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Topics - 1st_Yeniceri_Dimitry

Pages: 1
Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Un-ban request
« on: July 21, 2013, 11:31:07 pm »
Name when banned: 1st_Yeniceri_Ar_Dimitry
Server: NW_Official_US_1
Reason: I inquired if "niglet" was considered a racial slur because someone with that name had entered the server earlier, then Getty perma-banned me. Plz un-ban, also it would be nice if Getty gets coached on how to properly administrate a server and not act like some dictator on a power trip, it's getting quite annoying.
Time/Date: around 4:00 pm on 07/21/2013
Timezone: CT
Identification #: Not sure what this is

Pages: 1