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Topics - RicoTheNinja

Pages: 1

We are a mature and small group of friends who try our best to continue on the 1stEPG name
and have fun in Napoleonic Wars. We portray the Prussian infantry unit the 1. East Prussian Grenadier Battalion
even though we don't have for example, an in-game unit or a huge regiment we are small and looking to expand.
In line-battles out main goals are to first of all have fun, and secondly try our best at winning events. If you are
looking for a laid back and chill North American infantry regiment, you have found your place.If you want to apply
to join, or even merc for a battle to see if you like it, just apply or add [1stEPG]RicoTheNinja

For the campaign of 1806, Prussia started off with having 27 grenadier battalions, however after
the defeats at Jena and Auerstadt the number of grenadier battalions and infantry regiments was reduced.
The infantry regiments had only 2 grenadier companies each. The 1st East Prussian Grenadier companies
where assigned to the 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment.

In 1815 the two best battalions (1st East Prussian Grenadier Battalion and Life Grenadier Battalion) became
part of the 1st Grenadier Regiment (1. Grenadier-Regiment-Kaiser-Alexander). Unfortunately this superb unit
took no part in the Waterloo Campaign.

Battles and Campaigns
The 1st East Prussian Grenadier where renown for being one of the best grenadier battalions in
the Prussian Empire. The reason they became known was for the fact that they fought 30 battles/combats in
various countries and cities through 7 years of war:

1806 - 1814 - Thorn, Eylau, Friedland, Allenau, Bartenstein, Heilsberg, Gollau, Königsberg, Lutzen, Lausigk,
Kolditz, Bautzen, Reichenbach, Katzbach, Hochkirch, Wartenburg, Möckern (Leipzig), Freiburg, Hörselberg and
blockade von Mainz, Vitry, Montmirail, Château, Thierry, Mery, Lizy, Gué à Trêmes, Laon, Trilport, Paris.

       Rekrut             Gefreiter            Gemeiner             Grenadier            Fähnrich
      Leutnant         Premierleutnat           Major            Oberstleutnant          Oberst



  Enlisted Men


Key for ranks listed above

Obe = Oberst
ObeLT = Oberstleutnant
Maj = Major
PrLT = Premierleutnat
LT = Leutnant
Fäh = Fähnrich
Gre = Grenadier
Gem = Gemeiner
Gef = Gefreiter
Rek = Rekrut

General Rules
Always respect everyone in the regiment. They are your brothers in arms and should be treated that way.
When in an event, teamkilling and wounding is strictly forbidden, No trolling allowed.
Always try to be active, without you we have no line!
If you ever have an issue with anyone, please contact an officer.

Teamspeak Rules
No offensive descriptions or avatars
Try to not curse when its not needed. Try to keep the teamspeak as clean as possible.
Do NOT get into shouting matches with other members on teamspeak, it makes everything loud and just leads to more issues.
If a channel is locked of there is some sort-of private meeting, please don't just join the channel.

Monday - Training (1hr to 1:30hrs) *One full training*
Tuesday - Training (30mins *Only done if 7-10 members are on*) *1/2 Training if under one hour*
Wednesday - Training (1hr to 1:30hrs) *One full training*
Thursday - Training (30mins *Only done if 7-10 members are on*) *1/2 Training if under one hour*
Friday - Training (1hr to 1:30hrs); Linebattle *One full training*
Saturday - Linebattle
Sunday - Linebattle

*You are required to have 1.5 training credits per week to participate in the weekend linebattles. If you
fail to meet the prerequisites you must come before the linebattle and make them up. This ensures
activity and that you will be rewarded for so!*

Interested in joining? See this application!
Steam :
Previous Regiments :
Age :
Reason for joining :
Hours on warband :

Contact info :
Steam : 1stEPG_Rico
Skype : RicoHarmon
Youtube : RicoTheNinja
Twitter : RicoTheNinja

Got teamspeak? No!? Well its a requirement!
Teamspeak Link :
IP :

Regiments / 1stEPG Thread Hack, Lock, Change
« on: November 11, 2013, 01:51:38 am »
From a recent even our thread was hacked, I have extreme allegations to who did it and will be contacting an admin to see if IPlogs are done, but if any admin see this please go unlock that thread.

And in other news fuck all the haters we are still here and still alive, so any who though YAY they disbanded, I have two words for you, Fuck and Off! Here ill use them in a sentence for you All of you haters Fuck Off!

Technical Support / Server help
« on: October 28, 2013, 10:42:43 pm »
Hey guys im trying to setup a training server for my regiment (1stEPG) and it wont work. I have the port working and I have several other servers people can join but when I try to setup a M&B server it shows up on LAN but not Internet. I have a Linksys EA6300 router connected via Ethernet to a Arris Modem from comcast. I would love any assistance!


♕ Regimental Summary ♕

We are a mature and small group of friends who try our best to continue on the 1stEPG name and have fun in Napoleonic Wars. We portray the Prussian infantry unit the 1. East Prussian Grenadier Battalion even though we don't have for example, an in-game unit or a huge regiment we are small and looking to expand. In line-battles out main goals are to first of all have fun, and secondly try our best at winning events. If you are looking for a laid back and chill North American infantry regiment, you have found your place.If you want to apply to join, or even merc for a battle to see if you like it, just apply or add [1stEPG] Thomas Samsel.

♕ History ♕

For the campaign of 1806, Prussia started off with having 27 grenadier battalions, however after the defeats at Jena and Auerstadt the number of grenadier battalions and infantry regiments was reduced. The infantry regiments had only 2 grenadier companies each. The 1st East Prussian Grenadier companies where assigned to the 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment.

In 1815 the two best battalions (1st East Prussian Grenadier Battalion and Life Grenadier Battalion) became part of the 1st Grenadier Regiment (1. Grenadier-Regiment-Kaiser-Alexander). Unfortunately this superb unit took no part in the Waterloo Campaign.

Battles and Campaigns
The 1st East Prussian Grenadier where renown for being one of the best grenadier battalions in the Prussian Empire. The reason they became known was for the fact that they fought 30 battles/combats in various countries and cities through 7 years of war:

1806 - 1814 - Thorn, Eylau, Friedland, Allenau, Bartenstein, Heilsberg, Gollau, Königsberg, Lutzen, Lausigk, Kolditz, Bautzen, Reichenbach, Katzbach, Hochkirch, Wartenburg, Möckern (Leipzig), Freiburg, Hörselberg and blockade von Mainz, Vitry, Montmirail, Château, Thierry, Mery, Lizy, Gué à Trêmes, Laon, Trilport, Paris.

♕ Ranking System and Roster ♕



  Enlisted Men



  Enlisted Men   

Total Strength : 17

♕ Code Of Conduct ♕

General Rules
  • Always respect everyone in the regiment. They are your brothers in arms and should be treated that way.
    When in an event, teamkilling and wounding is strictly forbidden, No trolling allowed.
    Always try to be active, without you we have no line!
    If you ever have an issue with anyone, please contact an officer.
Teamspeak Rules
  • No offensive descriptions or avatars
    Try to not curse when its not needed. Try to keep the teamspeak as clean as possible.
    Do NOT get into shouting matches with other members on teamspeak, if makes everything loud and just leads to more issues.
    If a channel is locked of there is some sort-of private meeting, please don't just join the channel.

♕ Extra Contact Information ♕

Skype - RicoHarmon
Steam - RicoTheNinja
Twitter - RicoTheNinja
Youtube - RicoTheNinja
Teamspeak IP -

♕ Website - W.I.P ♕
Click the link to go to our website, I will also be changing the pic after every website update!

♕ Event Schedule ♕

Monday - Training (6:30 CT)
Tuesday - Free Day (Future space for Training/Linebattles)
Wednesday - Training (6:30 CT)
Thursday - Free Day (Future space for Training/Linebattles)
Friday - Training (6:30 CT)
Saturday - Linebattle (Possible training)
Sunday - Free day (Possible training/Linebattle)

♕ Linebattles ♕

Sunday 8Est

♕ Application to Join ♕

Steam Name;
Past Regiments?;
Any questions?;

Pages: 1