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Topics - SaucyTurban

Pages: 1
Community / Delete this thread pls
« on: June 29, 2014, 04:24:10 pm »

Clans / The RooGoo Community [Be one of us for just 20p]
« on: June 28, 2014, 10:13:29 pm »

Roogoo is currently the cheapest game on steam. When it is on sale it costs only 20p .
Several people have suffered from  being spammed with copies of Roogoo, at 1 point, a single man received 24 copies of Roogoo.
Roogoo consist's of shapes being put into holes, as you can tell it is too OP and is clearly better than mount
and blade.  If you want to join the Roogoo community buy your copy for just 20p

Incase your knowledge is still vague, here is a video clearly
describing what Roogoo is all about.


Pages: 1