted?

Recruit People and be at the events most of the time. Respect others, be loyal, and dont complain about your rank! Good luck


Col NickCole
LtCol Laneciar
Captain MeatHounder

SgtMaj. Disaster
Sgt Poppy

Cpl Kaiser
Cpl Underground
Ftm Sean
Ftm Ser_Wall
Pfc Bckiller
Pfc Zack
Pfc MajorHungarian
Pvt Jimato
Pvt Mr. Orange
Pvt Royalist
Pvt Tic
Pvt Badshot
Pvt Avaex
Pvt Firetype
Pvt Leroy
Pvt Heir
Pvt DukeFan72
Pvt 2cwldys
Pvt Royalist
Rct Heroes
Rct Alex
Rct Luke
Rct WilliamDougless
Rct Rodrigo
Rct codyman
Rct Kyeman
Rct Kingsman
Rct Duck
Rct Jairo
Rct Bro
Rct montoyta
Rct xXDJXx
Rct Tropical
Rct Geo
Rct Slush
Rct Sammy
Rct Darkest Sun
Rct Bigby
Rct pancakesjr.
Rct Dakota

Battle Record

1v1 vs. 47th Victory 2-0
1v1 vs 72nd  Victory 6-2
1v1 vs. 6th Victory 2-1
1v1 vs. USMC Lost 1-5
None Yet~


Enlisting is very easy, if you want to join add Toyota [Nr11] or [Nr11]laneciar on steam.
Teamspeak is
Steam Name:
Do you have Swag:

Community / Any Regiment Need A Teamspeak server!
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:00:14 am »
I have a teamspeak server with my regiment in it and if anyone needs a teamspeak i would be glad for you to be in it so if you want to join the ts, which is free but i would be very happy if i could have some support go to this ip.

Name of your Regiment: Nr11
Average Attendence: 8-15
Steam Name: [Nr11]Laneciar
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes

Events: EU / Re: Chantakey's Thursday Battle
« on: February 21, 2014, 12:20:31 am »
Regiment name: Nr11
Leaders Steam: Leader is Nr11NickCole but i would add [Nr11]Laneciar
Are you the leader: No a manager
Attendance: 8-15
Preferred unit: Firekorps Prussia
Do you agree to the rules? Yes i do

Regiment name: Nr11
Class: Friekorps
Preferred Nation: Prussia
Expected attendance: 10-15
Steam name: [Nr11]Laneciar
Do you wish to attend weekly or just once?: Weekly
Have you read and agree with the rules?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: 76y Wednesday Line Battle {NA}
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:40:44 am »
Regiment name: NR11

Are you the regiment leader?: No Nco/Manager
Regiment leader steam.: Nr11NickCole  may or may not be online

Estimated Attendance.: 15ish
I agree to the terms

Regiments / Re: 18th Royal Irish (Recruiting) NA
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:11:34 am »


Steam Name (and profile link):LaneGaming


Reason you'd like to join? I love regs like these and i heard you were the biggest NA reg and it sounds very fun.

Regiment History? (If any) 12e, 6te, 3e

Pages: 1 2