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Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Unban Request For NW_Official_NA1
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:48:58 pm »
   Name under which you were banned - Tyrval
    Server(s) you are banned from NA1
    What was happening when you got banned: Very late, very stupid under the influence behavior.
    Did you break any other rules prior to your ban? Pretty sure it was the no slurs one.
    Time and date when the account was banned: Don't have the time, but June 30th or 29th I think.
    User Identification Number* (This is a number server admins can find in their logs THIS IS NOT YOUR CD KEY, DONT POST YOUR CD KEY!): ?
    Why should you be unbanned?: We all make shitty decisions when we're hammered, I didn't really think Johannes would report me nor did I realize the stupidity of my actions. I'd also like to apologize for my idiocy.


About Us

The 47th Lancashire is a British regiment for Napoleonic Wars, imitating the 47th Lancashire Regiment of Foot. We participate in weekly events where we utilize the fine use of steel to put our enemies in the ground. We encourage all members to be vigilant in personal training and combat so the regiment can perform justly on the field of battle. Not only do we aim to become a moving force on the battlefield, but we also mean to create a solid community of friends that enjoy playing all sorts of games together. We're all brothers in arms in the 47th, we fight as a unit, we live or die as a unit, and we have fun as a unit. We do not intend to become the best North American regiment but we do want to set the standard  ;) and raise the bar of intelligence displayed by regiments a little bit.

Regiment History
On 3rd January 1741 Colonel John Mordaunt was authorised to raise a new Regiment of Foot ‘by beat of drum or otherwise’.  Mordaunt’s Regiment was raised in Scotland, becoming Lascelles’ Regiment the following year when Colonel Peregrine Lascelles assumed command. The new regiment was initially ranked as the 58th of Foot, but when in 1751, to resolve persistent problems over precedence, all regiments of the line were ordered to be known by number, it was re-numbered as the 47th Regiment.

General Sir John Mordaunt, who raised and was the first Colonel of the 47th
General Sir John Mordaunt, who raised and was the first Colonel of the 47th
Peregrine Lascelles took over the new regiment one year after it was formed and remained its Colonel until his death in 1772, aged 88.The disaster at Prestonpans rankled to the end of his days, and his epitaph on a tablet in St Mary's Church, Whitby, refers to "a fruitless exertion of his Spirit & ability at the disgracefull rout of Preston pans. He remained forsaken on the field"
Peregrine Lascelles took over the new regiment one year after it was formed and remained its Colonel until his death in 1772, aged 88.The disaster at Prestonpans rankled to the end of his days, and his epitaph on a tablet in St Mary’s Church, Whitby, refers to “a fruitless exertion of his Spirit & ability at the disgracefull rout of Preston pans. He remained forsaken on the field”
The Jacobite Rebellion 1745-46. The young Regiment was employed for some time on the construction of strategic roads in Scotland,scattered in detachments with little opportunity for military training. Then on 25 July 1745 Prince Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, landed in Scotland determined to overthrow King George.  The Royal Army in Scotland, commanded by General Sir John Cope, was utterly unprepared, its Regiments raw and inexperienced.  At Prestonpans,  21 September 1745, Cope was outmanoeuvred and his ill-trained army cut to pieces by Jacobite broad-swords.  Lascelles and eight of his companies shared in this rout and most of the survivors were taken prisoner, but two companies of the Regiment subsequently played an active part in holding EdinburghCastle against the rebels until relieved. Following the final defeat of the Young Pretender in 1746 Lascelles’ Regiment marched south to England and then, in 1748, moved to Ireland.


In 1750 Lascelles’ Regiment sailed for Canada, where they soon won distinction in action against the French and their Indian allies at Chignecto. In 1755 the now-renamed 47th were with the expedition which captured the French Forts Beauséjour and Gaspereau, while in 1758 the Regiment won its first Battle Honour and the nickname ‘Wolfe’s Own’ for its part in a bold amphibious operation to reduce the French fortress stronghold of Louisburg. The following year the 47th joined General Wolfe’s army directed against Quebec. The expedition sailed up the River   St Lawrence but was at first unable either to entice the French commander, Montcalm, out of his strong defensive positions or to approach the fortress. A gallant frontal assault at Montmorency failed bloodily, among those killed being Sergeant Ned Botwood of the 47th Grenadiers, a Regimental ‘character’ known throughout the Army for his ballad ‘Hot Stuff’. Finally Wolfe decided on an indirect approach. Slipping past the French shore batteries by night disguised as a supply convoy, Wolfe’s force disembarked at a small cove above Quebec, scrambled up the steep cliffs, and by daybreak 13 September 1759 was drawn up in line of battle on the Plains of Abraham, behind the French defenders and within a mile of the walls of Quebec. Wolfe had devised a firing method for stopping French column advances that called for the centre of his line – the 43rd and 47th Foot regiments – to hold fire until the advancing force was within 40 yards, then open fire at close range.  It was a tactic that only the most disciplined troops could be relied upon to perform. Wolfe had also ordered his soldiers to charge their muskets with two balls each in preparation for the engagement.

The British Regiments of Foot wait in perfect disciplined silence as the French approach
The British Regiments of Foot wait in perfect disciplined silence as the French come on. They stand fast until the enemy is less than 40 yards away before delivering two of the most devastating musket volleys in history.
Captain John Knox, of the 43rd, wrote in his journal that as the French came within range, the two regiments “gave them, with great calmness, as remarkable a close and heavy discharge as I ever saw.” After the first volley, the British lines marched forward a few paces towards the shocked French force and fired a second general volley that shattered the attackers and sent them into retreat. A British Army historian later wrote: “With one deafening crash, the most perfect volley ever fired on a battlefield burst forth as from a single monstrous weapon.” Following up with a bayonet charge which swept the French from the field, the battle was over within 15 minutes. Quebec surrendered a few days later. Two perfect musket volleys had settled the future of North America. General Wolfe was mortally wounded as the battle was won, and in his memory a thin line of black was included in the officers’ gold lace of the 47th and its successor regiments, down to and including today’s Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment. At the dying request of Wolfe, the Commanding officer of the 47th, Lieutenant Colonel John Hale, had the honour of being sent home with the despatches describing the victory.

Captain John Hale, 47th Foot, in undress uniform. Hale joined the Regiment aged 14, fought in Scotland, won distinction at Beausejour, and commanded the 47th in the Louisbourg and Quebec campaigns. At the dying request of Wolfe, Hale was honoured by being sent home with the victory despatches. He was then commissioned to raise the 17th Light Dragoons, whose white uniform facings and death’s head badge referred to the 47th and to his friend Wolfe’s death at Quebec.
This was not the end of the campaign, for after a severe winter besieged in Quebec on short rations the 47th were involved in a second battle on the Plains of Abraham, 28 April 1760, when after a fierce infantry action the British were forced back into the town.  A relief force arrived the following month and detachments of the 47th served with the expedition against Montreal where, on 8 September 1760, the French capitulated and Canada passed into British possession.


In 1763 the 47th left Quebec for Ireland where they served uneventfully for the next ten years before again sailing across the Atlantic, this time to garrison the restive American Colonies, being quartered first in New Jersey.

Lexington and Concord In the autumn of 1774 the Regiment was moved to Boston, where British forces were being concentrated to counter the growing threat of armed insurgency. In the early hours of 19 April 1775 a small British force including the Grenadier and Light Companies of the 47th set out for Concord, some 20 miles away, to destroy a colonial munitions depot. At Lexington they were confronted by the local militia and the first shots of the American Revolution were fired. A further engagement followed at Concord and the British column’s return march to Boston, reinforced at Lexington by a relief force including the rest of the 47th, was carried out under sustained fire from concealed insurgents.

A contemporary depiction of the British march back to Boston. The Flank companies of the 47th (and the 59th, later 2nd East Lancashires) marched & fought for some 50 miles in 17 hours, including a 7-hour, 18-mile running battle during with the rest of the 47th joined the fight. The 47th lost 18 killed and 55 wounded.
A contemporary depiction of the British march back to Boston. The Flank companies of the 47th (and the 59th, later 2nd East Lancashires) marched & fought for some 50 miles in 17 hours, including a 7-hour, 18-mile running battle during which the rest of the 47th joined the fight. The 47th lost 18 killed and 55 wounded.
Bunker’s Hill The British forces in America were greatly outnumbered and Boston was besieged by the colonists, but on the arrival of reinforcements the British General Gage decided to break this investment by capturing the commanding heights of Bunker’s Hill on the Charlestown peninsular. The Americans were strongly entrenched in a redoubt on the outlying Breed’s Hill feature against which, on 17 June 1775, the British force was most rashly launched in a frontal assault. Twice the attackers were bloodily repulsed, but a third desperate assault, in which the 47th took a leading part, carried the redoubt at bayonet point. Victory had been dearly bought, for nearly half the British assault force became casualties in an unnecessary triumph of dogged discipline and invincible gallantry over poor generalship.

Three times the British Foot regiments marched up Bunker's Hill. Twice they were thrown back with heavy casualties before the third assault, led by the 47th and the Royal Marines, finally carried the crest.  The 47th suffered 73 casualties.
Three times the British Foot regiments marched up Bunker’s Hill into a storm of entrenched fire. Twice they were thrown back with heavy casualties before the third assault, led by the 47th and the Royal Marines, finally carried the crest. The 47th suffered 73 casualties.
Saratoga. Early the following year the 47th were withdrawn to Canada where, after raising the American siege of Quebec and expelling them from Canada, they joined Major General Burgoyne’s expeditionary force for a decisive move against the rebel colonies. After early successes on the Canadian/New England frontier, including the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, Burgoyne marched south to link up with Major General Howe. This combined operation was directed by a Minister 3,000 miles away in London who had unfortunately neglected to inform Howe. Burgoyne set out in September 1777 with some 7,200 men, including the main body of the 47th.  Detachments of the Regiment had been left to garrison the captured posts of Fort George and Diamond Island which they subsequently held against American attacks. The advance was strongly opposed from the start, and near Stillwater on 19 September Burgoyne with some 5,000 men was confronted by over 13,000 Americans in an entrenched position. A close, desperate but indecisive action followed, while a further gallant attempt on 7 October to turn the rebels’ flank met with a counter-attack in overwhelming force.  Mounting British casualties and growing American strength now forced Burgoyne to retire.  The 47th moved ahead to secure the road north and reported that a route could still be forced through the encircling enemy, but Burgoyne decided to halt at Saratoga, where the exhausted remnants of his force were surrounded. On 17 October a Convention was signed whereby Burgoyne’s army was to march out with the honours of war and be given free passage to England.  Unfortunately the American Congress did not keep faith with the Convention and the main body of the 47th were held as prisoners. Many soldiers of the Regiment eventually escaped but the remainder were not released until 1783.


In 1781 the surviving detachments of the 47th in Canada were returned to England to form the nucleus of a reconstructed regiment. They were initially quartered at Lancaster, moving to Warrington in 1782 and Preston in 1783, and it was during this first tour in Lancashire that in order to assist recruiting the Regiment received the county title which has ever since been borne with pride. On 31 August 1782 the following order was issued:

‘His Majesty having been pleased to order that the 47th Regiment of Foot which you command shall take the County name of the 47th, or the Lancashire Regiment, and shall be looked upon as attached to that County. I am to acquaint you that it is His Majesty’s further pleasure that you should in all things conform to that idea, and endeavour by all means in your power to cultivate and improve that connection so as to create a mutual attachment between the County and the Regiment which may at all times be useful towards recruiting the Regiment.’

The French Revolutionary War The 47th were not engaged for the first half of the long wars with revolutionary France.  After a tour in Ireland, 1784-90, the 47th proceeded on foreign service, yet again across the Atlantic,  in Canada, 1790-91, and the West Indies and Bermuda, 1791-1803.  A 2nd Battalion of the Regiment was raised in 1803.


Monte Video 1807. In 1807 the 1st/47th joined an expedition against the Spanish Colonies in South America, taking part in the storming of Monte Video and the subsequent unsuccessful attempt to capture Buenos Ayres.  Shortly afterwards the  1st/ 47th sailed, via the Cape of Good Hope, to start a 20 year – long  tour of duty in the East Indies.

Barrosa and Tarifa 1811. Next to take the field were the 2nd/47th, who from 1809 were based in Andalusia providing garrisons at Gibraltar, Tarifa and Cadiz.  On 5 March 1811 the two flank companies of the 47th played a prominent role in the short but hard-fought victory of Barrosa, losing almost one third of their strength. In December 1811 the entire Battalion was with the British garrison of Tarifa when that fortified town at the extreme southernmost tip of Europe was besieged by the French.  By the end of the month a breach had been opened in the walls and on 31 December this was assaulted by some 2,000 French grenadiers and voltigeurs.  The 47th, together with the 87th, manned the walls and beat back the attackers with a terrific fusillade, thereby ending the siege.  The Regiment was awarded the Battle Honour ‘Tarifa’ and for many years celebrated the victory with a Sergeants’ Mess ball on Tarifa Day, New Year’s Eve.

The Fort at Tarifa. Its defence was marked for many years by a Sergeant's Mess Ball
The Fort at Tarifa. Its defence was marked for many years by a Sergeant’s Mess Ball
Puente Largo. After Tarifa, the 2nd/47th formed part of the garrison of Cadiz until the French siege of that place was lifted. In 1812 they marched north from Cadiz to join The Duke of Wellington’s army which was at that time retiring on its Portuguese bases under pressure from the united French armies. On 30 October they fought a heavy rearguard action at Puente Largo, south of Madrid, where ‘the enemy made a vigorous attempt to get possession of the bridge but were repulsed in a very handsome manner by the 47th Regiment’.

Vittoria 1813 The following spring Wellington advanced to drive the French out of Spain and on 21 June the 47th took part in the decisive Battle of Vittoria. Brigaded with the 4th and 59th (later 2nd East Lancashires), the Regiment stormed the village and bridge of Gamarra Mayor and ‘regardless of a heavy and destructive fire of artillery and musketry, pursued its steady, orderly, and not to be obstructed course without returning a shot, and at the point of the bayonet forced back the enemy, who retired in confusion with the loss of three pieces of cannon’. A fierce struggle continued around the bridge and the 47th had well over one hundred casualties when a general French retreat ended the battle.

San Sebastian 1813 The 2nd/47th were next engaged in the two month siege of the fortress of San Sebastian which ended on 31st August when the town was carried by storm. The Regiment, again with the 4th and 59th, pressed home its assault on the breaches in the face of determined resistance, suffering heavy casualties in repeated and desperate attempts to scale the walls. The assaulting columns, unable at first to force an entry, were ordered to lie down while British artillery bombarded the ramparts just above their heads. Suddenly a French gunpowder store exploded, the British infantry once more swarmed up the breach and after a desperate conflict drove the French back to the citadel, which surrendered eight days later. The storming of San Sebastian was the bloodiest engagement in the history of the 47th. Casualties amounted to 17 out of 22 officers and almost half the other ranks, while by the end of the day command of the battalion had devolved on a wounded subaltern. The town was sacked.

The storming of San Sebastian was the bloodiest day in the whole history of the 47th.
The storming of San Sebastian was the bloodiest day in the whole history of the 47th. 17 out of 22 officers and almost half the men were casualties.
Nive 1813 The capture of San Sebastian enabled the Duke of Wellington to break out from the Spanish Pyrenees into France. In a surprise attack on 7 October the 2nd/47th were among ‘the first British troops whose Colours waved over the sacred territory of Napoleon’, wading across the frontier river Bidassoa against light opposition as the bands played the National Anthem. The advance continued, and the Regiment were again heavily engaged in the hard-fought Battle of The Nive, 10-13 December. When hostilities ceased on 30 May 1814 the 47th were with the British force investing Bayonne.


In the 40 years between Waterloo and the outbreak of the Crimean War the 47th were only in England for four years. The Regiment otherwise served in overseas garrisons, guarding British trade routes and the frontiers of the rapidly expanding colonial Empire. Its stations spanned the world, from the West Indies to Gibraltar, Malta and the Ionian Islands, and on to Arabia, India and Burma. Ireland counted as a home posting, as indeed it was for many of the officers and men.  Overseas tours in the early 19th Century were frequently very long, and when the  1st/47th sailed from Cork in 1806 they were not to return to Britain until 1829, having in the meantime served in South America, South Africa, India, the Persian Gulf and Burma.

 INDIA 1807-1829

Long periods of garrison duty in Bombay, Poona and elsewhere were punctuated by military expeditions. In 1811 the flank companies formed part of a small force sent to subdue the rebel chieftain of Navanagar on the Gulf of Kutch, and in 1814 the two companies marched again to capture bandit strongholds in that area.

Third Mahratta War In 1817 the 47th were involved in the 3rd Mahratta War, also known as the Pindari War after the great bands of irregular horsemen who were terrorising the Punjab and Central India. It was an arduous campaign against a hard-fighting, mobile and numerous enemy, and for the 47th involved many exhausting marches and the storming of several hill-forts in the Gujerat area. By early 1818 the power of the turbulent Pindaris had been broken.

The Persian Gulf Other expeditions took the 47th overseas from India. The flank companies were with a small force which in 1809 captured the pirate lairs of Ras-al-Khyma and Quishm Island on either side of the Straits of Hormuz.  In 1812 Lieutenant Sadlier of the 47th was sent with a small regimental training team to train the Shah of Persia’s infantry. He was also the first European to cross the Arabian Desert. In 1819 the whole Regiment embarked with a second expedition against Ras-al-Khyma, which was again subdued after sharp fighting.

Burma 1825-26 In 1824 the 47th were at Calcutta when war was declared against the Burmese King of Ava, who had been making incursions into Assam. The Regiment had been ordered forward to Sylhet when it was diverted to deal with a serious mutiny at Barrackpore, where the 47th Bengal Native Infantry refused for religious reasons to cross the sea to Burma.

British soldiers force their way into a stockaded Burmese stronghold.
British soldiers force their way into a stockaded Burmese stronghold.
The 47th then sailed for Rangoon, where they joined the army which fought its way up the River Irrawaddy to Ava, near Mandalay. The Regiment distinguished itself in the capture of successive Burmese strongpoints, including the fort at Syrian, near Rangoon, and stockades at Donubyu, Prome and Malun, earning the Battle Honour ‘Ava’.


In April 1854 the 47th Regiment sailed from Malta as part of an Anglo-French expedition to counter Russian expansion through the Balkans towards Constantinople and the Mediterranean.  Their objective was the great Russian Black Sea naval base of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula. Staging through Scutari on the Bosphorus and Varna in Bulgaria, the 47th landed in the Crimea on 14 September with the 2nd Division.

The Alma. On 19 September the Allies marched south towards Sevastopol, and the following morning they were confronted by the Russians in a strong entrenched position covering the River Alma. A frontal attack was ordered, across the river and up a slope to capture the enemy redoubts. The 2nd Division advanced around the burning village of Bourliouk and forded the river in the face of sixteen enemy guns and six infantry battalions. Lord Raglan, the British Commander, then ordered up artillery to enfilade this position and the 47th moved forward in column to take the high ground on the Russians’ left flank. Tactically disadvantaged, the enemy were in full retreat. Casualties of the 47th Regiment at the Alma amounted to 4 killed (including two escorts to the Colours) and 65 wounded.

Inkerman Sevastopol was invested on 29 September and the 47th, encamped on Inkerman Heights, were soon busily engaged in building siegeworks and providing picquets. In the misty early morning of 5 November 1854 the Russians made a determined sortie from Sevastopol with some 35,000 infantry and 134 guns, their immediate objective being the Heights of Inkerman and the unsuspecting 2nd Division. The divisional picquets that morning on the forward edge of the Heights included two companies of the 47th commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Haly. The picquets stood their ground stoutly while the rest of the division got under arms. Haly led his Light Infantry forward in a gallant charge against the foremost Russians and cut three down before he was unhorsed and wounded. Several men came to his aid, including Private John McDermond who was awarded the Regiment’s first Victoria Cross.

Private John McDermond won the first VC to be awarded to a member of the 47th, later the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, by saving his fallen Colonel at the Battle of Inkerman. This portrait hangs in the Regimental Council Chamber of the Lancashire Infantry Museum.
Private John McDermond won the first VC to be awarded to a member of the 47th, later 1st Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, by saving his fallen Colonel at the Battle of Inkerman. This portrait hangs in the Regimental Council Chamber of the Lancashire Infantry Museum.
Meanwhile the rest of the 2nd Division and others were joining the battle piecemeal, including the remaining companies of the 47th. Visibility was very poor and coordinated control almost impossible, so the battle was fought out at close quarters, often with the bayonet, as successive Russian columns emerged from the mist to be engaged by detachments and mixed parties of British Infantry. Eventually the Russians retreated with the loss of some 12,000 men. The Battle of Inkerman, ‘the soldiers’ battle’ as it became known, cost the 47th 19 dead and 47 wounded.

A Hard Winter Cholera had dogged the army ever since Varna, but the miseries of sickness and wounds were added to immeasurably by a terrible tempest of 14 November which sank 21 supply ships, levelled the tented camps and destroyed a large part of the army’s winter stores.  Snow followed the storm, and the ill-clad soldiers in the trenches before Sevastopol suffered great privations.  The correspondent of ‘The Times’ wrote as follows:

 ‘The condition of our army was indeed miserable, pitiable, heartrending.  No boots, no greatcoats – officers in tatters and rabbit skins, men in bread bags and rags; no medicine, no shelter; toiling in mud and snow week after week, exposed in open trenches or in torn tents to the pitiless storms of a Crimean winter.’

Men of the 47th in winter clothing huddle round a fire. Photographed by Roger Fenton, the world's first great war photographer
Men of the 47th in winter clothing huddle round a fire. Photographed by Roger Fenton, the world’s first great war photographer
Sevastopol Throughout this hard winter the Allies maintained their siege of Sevastopol, and when spring came to the Crimea some 500 guns were in position to bombard the defences. On 7 June 1856 the enemy’s advanced works were stormed. Eight officers and 300 men of the 47th commanded by Major Villiers, were part of the force which captured the Russian position known as the Quarries in fierce fighting and held it against repeated counter-attacks. The gallantry of the Regiment was most conspicuous on this occasion. The 47th were in reserve during the subsequent British attacks on the Redan but suffered a few casualties. The Russians evacuated Sevastopol on 8 September 1856 but the 47th remained in the Crimea until the following May. The Battle Honours ‘Alma’, ‘Inkerman’ and ‘Sevastopol’ on the Regimental Colours record a campaign marked by great courage and endurance.


In 1861 the 47th sailed to reinforce the Canadian garrison in reaction to the American Civil War and the possibility, in particular after the Trent affair that year, of war with the United States. It was, however, not until 1866 that they were called on to defend Canada (for the third time) when a force of Irish Republicans launched an invasion across the Niagara frontier. The Fenians, however, hurriedly withdrew on the approach of regular British troops.

The Regiment remained in Canada until 1868.





1st Lieutenant

2nd Lieutenant


Warrant Officer

Warrant Officer 2

Command Serjeant Major

Serjeant Major

Colour Serjeant



Lance Corporal









2nd Lt

















Captain: Fritz
Ensign: N/A


CSM: Sharpie
SjtMaj: Skriz
CSjt: NegaRush
Cpl: FluffyPandExpress
Cpl: Clark
Cpl: Higgins
Cpl: Redshirtguy


LCpl: kevinsr
LCpl: ToastyIce
Gren: Branok
Gren: Mack
Gren: Beandip
Gren: Dovahkiin
Gren: Drocto (BigGayScotsman)
Gren: Dutch
Gren: Reynolds
Gren: CandyK
Gren: Devdog
Gren: Magic
Rgl: Alexander
Rgl: Trodor
Rgl: Wartog
Pte: Fitch
Pte: plootman
Pte: Katyusha
Pte: Codis
Pte: Wharlord
Pte: Raider
Pte: Sheograth
Pte: lomer
Pte: Condernu Dimir
Pte: Murray
Pte: sean
Rec: Anuj
Rec: NoobyWeather
Rec: Paps
Rec: Charles Stuart
Rec: Barnaby

Battles: 6
Victorys: 6
Defeats: 0
Dates and Oppenants:

10/14/13 4teSLR: Victory 6 to 1

10/26/13 26e: Victory 7 to 1

11/20/13 Nr28: Victory , Forfeit

11/24/13 4teSLR: Victory 6 to 0

12/1/13 1stMEF: Victory 6 to 2

12/20/13- 1stYeniceri: GLORIOUS Victory, Six to Zero

12/23/13 Nr92: Victory by forfeit. Nr92 split lines and disboyed various other rules thus forfeiting the battle.


If you're interested in joining the 47th, follow one of the below steps.

1. Add Captain Fritz on steam.

2. Post a reply to this post or send me a private message via these forums using the format below.

Regiment history:

Regiments / 4th King's German Legion [NA]
« on: September 24, 2013, 10:01:21 am »

About Us

The 4th King's German Legion is a regiment based on three things, maturity, fun, and brotherhood. We the 4th have become not just a clan but a brotherhood. A lot of the active members have stuck with me through thick and thin, from a coup to near disbandment and a TON of name changes. We've finally settled with a great part of the community, The Royal Army, where we are surrounded by great regiments with a the same general attitude, kick ass and have fun! We chose to be the 4th King's German Legion because our old 9te Leib Grenadiers name will always ring in the hearts of the devoted men that proudly bore its name. We hope to achieve our goal of making sure all our members enjoy themselves and feel like they can be themselves. Over the many names we've had we've accumulated quite a few great characters who will be remembered forever, many of whom did not have the best of lives. I, Fritz, would like to especially give shout out to our retired Corporal Leschinsky, and our retired Sergeants Lone Razor and Nik, for being exactly what the 4th is all about. We play for fun, we play to win, and we play as Kameraden zum Dienst!





2nd Lieutenant

Warrant Officer 1

Warrant Officer 2

Company Serjeant Major

Serjeant Major

Colour Serjeant



Lance Corporal
























Cpt: Fritz
Lt: Logan
WO1: Alethae

NCOs and Enlisted

CSM: Fenris
SjtMjr: Ojibwa
SjtMjr: Goat The Creator
Sjt: Nik (Retired)
Sjt: Lone Razor (Retired)
Sjt: Sharpie
Cpl: FluffyPandaExpress
Cpl: NegaRush
Cpl: Austine
Cpl: Leschinsky (Retired)
Cpl: Higgins
LCpl: PopsMauler
LCpl: Clark
Rgl: ToastyIce
Rgl: Alexander
Rgl: Drocto
Rgl: Mack
Pte: Fitch
Pte: plootman
Pte: Henderson
Pte: Katyusha
Pte: Kosaka
Pte: Shinji
Pte: CanyK
Pte: DevDog
Pte: Horus
Pte: Erick
Pte: TurtleDove
Pte: SmokingGoldenAce
Pte: Plez
Pte: Reynolds
Pte: Magic
Pte: Dutch
Pte: Redshirt
Rec: Rinzler
Rec: NiceGuy
Rec: Aloste
Rec: Prussian


If you're interested in joining the 4thKGL add 4thKGL_Fritz on steam!

Regiments / 1er Tirailleurs de le Garde Impériale[NA and recruiting]
« on: July 23, 2013, 11:40:24 am »

About Us

The 1erTir is French regiment for Napoleonic Wars, imitating Napoleon's own Young Guard. We participate in weekly events where we utilize the fine use of steel to put our enemies in the ground. We encourage all members to be vigilant in personal training and combat so the regiment can perform justly on the field of battle. Not only do we aim to become a moving force on the battlefield, but we also mean to create a solid community of friends that enjoy playing all sorts of games together. Regiment members need to maintain self-control at all times and regularly make an effort to be a part of the community that we have knit through our old name, the 9teLG.






Sous Lieutenant

Adjudant Chef


Sergent Major

Sergent Chef


Caporal Fourrier



Soldat de Première

Soldat Deuxième




















Major Fritz
Lieutenant Logan
Lieutenant Fenris
Adjudant Robin

Hommes de Troupe

Sergent Major VodNik
Sergent-Chef Django
Sergent Lone Razor
Sergent Miscreant
Caporal Forrier Illusive
Caporal Matthazzard
Caporal Rush
Caporal FluffyPandaExpress
Garde Stengah
Garde Skriz
Garde Clark
Garde Mojo
SoP Beandip
SoP TuefelShuden
SoP Dr.Maggot
SoP Drocto
SoP Efrim
SoP Toasty Ice
SoP William
SoD Sola
SoD Arkona
SoD Salamander
SoD Jrc
SoD Yeezus
SoD Fortu114
SoD Sir Spacey
SoD Alexander
SoD Falkele
SoD Knight
SoD Shinji Ikari
SoD GetSome
SoD KingHenry9
SoD Sharpie
SoD Minipaul
SoD LeGend
SoD Clausewitz
SoD Scarlet
SoD Cie
Cdt Jethro
Cdt Orion
Cdt Fitch
Cdt plootman
Cdt Spotty
Cdt kootz

Les Réservistes


If you're interested in joining the 1er Tirailleurs, follow one of the below steps.

1. Add Major Fritz on steam.

2. Post a reply to this post or send me a private message via these forums using the format below.

Regiment history:
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Regiments / 9te Leib-Grenadiers [NA and yes I'm still recruiting!]
« on: May 12, 2013, 05:41:43 am »

Kapitan: Fritz
OberLeutnant: Fenris
Leutnant: Robin (various names)
Fahnrich: VODNik

Feldwebel: Logan
Unteroffizier: Miscreant
Unteroffizier: Lone Razor
Unteroffizier: Skriz
Korporal: Leschinsky
Korporal: Matthazard

StabsGefrieter: Rush
HauptGefrieter: Stengah
HauptGefrieter: Clark
OberGefrieter: Beandip
OberGefrieter: FluffyPandExpress
OberGefrieter: TuefalShuden
Gefrieter: Efrim
Gefrieter: Spark
Gefrieter: Sola
Gefrieter: Mojo
Gefrieter: Logo8
Grenadier: Arkona
Grenadier: Salamander
Grenadier: William
Grenadier: Toasty Ice
Soldat: Drocto
Soldat: Foru114
Soldat: Illusive
Soldat: Yeezus
Soldat: Sir Spacey
Rekrut: Bberlz
Rekrut: PURPMERC12
Rekrut: Scarlet
Rekrui: Sir Thomas
Rekrut: LambShanks
Rekrut: KingHenry9
Rekrut: Xeface
Rekrut: Falkele
Rekrut: Getsome
Rekrut: UglyBadass
Rekrut: JewPickle
Rekrut: BeefyPoptart
Rekrut: Cie
Rekrut: Alexander
Rekrut: Polimath
Rekrut: Jrc99

For the Garde tryouts, candidates will participate in a series of bayonet duels with other Gardes and myself, including sessions where you are outnumbered, or you outnumber your opponents.

     If I am impressed with your melee skills, including your ability to use teamwork and trickery to prevail in a non-duel scenario, you will will be promoted to Garde on the next Thursday.
     Also Marksmen will be called out after impressive shots DURING battle! and occaisionly if you do AMAZING in training. (I'm talkin like 10 hits for 10 shots at like 50 to 100 Meters)

Rkt to Sdt, just be active and come to as many events you can.

Sdt to Gren, show you have maturity and common sense.

Gren to Gefr, show that your smart and can handle your own in all forms of combat.

Gefr to OGefr, show good listening skill, KNOW EVERY order and be good at melee or shooting.

OGefr to HGefr, show loyalty to the regiment and your Officers/NCO's, OH and be an asset to the regiment in combat. (that means you have exceedingly good melee or shooting skill)

HGefr to StGefr, StGefr is essentialy LCpl, it measn you're on the verge of being a Kpl and having responsibilty on the regiment, so show you're willing to theoreticly give a kidney to the regiment, and you must specialize in atleast 1 form of combat.

StGefr to Kpl, this means you have shown responsibility, loyalty, skill, and gives you a possible chance to lead. (If times are desprate) You become the eyes of the flanks and back of the line.

All Positions higher thank Korporal will be assigned to those who show me they have potential to lead a line or experience leading lines. Also you must care about the regiment's well being and do things like train Rekruts. All NCO's however are expected to take charge in keeping the enlisted in line both physically and mentally.

         We are the 9th Life Guard Grenadiers. A regiment dedicated to fun yet serious play in many games, from NW to SWTOR to Elder Scrolls to Total War to Paradox's Grand Strategies. We fight for glory and honor! With Shot and Bayo we conquer all! With Fritz we flank with Razor we charge. Wtih Nik we laugh with Fenris we focus. With Leschinsky we snipe, with Rush we side block... With Spark we troll, with Austin we stop. With Downie we go crazy, with Andres we space out. With Miscreant we Groupfight, with Arkona we Duel. With Razz and Clark we clutch, with Stengah and Beandip we backstab. Stories we tell, legends we make. Together we fight! Together we live, laugh, and die. Never shall we fall, always shall we rise! The 9te is here and ready to be feared!

Historical Information of the 9te

The Foot Guard was a special unit. Their dress-parades, inspections, reports, salutes, bearing in the presence of officers and on guard, were wonderfully regular, accurate, and according to the regulations.

In July 1813 the 8th (Guard) Infantry Regiment was taken out of the numbering of the line, and 9th, 10th, and 11th advanced one step. The new 12th Infantry Regiment was formed from reserve battalions.
The Foot Guard Regiment (Garderegiment zu Fuß or Regiment Garde zu Fuß ) had similar organization to the line regiments and consisted of staff, one fusilier and two musketier battalions.
In summer 1813 the Foot Guard Regiment was removed from the line, causing the other regiments to be re-numbered. The 2nd Foot Guard Regiment was formed from battalion of Colberg Regiment, fusilier battalion of Leib Regiment and a drill demonstration battalion.

The Guard Infantry Brigade have participated in some heavy fighting during the campaign of 1813 in Saxony. The Foot Guard Regiment  have suffered heavy losses at Großgörschen (Lutzen). The guardsmen also fought at Dresden, Leipzig and elsewhere, and in 1814 at Paris. The Prussian and Russian Guards, and other allied elite troops, participated in the grand entry into conquered Paris.

If you want to talk/challenge/join/whatever add LizardMax

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