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Messages - Paul Adhèmar

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Events: EU / 17e Thursday event Stopped
« on: April 13, 2020, 12:56:35 pm »

The event will be held on our server named: 17e_Thursday_Event
The event will take place every Thursday at 19.30 GMT. (8.30 for French time)
Event details are given out through our Steam chat 15-30 minutes prior to the event.
The event details will also be posted in the description of our Chat group event channel.[/b]

Event rules

1: No FIC (Firing in Charge) for any unit. This includes Lights / Skirmishers.
2: No RIC (Reloading in Charge) for any unit.
3: OA is prohibited for line and light
4: No spamming in chat.
5: No Rambo
6: No FOL
7: Doctor Allowed (one per regiment max)
8: All charge at 52.

Line Infantry:
1: Min: 7  Max: 100
2: Can not fire in charge (FiC).
3: Can not reload in charge (RiC).
4: Must join another line if 3 or less.

Light and Skirms Infantry:
1: Min: 5  Max: 15
2: Can not fire in charge (FiC).
3: Can not reload in charge (RiC).
4: May crouch.
5: May spread, 3 mens spacing when firing in formation.
6: Skirms are limited to 8

1: Min: 5  Max: 15
2: If dismounted you must either find a new horse or a friendly line.
3: If less than 3, you must dismount and go to the nearest friendly line.
4: May choose any type of cav, following the below rule;
5: If choosing dragoon, you can dismount to fire your weapon.
6: Max 1 Officer per unit, no pistol spam.
7. Cav charge Art after one minute
8. Cav have to dismound if they are less than 3 in all charge 

1: two cannons per team
2: No rockets.
3: May have 1 sapper only per regiment
4: Arty Guards may spread and crouch. FiC not permitted.
5: howitzers is allowed
Paul Adhèmar:

17e Odrimo:

Sign up :

Regiment Name:
Expected Attendance:
Once or Weekly?:
Regiment leaders steam name and link, with other contacts:

Attending Régiment :

faction 1 :
faction 2 :

-Line 1 : RFB-Régiment de Bretagne
-Line 1 :17e-Compagnie de carabiniers 

-Line 2 :55th Regiment of Foot
-Line 2 : 11e Tirailleurs du Po

-Line 3 :1st Royal Wessex Yeomenry
-Line 3 : 63rd Regiment of foot 

-Line 4 :
-Line 4 : 18-ty Pułk Piechoty

-Art 1: 4e Artillerie
Art 1 : 56e d'Infanterie

-Art 2 : 47th (Nr28 Artilliery) 
Art 2 : 19th

-Art 2 : 9e Régiment d'Artillerie (IVe Corps) 
Art 2 :

-Cav : 16th (Befdordshire)
-Cav : 19th

-Light : 17e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
Light : 19th

-Skirms : 45th Nottinghamshire Lights 
-Skirms: 77y Tenginsky Pehotniy Polk

Events: EU / Re: 1stEB Tuesday Linebattle Event (Lines needed!)
« on: March 19, 2020, 11:23:09 am »
Regiment Name: 17e régiment d'infanterie légère
Preferred faction: France
Class (Line, Guard, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Artillery): Light when you have a free spoot but until this, we play such as line
Expected attendance: 8- 15
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: weekly
Regiment leader's Steam name:


Regiment Name: 17e régiment d'infanterie légère
Class/Unit: light
Expected Attendance: 8-15
Regiment leaders steam name and link, with other contacts: Odrimo tu l''as déjà

Events: EU / Re: 1stEB Tuesday Linebattle Event (Lines needed!)
« on: March 11, 2020, 01:27:45 pm »
Regiment Name: 17é régiment d'infanterie légère
Preferred faction: France for sure
Class (Line, Guard, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Artillery): Light
Expected attendance: 5-15
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: weekly i know that light slots are full but if we could be added to the waiting list it would be nice !
Regiment leader's Steam name:

Events: EU / Re: [DL]Monday Linebattle [EU] *Light-Infantry Slot open*
« on: February 24, 2020, 06:46:20 pm »
For the sign up at FSE-Forum use the following, please: 17e régiment d'infanterie légère
Regiment Name + [Tag]: 17e
Number of Players: 8-15
Responsible [Steam URL]:
Unit: light

We wont be able to lpay tonight we will play the next week

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