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Topics - Jarl Ballin Swag

Pages: 1
Community / Tournament admission fee?
« on: May 30, 2014, 10:22:30 am »
When hosting a tournament the host has to put up the prize money for the winning player(s). I was wondering if instead of doing this, each person that entered the tournament would have to pay a dollar or 2 admission fee? If there is a duel tournament that has over 70 players (Like rebels duel tournament) and everyone would have to of payed a small 2 dollar admission fee, that would be over 140 dollars for the winner(s). This concept would also make sure that people would show up to the tournament because they paid their own money to participate in it. A problem is that the host could just run off with the money, so there would have to be a lot of trust in the host of the tournament. I'm pretty sure this crosses some legal boundaries but I am not positive.  What do you think?

General Discussion / MOVED: Tournament admission fee?
« on: May 30, 2014, 10:17:40 am »
When hosting a tournament the host has to put up the prize money for the winning player(s). I was wondering if instead of doing this, each person that entered the tournament would have to pay a dollar or 2 admission fee? If there is a duel tournament that has over 70 players (Like rebels duel tournament) and everyone would have to of payed a small 2 dollar admission fee, that would be over 140 dollars for the winner(s). This concept would also make sure that people would show up to the tournament because they paid their own money to participate in it. A problem is that the host could just run off with the money, so there would have to be a lot of trust in the host of the tournament. I'm pretty sure this crosses some legal boundaries but I am not positive.  What do you think?

Events: EU / RitZ's NA Duel Tournament
« on: April 02, 2014, 08:35:08 am »

[Tourney will be on April 26th at 5 est (Date and time are subject to change)-[NA]


Hello Everyone! and welcome to my first 1v1 duel tournament! First off I understand that this is difficult timing to be putting up a 1v1 tourney with all of the tournaments happening at the moment and such, but the tournament itself will not begin until May 3rd, which gives us a lot of time to sign everyone up and such. Secondly I would like to discuss the prizes that will be envolved. First Place Prize will be 50 dollars via Paypal or steam wallet, or a 50 dollar steam game of your choosing. 2nd place will be 20 or 25 dollars via Paypal or steam wallet, or a 25 dollar steam game, 3rd Place Prize will be 15 dollars via Paypal or steam wallet, or a 15 dollar steam game. (I've had a job for a while now so I can pay the money on time).

The Tournament will be in a first to 5 format single elimination until the quarter finals and on where the duels will be first to 7's. I will be choosing admins to help me manage the tournament and to maintain an enjoyable atmosphere (You can be a player and admin if you wish). This tournament is also Strictly NA sorry EU phonys that were looking to participate, but I do not want player spots being taken up by players that will most likely not attend because of the time zone differences and because of ping issues. The server has not been decided at this time but you can have my word that it will be a centrally located reliable server that has good ping for most.I also require that all participating members be in the steam group so everyone can be updated and aware of what is happening with the tournament.GOOD LUCK AND GOOD MELEE!

Steam Group link:

[2nd] This Tournament Will Be Held On Saturday April 26th, 2014 (5 EST)
[Details will be posted accordingly through the steam page and thread]


- No shooting.
- Line infantry are the only unit classes allowed.
- No Jump stabbing or fisting.
- Bayonets are the only weapons allowed.
- Duels are single elimination, if you lose you're out.
- Duels will be first to 5, Once in the Quater finals, Semi finals and Finals it will become first to 7.
- Be gracious in Victory and defeat, if you wish to question an admins decision then please do so through steam.
- Once a person is called out to fight they have roughly 3 minutes to spawn in, if not then they will be disqualified.


Steam Name:
In-game Name:
Current Regiment:
Do You Agree To The Following Rules Listed Above?:

22e_Mexicant, [12th]Ens_Zzehth

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / RitZ's 5v5 tournament of minions(NA)
« on: August 15, 2013, 05:35:56 am »
    Ritz's 5 v 5 Tournament

    My Event

    Hey Guys! This is a 5v5 NA melee tournament hosted by 3eVolt_CplFoP_RitZ. A 5v5 tests  your group fighting, team work, and dueling skills. Each team member will receive a 10 dollars ( Subs not included :/ ).It will be a single elimination tournament, so bring your A game.  This event will be held on September 7th at 4 PM eastern Standard time, GOOD LUCK. ALL LEADERS JOIN THIS STEAM GROUP SO YOU CAN KNOW EVERYTHING WE ARE PUSHING THE TOURNEY BACK TO SEPTEMBER 7TH. WE ARE ACCEPTING ONLY 3 MORE TEAMS MAX.

    Los Rules

    • Matches will be in a first to 7 format.
    • Line infantry only (Foot guard is not allowed)
    • Melee only, no shooting allowed.
    • Your team may contain 5 players with 1 sub only.
    • The matches will be held on 3eVolt Offical and other servers (Depending on how many teams enter)
    • NA players only.
    • No trolling or dis respecting comments to other teams.

    Competing Teams

    • A Blast From The Past ([12th]Ghost, [12th]Tammo, [12th]Zorkoth, [12th]Coconut, [12th]Colonys22)
    • The Ham Squad ([9y]LG_APOCALYPS3, [9y]LG_Lithios, Jackie_Chan, 3eVolt_CplFoP_RitZ, [9y]LG_Rogelio, 7thYarf_Meno)
    • Tit Rub ([9y]LG_GLman, [9y]LG_krittixx, [9y]LG_Zach_Attack, [9y]LG_Zzedd, [9y]LG_Sleek)
    • The Conqueefadors ([9y]LG_Pointblank, [9y]LG_DarthJezus, [9y]LG_Cumzey, Psycho, Gamechanger/Richard)
    • Evil Clowns (Superbad, Nelkorta, Offizer, Pickle,and Zerokoolkc)
    • Survey Corps (Eren, Levi, Sasha, Mikasa, Marco)
    • NEEGROs (DragonPuff ,Scopes,Thompson, SilentMan, Mopin)
    • All 7 nation army leaders are bad at melee but we are still going to win the tournament lel (3eVolt_Colonel_Grimsight, 12e_Cpt_DrByeBYe, 27th_Cpt_Newkirk, 44th_Cpt_Menelaos, Nr.1_Rtmr_Philly,  3eVolt_LtCol_Socrates)
    • 79th YOLO swaggains (79th_Noodlenrice, 79th_Realm, 79th_wherner, 79th_purplepanda, 79th_Lips)
    • 10thBI A Team (Fritz, Generic Comrade, Insane, Zman, KPR Hbigga, Gman)
    • 1st Royal A Team (Whalehawk, Seacowski, Johnson, Snake, Ex)
    • Le reddit Brigade (Pureskillz, golfman, afroadam, kiddeee, and Fireboy)
    • Dolphin Assassins ([Strozzi] Toetrick, Atam, Pirate, Mouse, and Aljobe and for a sub Darko)
    • Carpe Diem (Kershaw, Unlosingbuddy, 3aglez, Mushrooms, Storm, Khrod)
    • 29th sucks at melee but we have a lot of people so we through them at a problem (Slim Shady, Killershark, Garnith, Hugo, Crawford, MitchyGlitchy)
    • Raise Your |J0/\/G3R's (Dongers) (Hellomoto, Fallout, Ritz407, MrDots, MrDoran)

    Sign up Template

    Copy and paste the format below to sign up your team.

    Team Name:
    Team Captain:
    Captain's Steam:
    Member Names:

    Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Banned from US_1: RItz
    « on: June 26, 2013, 07:08:25 am »
    Hey, I was banned for using a homophobic slur against another player, without warning the admin banned me, this is the very first time i have been banned from US_1 from day 1 of NW, I apologize for my actions, I will never disobey the rules again. I was playing as [12th]Lcpl_RitZ.

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