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Topics - Sultano

Pages: 1
Regiments / Loyal Lusitanian Legion - Recruiting [EU] [Disbanded]
« on: January 31, 2017, 12:02:19 am »

"Em perigos e guerras esforçados"
(In dangers and wars strengthened)


Introduction and History of the Regiment

The Loyal Lusitanian Legion (Leal Legião Lusitana in Portuguese)(LLL) was a foreign volunteer corps that served in the British Army from July of 1808 to its disbandment in May of 1811. It was formed from Portuguese émigrés (or, expatriates) in England, that fought in the Peninsular War. The Loyal Lusitanian Legion received the title of "Loyal" to distinguish itself from the much larger Portuguese Legion, mobilized at the same time with the best units and officers of the disbanded Portuguese Army by direct order of Napoleon and which would fight for him in the several European campaigns. The Legion was organized in Plymouth, England in July of 1808 and landed in Oporto, Portugal in September of the same year. Between 1808 and 1811, as part of the Anglo-Portuguese Army, the Loyal Lusitanian Legion fought against the Napoleonic Imperial Armies, both in Portugal and in Spain. It was present in the battles of Busaco and Talavera, but was especially used to conduct raids and other irregular operations in the rear of the French Army, framing Portuguese and Spanish militia forces. The Loyal Lusitanian Legion was disbanded in May of 1811, after being transferred to the Portuguese Army, where it was turned into three battalions of Caçadores, this time Portuguese only.

Code of Conduct

Have discipline.
Respect other members.
No post links to disturbing sites.
No cheating, hacking, game exploits.
No threats of violence or harassment, even as a joke!
No soliciting, begging, auctioning, selling, advertising, referrals racism, discrimination.
No religious, political, and other “prone to huge arguments”.


Regiment Headquarters
Coronel (Cor)

Tenente-Coronel (TntCor)

Major (Maj)

Ajudante (Ajt)


Subaltern Officers
Capitão (Cpt)

Tenente (Tnt)

Alferes (Alf)

Aspirante a Oficial (AspOfc)

Sargento-Mor (SgtM)

Primeiro-Sargento (PSgt)

Segundo-Sargento (SSgt)

Furriel (Frl)
Segundo-Furriel (SFrl)

Cabo (Cbo)

Anspeçada (Ans)

Soldado (Sld)


Regiment Headquarters

- Coronel Lusitano
- Tenente-Coronel Jp2000
- Major Viriathus

Subaltern Officers



- Anspeçada Coutinho
- Anspeçada Chouriço
- Anspeçada PREDATOR

- Soldado AndréSantos_PT
- Soldado Lordpinguim
- Soldado 003 skar 98
- Soldado Levi o Lusitano
- Soldado Sergio
- Soldado DutyPlayer
- Soldado Fabster
- Soldado Fernando M.
- Soldado firy
- Soldado DLporto
- Soldado GoodFella




"La Garde meurt mais ne se rend pas!"
(The Guard dies but does not surrender!)


Introduction and History of the Regiment

The Imperial Guard (Garde Impériale) was originally a small group of elite soldiers of the French Army under the direct command of Napoleon I, but grew considerably over time. It acted as his bodyguard and tactical reserve, and he was careful of its use in battle. The Guard was divided into the staff, infantry, cavalry, and artillery regiments, as well as battalions of sappers and marines. The guard itself as a whole distinguished between the experienced veterans and less experienced members by being separated into three sections: the Old Guard, Middle Guard and Young Guard.

Napoleon took great care of his Guard, particularly the Old Guard. The Grenadiers of the Old Guard were known to complain in the presence of the Emperor, giving them the nickname Les Grognards, the Grumblers. The Guard received better pay, rations, quarters, and equipment, and all guardsmen ranked one grade higher than all non-Imperial Guard soldiers. Other French soldiers even referred to Napoleon's Imperial Guard as "the Immortals".

Code of Conduct

Have discipline.
Respect other members.
No post links to disturbing sites.
No cheating, hacking, game exploits.
No threats of violence or harassment, even as a joke!
No soliciting, begging, auctioning, selling, advertising, referrals racism, discrimination.
No religious, political, and other “prone to huge arguments”.
If you dont attend in 2 weeks without giving a good reason, you are kicked.


Superior Officers
Colonel (Col)

Major (Maj)

Capitaine (Cpt)

Lieutenant (Ltn)


Non-Commissioned Officers
Adjudant-Chef (AdjC)

Sargent-Major (SgtMaj)

Sargent (Sgt)

Caporal-Chef (CplC)

Caporal-Fourrier (CplF)

Caporal (Cpl)

Grenadier Vétéran(GrenV)
Grenadier (Gren)


Superior Officers

- Colonel Lusitano
- Major Jp2000

Non-Commissioned Officers

- Sargent MacBirdie


- Grenadier Vétéran PREDATOR
- Grenadier Vétéran AndréSantos_PT
- Grenadier Vétéran Lordpinguim
- Grenadier Vétéran Titolas
- Grenadier Vétéran Don'tKillFred
- Grenadier Vétéran Alex
- Grenadier Vétéran PT
- Grenadier Vétéran DLporto

- Grenadier Joao1959
- Grenadier Chris6Black
- Grenadier Schwienyy
- Grenadier joaocabra
- Grenadier DusRikus
- Grenadier WolfBump


Wednesday - 7pm - Linebattle
Saturday - 7pm - Training
Sunday - 7pm - Linebattle


Use this signature to show your support for the 3éme Régiment de Grenadiers-à-Pied de la Garde Impériale!


Pages: 1