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Messages - John Price

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The Mess Hall / Re: EU Hall of Fame
« on: January 08, 2024, 12:21:00 pm »

Skaen In 2011 (Mount & Musket) his first regiment was the 54e.

Still the funniest part of this thread

I'll gauge interest and see if we want to run it back, but was looking to get the teamspeak active with 10 mans again now that CS2 is out anyway 8)

Since we've switched to CS2, can we still play the play-off matches?
Say no more, new brackets go up before the weekend!!!

I was actually supposed to travel there for the anniversary in 2015, but I got asked by the school I was working for at the time to cover a seminar on the Napoleonic Wars that another teacher was supposed to do but ended up on maternity leave earlier than expected.

Although I didn't get to travel to the mainland, we had a day out in London with 100+ students and then had a big presentation on the wars which they seemed to find quite interesting!

M&B Bannerlord / Re: Sword & Musket - Diskussion
« on: September 22, 2023, 03:52:50 pm »
Nö, nur realistisch
Kann ich nicht beurteilen, ich kann deinen Satz nicht entziffern

Die Leute die länger damit zu tun hatten wie die lieben Herren vor dir verstehen den Satz :P Kurz zusammengefasst: Der selbsternannte Oberchef im Team hat keine Ahnung von technischen Aspekten, weigert sich aber konsequent auf irgendwen anders zu hören, weil er alles allein mit seinem Namen verbunden haben will und in Teilen auch einfach zu wenig englischsprachig ist. Das widerspricht zwar allem, was anfangs ausgemacht war- eigentlich wurde er nie als Chef gewählt oder so - aber er hat halt die anderen ursprünglichen Leads rausgeekelt, bis nur noch er da war. Und daran scheitert das Ganze, weil einer nach dem anderen demotiviert quittet. Die Dinge die wenigstens funktionieren, tun das nicht wegen der selbsternannten Chefetage, sondern trotz der selbsternannten Chefetage. Und das ist ganz schön bitter.

Stell dir mal vor du weißt als Dev aus dem technischen Sektor, dass etwas unausgereift ist und nicht funktioniert - und dann rennt jemand mit genau dem als angeblich funktionierend öffentlich hausieren und verspricht Leuten das Blaue vom Himmel, nur um dich dann im Discord anzumachen wieso das alles nicht so funktioniert wie er es sich in seiner Ahnungslosigkeit ausmalt. Und dann liegen viele der Probleme bei Events noch nicht mal an der Technik, sondern daran dass der selbsternannte Meisterprogrammierer und Chef des Ganzen nen Server nicht richtig einstellen kann. Da hat halt dann keiner mehr Bock Probleme zu lösen, wenn die Probleme ständig von einer Person neu geschaffen werden. Das ist und bleibt ein Spiel, sowas macht man aus Spaß, nicht weil man Bock hat sich mit einem ausgewaschenen Narzissten rumzuschlagen.
Da könnte man ganze Bücher füllen mit dem, was die letzten Jahre so passiert ist. Ich sag mal nur: Das Team hat jetzt den 4. Community-Manager, weil die anderen entnervt aufgegeben haben. Und ach ja, das Beta-Release-Datum wurde NICHT von der technischen Seite so gewählt. Das wurde einfach aus der Luft gegriffen und dann etwas ganz und gar unfertiges zusammengeklatscht und veröffentlicht, ohne dabei auf die technischen Contributer zu hören. Es gab davor nicht mal Tests, ob das Modul wirklich funktioniert, aber es wurden natürlich zum ersten Event massig Streamer etc geladen - mit den bekannten katastrophalen Konsequenzen, die man dann der technischen Seite angelastet hat intern, obwohl die gar nicht releasen wollte. Und so geht das immer weiter und weiter und weiter. Kurz: es wird rumgewurschtelt.

Und am Ende kommt noch nicht mal was Genießbares dabei raus...
(My German grammar is terrible even after working for a German company for a long time so I won't even try XD)

When I came onto the project whats already YEARS ago, there was an unbelievable amount of red flags basically immediately. I think Ted you and me spoke on Discord in chat maybe once or twice when I first came on as Creative Director, one of the first things I asked was "What is the structuring of the dev repo? Because this looks like a mess". To which you laughed at me and said "Thats because there isn't one".

For anyone who doesn't have experience in a development team, thats an immediate HUGE red flag, especially for someone joining the team fresh. So many basic things were being missed it just screamed that Lucon+Hypercharge have no real clue what they are doing. Although I dont know if I blame Hypercharge really, Lucon is probably gaslighting him to no end in the background.

As creative director it was quite interesting to just get ignored at every turn. My background IRL is in Private Cloud + Bespoke hosting solutions for corporate environments, so I assumed (wrongfully) I would be included when discussing servers and the hosting side of S&M yet was never consulted or included on any of those discussions, nor was I ever included on any discussions surrounding the development of the combat. Originally plans had been put together by myself to bring on prominent NW players/groups to do phased private tests of these systems.

"Lucon - We need to be careful of the naming convention of the development/release versions because its going to confuse the players and if it confuses them, its going to be a fucking nightmare internally" - Ignored
"Lucon - We need to make sure the dev teams and 'directors' have input in the marketing material being sent out on Taleworlds, ModDB and to all these YouTubers + Streamers" - Ignored

Lucon is a guy with a LOT of ego, he constantly likes to remind people of his regiment in NW which 99% of players have never heard of. Only reason I heard of it is because I have been involved in a lot of hosting. This whole thing is a big vanity project to gain influence over a community, he wants to be the overlord of NW 2.0 and will bully anyone else with a strong voice out until its just him remaining. He has no qualifications to be the guy in charge of a project on this scale.

One of the biggest problems which you touched on imo, without being your typical 'british guy', was Lucon's terrible English. It was like talking to a disillusioned wife who just shakes her head and probably hasn't listened to a word you said.

I knew the mod was never going to be able to recover when Lucon released the trailer and release date without consulting anyone. Despite 0 work being done on the melee/server/technical side of the mod to be ready for this, so you just knew immediately the NW+Holdfast communities were going to spit on it and never look back.

Also Ted I can see they removed yours and many other peoples credits for the work you did. Again Lucon stroking his ego, it has to all be him. Nobody else can exist in the public eye but him. Disgraceful.

Almost forgot, a number of months ago Lucon asked me to return to the project to do what I had PLANNED from the beginning, which was the phased testing/daily tournaments to test the combat. Which I can see DarkTemplar is doing now. Fuck no was I going to come out of retirement for that shit.

The Mess Hall / Re: Please Don’t Ever Return - The List
« on: September 21, 2023, 10:13:32 pm »
Also, a lot of people simply dont know who the fuck you are

The Mess Hall / Re: Please Don’t Ever Return - The List
« on: September 21, 2023, 03:27:58 pm »
Why am I missing on this list ????
ur annoying

ur just not Rikrekt and Voluble levels of annoying

M&B Bannerlord / Re: Sword & Musket - Diskussion
« on: September 20, 2023, 07:37:30 pm »
wird der Bums überhaupt aktiv gespielt?

es gibt wieder Events

aber nachdem ich jetzt auch als event organizer gequitted bin, kp wie lange noch

Schon wundersam, wie einfach so viele Leute quitten. Vielleicht hat das ja alles eine einzige Ursache, die seit Jahren einfach immer weiterwuschtelt weil narzisstisch gestört? JA VIELLEICHT IST DAS JA SO?

The Mess Hall / Re: Please Don’t Ever Return - The List
« on: September 13, 2023, 11:49:20 pm »
Kazak is must have on this list

Also there was one more person, which played for 66th at our prime and then left for K-KA. That British guy which was toxic af and if I remember properly, he came from native. Fuck can’t really remember his name. You should know him Kore.
I think you'd need to be a bit more specific, there's a few of those XD

The Mess Hall / Re: Please Don’t Ever Return - The List
« on: September 13, 2023, 09:00:23 am »

The Mess Hall / Re: Please Don’t Ever Return - The List
« on: September 13, 2023, 07:05:14 am »
Needs one more NA...Ody

Community / Re: Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: August 24, 2023, 12:31:55 am »
50+ regiments maybe true at a stretch but the 5 biggest regiments  (at least) full strength would bring more players than 50 5 man regiments. (Talking about 2018+)

It's just a shame that huge staple international regiments, other than 33rd and maybe 16th, have died, regiments like 92nd, 17th/40th - in its short time, 45thN of course, 32nd and 19th just haven't been replaced.

Also regiments exclusive to their nations have died out, not only looking at the 3pp in the Polish scene/ or the 98e in Turkey or the VG/14e in France but also there used to be tons of regiments from seriously niche countries back in 2015 onwards, that'd bring huge numbers. I remember a Hungarian as well as a Romanian regiment bringing 30-40+ each daily to my line battles. Also the DDA from Denmark!

Nice to see Deluge popping though :)

This is a discussion we could have for hours upon hours, but many of the language based regiments proved more of a hinderance to the community than an actual benefit for much of the time they existed. There are also other English speaking ones I could say the same about.

Things like NWBC and the Regimental 2v2 tourney were great ideas that had been discussed before Kincaid had put it into fruition, but I'll be honest regiments like 45thN ruined it for the more casual ones. Regiments didn't want to join these big events which are supposed to bring the whole community together to get sweated on and trolled by the top 1% of players. Then I see posts like these that talk about how much of a shame it is that these regiments sat in their corner and just died out.

Also some mentioned regiments/corps like DDA keep getting mentioned despite them not being active as a FULL UNIT in way over 8 years now. DDA was big back in the early days of the NWL era (relative to now, they werent even that big) then would only come back for a few months here and there with a smaller company or two just to leave again. What impact did they really have on the longevity of the community?

If you look back, regiments from the likes of Marks, MrSt3fan (early 33rd), Wolfster, Heinrich and Kaide (painful as that is to say) did way more to get people interested in all sides of the NW community, than most of these regiments ever did. Yet for some reason nobody even mentions them.

Not trying to attack you or anything btw Mask its just your post provides one example to a conversation thats been had many times xD

Other Games / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: August 23, 2023, 11:20:30 pm »
UK Thomas in CSGO use to play NW?
Yup, 17e_Sgt_Thomas

You would have played in events with him + 17e when you were in my reg in 2013

The Mess Hall / Re: Python's Evaluation
« on: August 23, 2023, 10:27:51 pm »
Some people also have loyalty instead of a worthless RGL with 2 Regs  ::)
be silent and spend the rest of your days doing stats for NW, little fatty lmao

sorry try to pronounce the S correctly so I can understand you

Getting flamed for trying to do something for the people, only in NW  ::)
Yeah but did you expect anything different?

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