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Topics - Thom

Pages: 1
Historical Discussion / The Bluecoats/Battle of Naseby
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:04:06 pm »
Hello people, I was just wondering if anyone had any information regarding the Blue coats who fought at the Battle of Naseby during the English civil war??  I know it is a little before the Napoleonic wars but I will be writing a paper on Royalist battle tactics soon, trying to explain their eventual defeat.  Anyway I have watched a documentary on the battle and it mentions a last stand performed by the blue coats in the royalist army.  They were eventually scattered and cut down, yet they inflicted hundreds of casualties on the new model army in a short space of time!  Now as history tends to be written by the winners, this heroic last stand is rarely ever mentioned alongside other valiant displays on the battlefield.   
Any information on royalist army tactics etc and the blue coats would be greatly appreciated! 

Thank You


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