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Topics - TheFlyingFishy

Pages: 1
The Anglo-Zulu War / Maps?
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:14:34 am »
Could someone please give me a list of the maps that were custom-made for this mod? I just spent some time playing the game on native NW maps, because no one knew which ones were the official ones. It was not fun. At all. Also, it may be a good idea to only keep those maps on rotation on the server.

Hear one, hear all!
'Tis time for the Freikorps to once again hold a cavalry tournament!

 As those that have happened in the past have been, this will be a team-based bout with multiple rounds, with the winners moving on and the losers being eliminated after two losses.

The date is still up for debate. I don't wish to make it so that people are busy on holiday stuff, but I would also like to make it within the bounds of holiday vacation. Please post what date and time would be best for you when you apply.

The rules will be as follows, with possible editing based on Jasper's command/popular demand:
1) Dismounted players will still be counted as in play, but must abide by all other applicable rules.
2) No wall camping.
3) Keep things civil; no hateful words or actions. Friendly banter is O.K., but don't let it go outside those boundaries. The admin will determine if you are within said boundaries.
4) You don't have to be in a regiment to join. Just so long as you can muster 4 people to fight alongside you! Note, this is not 4 people per team, but it is counting you- the total amount of players on a team is to be 5.
5) You may not argue with the administrators. What they say is final.
6) You may play as any class you like, so long as your entire team is that class.
7.) There may be a single person playing as the "captain" class per team. This person, and this person alone, is permitted to fire their pistol. If the captain dies, you may not pick up his pistol.
8.) You are out of the round if you die. Do not disrupt the match by reentering or firing into the arena.
9) If you leave the arena for any reason you are automatically considered dead.
10) You may not dismount of your own free will.
11) Unlike previous tournaments, the round will not end when an entire team is dismounted. However, dismounted players are not allowed to group up at all. If you've been dismounted you must stay away from your team.

The structure will be as follows:

- Team size: 5-8 Players including reserves.

- The match format is 5 vs 5.

- Quarter finals and below - Best of 3 rounds.

- Semifinals & bronze match - Best of 5 rounds.

- Finals - Best of 7 rounds.

- Opposing teams may be different classes. Sign up as what you're best at.


Applications are as follows:

Team name:
[your team name]
Preferred class:
[your preferred class]
[leader name]([leader steam/forum name])
[member name]
[member name]
[member name]
[member name]

I'm aiming for 8 teams. 16 teams will participate if significant interest is shown.

Please note that everything is subject to change based on how much I've screwed up in the original post, popular demand, and Jasper's whim.

Pages: 1