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Messages - xVerciak

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10 11
Regiments / Re: 1er Régiment de Tirailleurs de la Garde impériale
« on: June 17, 2018, 03:56:50 pm »
Best of Luck Bro

Regiments / Re: 44th (East Essex) Regiment of Foot
« on: September 26, 2017, 12:35:36 pm »

Regiments / Re: 66th Berkshire Regiment of Foot [Recruiting][EU]
« on: September 19, 2017, 09:22:56 am »
Corpora Flew

But is Flew not an accident Major 12pp?

Events: EU / Re: 1er Régiment D'Artillerie *FRIDAY* Event [Need LINES]
« on: August 16, 2017, 05:28:23 pm »
Regiment name: Pułk 6.Piechoty
Preferred Nation: France
Troop/Class: Line
Amount Attending: 12+/-
Steam name: (Colonel) & (Lieutant)
Weekly or Once?:Weekly

Events: EU / Re: ♚ k.k. Events [Friday/Sunday] ♚
« on: August 16, 2017, 02:23:54 pm »
Sign-Up for Friday
Regimentname: Pułk 6.Piechoty
Class: Infantry
Numbers: 12+/-
Steamlink: (Colonel) & (Lieutant)
Permanent?: Permament
I read the rules and pass them to my men: Yes.

Regiment Name: 20 pułk piechoty XW
Regiment Leader's/Representatives Steam:
Class applying for: Line Infantry
Numbers attending: 11+
Would you like to sign up weekly?: Weekly
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?: Yep.

Events: EU / Re: 2nd Tuesday Linebattle (Line Available!)
« on: May 02, 2017, 12:33:50 pm »
Regiment Name:  20 pułk piechoty XW
Class: Line Infrantry
Preferred nation: France
Expected Attendance: 11+
Leader/Representative's Steam:
Temporary or permanent signup: Permanent

Leaders Steam Name: Świeży
Name of the Clan: 20 pułk piechoty XW
Estimated Attendance: 11+
Have you read all of the Rules?: Yes
Do you have our Team Speak Bookmarked?: Yes
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]:
Regular Attedance or Not: Regular
Class: Line
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Agree

Events: EU / 25pp Friday linebattle [All Class] Event is out of date
« on: January 23, 2017, 08:42:53 pm »
The 25pp are now hosting a Friday linebattle for anybody too sign up too

Contact With Organizer :

Server : 25pp_Official_Event

Line Infantry Numbers: 7 min/40 max.
No obvious gaps in the line, officers and musicians are allowed to move freely and defend themselves.
Lines of over 10 men must double up, front of these lines is allowed to kneel and fire as well as reload.
No crouching when loading your musket or firing. If you are the front of a double line this is allowed only.
No shooting while charging into melee.
Men of four or less must join another line and fight.

Skirmishers (Light Infantry AND Rifles).

Rifles numbers including officer (7 min 12 max).
Light Infantry numbers including officer (10 min 16 max).
Gaps of five men between each soldier are allowed (Rifles).
Gaps of three men between each soldier are allowed ( Light Infantry).
One Sapper/Engineer allowed for both to fix up defences.
Both are allowed to crouch and fire in skirmish formation (with three men or five men gaps allowed between each other).
Must stay together in a light group all times.
Men of less than four must rejoin another line and fight as line infantry.
Light Infantry cannot pick Musketoons or Rifles. A mixture of bayonet infantry and cav muskets are encouraged if possible.

Cavalry (Light, Medium and Heavy Rules):

Cav Numbers (12 min 16 max).
Must stay together in a small blob.
Must all pick the same role (Officers can ignore this if they wish to be a ‘marker’ and easily recognised by their men)  EG Lancers or Hussars.
Dragoon Cav must rifle either in a vague line on horseback but they can also dismount and act like line or light infantry and fight on foot. Exceptions can be made in melee with the officers pistol as it is dubiously inaccurate.
If a Cavalry unit has been decimated to under four, abandon your horses and join the nearest line.


Artillery Crew Numbers (6 min 10 max).
Artillery should consist of two trains, two officers and two rankers who reload the cannons. Two extra rankers with ramrods can be allowed.
Artillery Guard: (5 min 9 max including Officer and Sapper) .
Two Cannons (Either one 12 pounder or Howitzer or two of both).
Artillery Guard must remain around the Artillery pieces and crew and staff the defensive position with the sapper.
Artillery Guard can choose to fight in skirmisher formation or as a line. Once Artillery crew are KIA Guard survivors must link up with the nearest line and fight as line.

General Rules:

No team killing allowed.
Respect for all regiments and officers as well as event organisers in group chat.
Do not feed the internet drama machine.
No spamming of group chat.
Encouragement for Team Chat used for possible teamwork.
Do not rambo, join a line when everyone else around you is dead.
Do not extend the round as the last man by running away from eventual defeat.
Do not engage an Admin avatar in direct combat unless it is obvious he is engaging you.
Report an infraction once in chat.

Please sign up with this:

Regiment Name:
Number of Players:
Leader's Steam:
Preferred Class:
Preferred Faction:
Weekly or once:
Agree too the rules:

Regiments :

20 pułk woltyżerii (8+)(Light & Rifle)

8e Régiment d'artillerie du Xe Corps (7 - 12)(Art)

[Saints] (10-15) (Cav)

REGIME NAME: 23 pułk piechoty
TROOP / CLASS: Infantry
To get us to permanent line

Events: EU / Re: TK Friday LB
« on: December 08, 2016, 05:12:04 pm »
Regiment name: 23 pułk piechoty
Regiments Leader's name:
Class: Line
Number of members who take part:10-15
Favorite Nation: France
Once or Regular?: Regular
Do you agree our rules?: Yes

Hello !

Regiment name: 23 pułk piechoty
Class: LIne
Number attending: ~ 7-10
Leaders Steam name:
Would you like to sign up weekly?: Weekly
Have you read and agreed to the rules of the event: Yes

Regiment name: 20 pułk piechoty
We would like to go as: Arty
Expected attendence: 5
Regiment steam Names:
Have you read and agreed to the rules: Yes

Regiment Name: 20 pułk piechoty
Class: Artillery
Expected Attendance: 6
Leader's Steam name:
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes

Regiment name : 8 pułk ułanów
Preferred Nation : france
Troop/Class : Cavalry
Amount Attending : 10-14
Steam name : Filson
Weekly or Once? : Weekly

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