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Topics - valkmans

Pages: 1
-Work in progress-
Verenigde Amerikaanse Compagnie

The VAC Started of as a joke towards the political correctness and the hostilities towards history.

The VAC (Verenigde Amerikaanse Compagnie) jokes towards the hostilities displayed towards the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) histroy in The Netherlands.

The VAC is meant as a fun environment and to play mainly commander battles in the game: Battle Cry of Freedom.
Other games with commander battle will most likely be played too, like Mount and Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars for example.

It is possible to request a brigade within the VAC. Each brigade will have the same layout however.
Each Brigade will have their own Brigade flag. Any Brigade flag must be aproved by command.

A brigade is made out of 10 people. Consisting out of the following:
brigade HQ.
2 infantry battalions consisting out of 3 infantry companies each.
1 battery,
1 sharshooter company
and 1 cavalry squadron.

-Work in progress-

Regiments / Douanes Imperiales
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:13:30 pm »
Imperial costums officers in short and english.

For more info add [DI] Valk on steam.

Regiments / Metropolitan Police Force
« on: July 25, 2016, 01:42:55 pm »
We are the bobbies in Blood and Iron. Intrested in joining us? add valkmans on steam


Chief Superintendent
Chief Inspector

Chief Superintendent: Batenburg
Superintendent: TheMoustache
Chief Inspector: Fegelein
Inspector: Irish
Constable: Volumed
Constable: Razz
Constable: Dried_Dry
Constable: Panini
Constable: Phasma
Constable: Queef_Stank
Constable: LEPAPe
Constable: Maxwell_York
Constable: Steven
Constable: Johnson

Regiments / Jonkopings I12 Regimente
« on: September 29, 2015, 07:41:59 pm »
We are a sub reg but want to get active during the weak. We do a swedish unit, there is a texture pack with sound you can download for it if you wish. If you got intrest in joining. Add valkmans on steam. i probbally wont be that active on forums

Events / Wendsday 82nd Siege event! CANCELED
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:37:34 pm »
Because there arent enoug people getting on the event I have to cancel the event. The 82nd server can be used for 1vs1 contact me on steam: valkmans

Events / Teusday event 82nd Line battle (line infantry only) CANCELED
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:30:55 pm »
Because there arent enoug people getting on the event I have to cancel the event. The 82nd server can be used for 1vs1 contact me on steam: valkmans

Regiments / Nationale Militie
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:37:17 pm »
We are part of the 82nd Regiment of Foot on the Whigs and Tories mod. The Nationale Militie (NM) is for napoleonic wars :3 if your intrested in joining us on napoleonic wars or whigs and tories add valkmans on steam :D

Pages: 1