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Messages - Vegi.

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 510
Community / Re: Active NW regiments
« on: June 13, 2024, 05:13:00 pm »
It was intended to be humorous and should be taken as such ;D

That being said no smoke without fire
Same haha, so all good. That ginger kiddo is just following me around haha

Also, when is there another 2v2 tourney to strengthen our epic coalition?

Community / Re: Active NW regiments
« on: June 13, 2024, 02:45:21 pm »

Can confirm, no regiments are our equals.
Yeah, facing 33rd is like playing vs bots

Bro flexing casuals ah ah ah ah  (WhY aRe U fOlLoWiNg Me EvErYwHeRe?¿?)

Making a comment but cant handle a reaction on it typical, Only mature thing ab you is your age lmao
Why am I still in your head?

Community / Re: Active NW regiments
« on: June 13, 2024, 02:07:51 pm »

Can confirm, no regiments are our equals.
Yeah, facing 33rd is like playing vs bots

Bro flexing casuals ah ah ah ah  (WhY aRe U fOlLoWiNg Me EvErYwHeRe?¿?)

Community / Re: Active NW regiments
« on: June 13, 2024, 12:59:59 pm »
We have 3 companies btw!

Can confirm, no regiments are our equals.
Yeah, facing 33rd is like playing vs bots

As tough as their leader is, he's opened his regiment to the entire NW community and he's producing great players

This is also very wrong

Okay. If phatmanTed had admin powers, then why didn’t he write “Go!” to the admin chat?
Why were we waiting for a player from the KSA team to play a match for us?

The same goes for the Love team. They also did not have admin powers and we waited about 15 minutes for someone to come and organize our match, since both of us did not have admin powers and we asked others to organize and conduct our matches , Instead of playing.

You announced the tournament back in May.  You had about two weeks to issue administrative powers. Was there really not a single day in these two weeks to properly prepare for the tournament and issue administrative powers to all captains so that they could administer their matches themselves?
Have you really been so busy with your life that during these two weeks you didn’t find fifteen minutes to write the correct keys on the whitelist?

He couldn't be bothered, now go yap to your mother or make yourself useful and go to the front. Dealers choice.
You don't get to talk about delay because 9 times out of 10 you're the reason a single group is late because you have 2 minute long speeches in-between each round only to insta die to straight stab.
Get out, touch some grass and shut up. No-one cares about your yapping.

According to the rules, we have the right to write “r” within five minutes. Your speeches here are inappropriate. We are not obliged to give readiness immediately after entering the battlefield. We have five minutes according to the rules to notify the enemy team that we are ready. Read the rules.
But that doesn't mean you're not delaying the entire tournament, dude are you a fucking idiot or what?

Events: EU / Re: 92nd Sunday Linebattle "Flagspawning"
« on: June 11, 2024, 01:09:52 pm »
Name of the Regiment: 1er Régiment de Gardes Suisses/1RGS
Which class/classes would you like to play: Line
Expected attendance: around 7 people (Maybe more maybe a less)
Regimental contact:
Wish to attend permanent or only once: Permanently, tho tomorrow we have something planned so we would sign up for 16/06 and after but not for 09/06
Have you read the rules & do you accept them? Yes & yes
Accepted! Cya Sunday!

Nice try to stack 😂

Rent Free 🤡🥱
was meant for HiReaper loser 🤣🤣😅

My bad, im already used to the fact you always try reacting on everything i say and do eventho i never mentioned you.
Okey, I forgot my last 100 posts are me quoting you, get a grip freak you're not that interesting

Nah just the fact that every time on like FSE, steam or ingame you keep talkin to me or about me no matter if im talkin or quiet. I can just talk to idk some member of the KSA and you will randomly join the conversation and have a go at me for absolutely nothing eventho you got no business with me there.

Also dont rly wanna hear the word freak or loser coming from you, you are literally built like a Chinese chopstick and you dont even have a grip yourself.
The last time I targeted people was the time Fietta or Maskman played the game, and these characters wer way more interesting than whatever you are lil buddy.
If you think I have the time to talk about you on Steam or FSE 24/7, sorry to disappoint you, but I'd rather get my master in Law than waste my time on an underage kid ;)
Not asking for any explanation from you. But sure im very disappointed now i know you dont got time for me :(

But sure go get your master in Law so you might atleast have some value in life. Goodluck!

Nice try to stack 😂

Rent Free 🤡🥱
was meant for HiReaper loser 🤣🤣😅

My bad, im already used to the fact you always try reacting on everything i say and do eventho i never mentioned you.
Okey, I forgot my last 100 posts are me quoting you, get a grip freak you're not that interesting

Nah just the fact that every time on like FSE, steam or ingame you keep talkin to me or about me no matter if im talkin or quiet. I can just talk to idk some member of the KSA and you will randomly join the conversation and have a go at me for absolutely nothing eventho you got no business with me there.

Also dont rly wanna hear the word freak or loser coming from you, you are literally built like a Chinese chopstick and you dont even have a grip yourself.
The last time I targeted people was the time Fietta or Maskman played the game, and these characters were way more interesting than whatever you are lil buddy.
If you think I have the time to talk about you on Steam or FSE 24/7, sorry to disappoint you, but I'd rather get my master in Law than waste my time on an underage kid ;)

Nice try to stack 😂

Rent Free 🤡🥱
was meant for HiReaper loser 🤣🤣😅

My bad, im already used to the fact you always try reacting on everything i say and do eventho i never mentioned you.
Okey, I forgot my last 100 posts are me quoting you, get a grip freak you're not that interesting

Nice try to stack 😂

Rent Free 🤡🥱
was meant for HiReaper loser 🤣🤣😅

Nice try to stack 😂

I dont think its that deep lil bro

gg guys thanks for the tournament.

Don't forget we aren't a stack, we're just friends!!!

I remember when you lot cried over RT stacking, but I just saw your team and compared everyone else's and it's embarrassing and far worse than the competition RT had 😂😂😂
I think he is quoting you brother

No shit, but I was just calling out hypocrisy on a team that spent months crying about RT then do it to a much worse extent
If they're friends then it is justified

gg guys thanks for the tournament.

Don't forget we aren't a stack, we're just friends!!!

I remember when you lot cried over RT stacking, but I just saw your team and compared everyone else's and it's embarrassing and far worse than the competition RT had 😂😂😂
I think he is quoting you brother

People not ignoring Bodya, that’s crazy

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