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Topics - stox

Pages: 1
Community / Up Block Salute / Duel Request
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:09:11 am »
Why has the upblock respect gone away?

I miss those days can we start implying this to regiment players again.

Helps the NA 1 server.



The 12te Grenadiers hope to strive for honor and glory within the gaming community. One can find a regiment filled with gentlemen and serious, but relaxing players within the 12te. We show skill and precision on the field due to our discipline and training, which allows us to compete on a respectable level. If you are interested in enlisting in a structured, well organized, and veteran Prussian regiment; look no further!


Hauptmann (Hptm) Captain: The de facto leader of the regiment, he takes advice from the officers, but his decisions are final. He decides scheduling and who should be promoted.

Oberleutnant (OLt) 1st Lieutenant: Essentially second in command, they work closely with the Hauptmann to plan events, maintain relations, recruit and enforcing orders. They serve a prime example of the regiment’s core values and administrative skill.

Leutnant (Lt) 2nd Lieutenant: First executive officer, they help run the forums and website, plan events, and enforce orders. They are a prime example of the regiments core values.

Non-Commissioned Officers

Fähnrich(Fahn) Ensign / SeniorNCO: Technically the first officer rank, a very seasoned NCO who is experienced in leading and has strong administrative skills.

Feldwebel(Fw) Sergeant Major: An experienced NCO who leads training and serves as a leader for new recruits.

Unteroffizier (Uffz) Sergeant: Beginning of the commanding life, they serve mainly as role models and guides for lower recruits and serve some leading purpose.
Obergefreiter (Ofr) Senior Corporal: An advanced form of soldier who has shown superior skill in battle and in commanding roles. They serve as good role models for new players and are in a position that has proven them to be a strong soldier and potential leader.

Gefreiter (Gfr) Lance Corporal: They have an adept knowledge of how the regiment works and how to act and fight on the battlefield. They take charge when officers are down and have proven they can handle leading in times of need.

Grenadier (Gren) Guard Rank: Equal to a Gemeiner, but a member who has especially proven himself in the art of melee.

Gemeiner (Gmr) Private 1st Class: A strong soldier who have proven their commitment to the regiment and embody the core values of the regiment.
Füsilier(Fus) Private Rank 2: Members of this rank have proven their skill on the battlefield and are beyond basic commands. They embody the core values of the regiment and respect other members.

Soldat (Sdt) Private: The first official rank for the regiment, they hold a solid understanding of formations and regimental functions. They are known to show up to events regularly and have shown that they are dedicated to the group.

Rekrut (Rek) Recruit: The beginning rank for the regiment, made up of people who are new to the regiment, regiments in general, or Mount and Blade itself. They have a basic, or none at all, understanding of formations and how the regiment works.
12te Prussian Greandiers

Commanding Officers



Members are required to use TeamSpeak for Trainings and Linebattles. We also encourage the use of TeamSpeak for any games you might be playing, but understand if you want to play alone. (Notice no time requirements)
Members will be respectful at all times. This means getting along with every player - public or not. We do not tolerate discrimination or malicious insults. If you are to have an argument, do it in a respectful and professional manner. We will take pride in our public image and will remove any who choose to stain it.
Maturity and Integrity

Understand this is an online game and community. Trolling or otherwise inappropriate behaviour is not tolerated. We are a 17+ regiment. The need to tell you to stop shouldn't have to happen. Integrity: Own up to mistakes and try to improve. Although it is not a rule, it is good conduct to inform an officer when you know you cannot attend or will be late to a training or event. This can be done through a post in the forums, a message on steam, or a simple chat on TeamSpeak.



         To join the 12te Grenadiers, add one of the administrators of the steam group to your friends by viewing the recruiting officers above. When accepted, change your in-game name to 12te[Rek]Name. Understand there are no numbers or weird icons or extra "_" 1 name. This is so we can look orderly and professional. You will then receive a description of what to expect in the regiment. Next, join the Website listed above. Finally, get on TeamSpeak 3 and join the fun!


Official Servers Bans & Unbans / unban stox
« on: March 05, 2015, 02:06:19 am »
Name under which you were banned
What was happening when you got banned: Mass recruit message
Did you break any other rules prior to your ban: recruiting.
Time and date when the account was banned: No idea
User Identification Number*  64512
Why should you be unbanned?
I have left this game because of this reason, the only server to play on is NA_1. Yet we may all hate it a little, its the only way to be apart of this community. If I am to come back and recreate a regiment i need to be able to play in NA_1. I understand the recruiting rules. You know i disagree with them. I just want to play the game again with my friends that i have not be able to play with for close to a year. I personally hate how i have been singled out in this offense. I know that I'm not the only one that puts more than 1 message in the "map". Either way I'm here telling you my ways of recruiting will be different and rule abiding. I hope i can get another chance to the community that i feel has got the wrong perception of who i am. 

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / 54th[Col]Stox
« on: December 19, 2013, 10:05:04 pm »
Name under which you were banned -54th[Col]Stox
Server(s) NA_1
What was happening when you got banned - i was selling crackers - by giving out my steam - which admins found that recruiting - and banned me.
Time and date Before thanksgiving little under a month ago - around 2 pm est

Sure ill follow your rules - i just plan on being in NA while the sale goes on. Then you can ban me again.

Community / Best Recruiter NA?
« on: September 27, 2013, 09:02:17 pm »
Serious note: Who is the best recruiter ? is it AsianP? Stox? William? Karth?

We have all had our fair share of Na1 and we all know the vets hate NA 1 - but if you had to choose the best recruiter NA -- who would it be?

^^^ can be other than those 4 i just put examples.

and you better give me reasons why they are the best in your opinion... cant just be, "TICO BEST RECRUITER NA"

Sleek im waiting for your post

or Satlyy who ever gets on 1st

Events: EU / Sunday Event With Stox
« on: September 11, 2013, 10:13:00 pm »

Sunday Event With Stox

Who are we?
North American based line battle Event for Napoleonic Wars. It was founded by Stox, Commanding Officer of the 54th Regiment of Foot - West Norfolk

What is our goal?
Our goal is to create a fair and balanced playing experience within the North American Napoleonic Wars community. We also strive to maintain a mature community that upholds the rules and regulations.

How to Win:
   -3 Maps will be played.
    -The map will be played until one team reaches three victories
    -The team that wins 2 maps will be considered victorious.

- 8pm est - 9:30 ish
- Each week a map type is chosen. (snow, forest, desert)
- Medium Size maps

Line Battle Rules
    -A minimum team of 10 personnel is required.
    -Single rank lines can have a max of 20 members. (this is to make the bigger regiments not seem so menacing)
    -The use of multiple lines or double rank can be used at anytime. (example: 14 men can be split into 2 lines of 7, 1 double rank of 7, or 1 like of 14)
Line Etiquette
   -In order to fire, a unit must be in a line.
    -A line must consist of at least 3 players.
    -Regiments must run in a formation unless charging.
    -Once a charge order has been given, you must charge immediately. No firing your last round, no reloading, no delaying.
    -If one person breaks formation and charges into melee, the whole line is considered broken and is now dedicated to melee combat.
    -A line captain who is in the process of scouting with his spyglass away from his line is NOT considered a break of formation.
    -There is NO firing out of formation, period. The only exception is a line officer and his pistol, who may fire at any time including melee.
    -If an Officer picks up a musket, they must fire in a line.
    -Officers with a musket become free game to be fired upon.
    -No shots shall be fired during melee, even if a shot is loaded.
    -If you are the last member in your regiment and allies are still alive, you must charge an engaged enemy or join an allied line.
    -No "Ramboing."
    -Spacing between players within a formation must be 1/2 man spacing.
    -Formations must contain at least three players.
    -Players MUST fill gaps caused by casualties in between reloading and firing. Regiments that maintain illegal spacing for unreasonable periods will be penalized.
    -Do not kneel while in a single ranked formation at anytime. In a double ranked line, the front rank may kneel.
    - Refrain from the employment of skirmish tactics involving firing and hiding behind solid cover. (column behind a tree to reload = no no)
    -Maintain proper line discipline, and refrain from individual attacks not ordered by the line officer.
    -Refrain from deliberately targeting a leading officer of any regiment, with the sole exception of charges and the ensuing melee.
Artillery Rules
   -Each team will consist of 10% of total team playing as artillery max 10 players.
   -Not all events will not have artillery
   -4 Rankers, 2 arty Trains, 2 officers.
   -Rankers must stay close to the artillery piece at all time. 3 members must load and prepare the artillery to fire.
   -There is no artillery guard nor sapper.
   -Cannons and howitzers can be used, 1/1, 2/0, 0/2. Max of 2 per team.
   -Rankers, Officers, Trains may pick up bayonets but may not fire. Repeat may not fire.
   -If artillery is the only ones left on a match they will be slayed.
   -If both teams only have artillery left the round is a draw and is replayed.
   -40v40 is the minimum amount of players to use artillery in which only 1 artillery piece is used.
Game Moderation
   -During the line battle, 2 preassigned administrators will be present as referees.
    -The administrators will oversee game preparations, line battle rules, and ensuring that all regiments present abide by the rules.
    -The administrators will be in a spectator slot for the duration of the game.
    -The administrators will note any rule infractions, and will slay the offending player in the next round.
    -There shall be no match resets given by the administrators.
    -If the match has been reset by anyone other than the administrator, the team of the offender must forfeit the match.

54th use these rules for scrim purposes.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Unban Request NA_1 Snafu
« on: September 03, 2013, 12:29:21 am »
Name under which you were banned: Snafu
Server(s) you are banned from: NW_Official_NA1
What was happening when you got banned: Team mates were trolling an admin, by teamkilling people around me, i stepped in and killed the teamkiller. The admin had put next person who teamkills gets banned, as i teamkilled the guy teamkilling. So by putting justice in the server i got banned.
Time and date: Honestly i can not remember - it was over a year ago.
Timezone: central 5 pm somewhere in there.

ID: 301871

The reason im posting this unban request is this guy has been in my regiment for over 2 years, and has not yet been able to have the fun we have in NA with the regiment. Yet the man still plays. If hes able to stay in my regiment for that long i can assure you he is not a troll and should be unbanned.

Media / 54th 'West Norfolk' Regiment of Foot Media Youtube
« on: August 31, 2013, 06:31:30 am »

Servers / Rules on Recruiting
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:25:55 am »
 A regiment may advertise once per map, regardless of how many rounds are played on it. This applies to advertisements, both general and individual.

this needs to be changed, if you don't change this the community will die. - i can understand spam - and i can understand hogging - but its fucking 1 am in the morning so if im the only regiment online at 1 am im going ask people, im not waiting 4 maps to just ask 4 people. Especially when its 1 am and there isnt any other regiments on.

i would change the rule to like 1 per person per map, so that if a big regiment goes in and each person asks from the regiment, it would be okay. If nothing changes you might as well just perma ban me because im not gonna stop recruiting, if i see a chance to recruit new players to my community im going to take it.

General Discussion / Question / Mod Request
« on: August 23, 2013, 04:38:29 am »
Is there anyway you can get the character in the screen to join a server or host, where you can edit your character, make him n a british uniform instead of a french one? if anyone knows how to do that or if there are mods to do so let me know.   this guy in a british uniform?

Regiments / 54th 'West Norfolk' Regiment of Foot [NA]
« on: February 07, 2013, 05:04:11 am »



I like to show the regiment history through game life. Here are a few small timelines, unedited from people that have been in the regiment a long time.

-History Of Stox and this Regiment.

After playing many games and running clans, i got hooked on Mount and Musket. Watching youtube videos of BaB i knew i had to do this. I joined Mount and Musket and was taken under 7y with Chester. Chester taught me how to chamber, and play this game. Only being in the regiment for a short time, i was promoted to an NCO rank. I organized the 7y into companies, took leadership roles, and recruited. I soon got disappointed with the regiment and the power hungry officers that in my mind were not officer material. I left and created my own regiment, 49e. I started with 10 people right off the bat that i knew and trusted. I bought the game for my old officers in other games i played, Lt. Prae. Growing quickly and gaining quite the name for the 49e i was really excited. The NEC was my birthplace, and we attended their events. Eventually i left with the 49e and started my own set of rules that i felt were better. Regimental Warfare League (RWL) was born. After rolling many regiments and really creating a name for not only myself but the 49e, we had a split. The entire B company turned away and began to play Dayz and other games. Losing close to 20 people got me discouraged, and i picked up a 2nd job. This made the Heart of the regiment with out a leader, and 1/2 the members gone. It finally broke after many leaders took over.
Feb of 2012 i rejoined the community and made 1st Royal Scots. I gained the old 49e members back and we were determinded to make this work. Gaining members daily and with new officers the 1st RS looks promising. 45 members and a few events a week i was all but back into NW. I soon became uninterested in NW and started to play League. Once again for a month or two without a active Leader the regiment falls. After my League of Legends spree I came back to a regiment that was not happy and had broken. I reformed with Crawford and Hugonaut to create the Royal Army. 1st RS began to grow again and started to take heat from the community, that once was respective and had standards now are filled with trolls and bad regiments. I found refuge with 2nd CS and 29th, which are well respected and very good. I ended up changing my name from 1st Royal Scots to 54th West Norfolk. The reason I changed was because of too many 1st "regiments" and I was tired of being called the 1st Rune Scape. Now as the 54th we have grown and still are growing. With the recent merge in August with 10th with Locust the numbers have exploded. Youtube and twitch tv have helped tremendously with this as well. I'm looking forward to the future of this regiment. The story book conitunes....

The 54th (West Norfolk) Regiment of Foot is a Mount & Blade NW Regiment that focuses on courage, dedication and discipline. We participate in as many events as we can get our hands on, Line-Battles, scrims, melee tournaments, and shooting tournaments. In battle we show courage by taking up lynch-pin positions and reacting to a changing battlefield by communicating and cooperating with our Royal Army brethren and never running from a good fight.
We show dedication by having regularly scheduled events at least 2 or 3 times a week and boasting 20-30 men in two lines almost every time.
Discipline is paramount. We know how to cut loose and have a good time, but when it's time for battle we practice pure discipline. As best we can, anyhow.  Generally, after an event we vent all that pent up rowdiness in a madhouse, no-rules Deathmatch.We drill our lines at every possible opportunity to ensure we run as one well-oiled fighting-machine to make our Royal Army Brothers proud. We try to drill our lines to the point that they can practically play with their eyes closed, just by responding properly to spoken commands. We do not use PTS, you are expected to know when to blab and when to zip your lip. We don't burst out into TKing after a match and we stay out of the Troll-Chat. In this respect, we try to be an example for other Regiments. We do not ask that a player brings any real skill to the Regiment. Those lacking, or those looking for improvement, will be shown the basics. Those interested will also be shown more advanced tricks of the bayonet-poking trade. We conduct regular melee drills focusing on team-fighting and defensive tactics. We have a solid core of Veterans that have been a part of this Regiment since it's conception way back in Mount & Musket through all of our previous incarnations starting with the 49e, the 1stRS, and now in this latest iteration, the 54th (West Norfolk) Regiment of Foot. We have a progressive system for ranks and rank advancement with a structured and effective chain of command. We've been around a long time now and we've learned a few things. We feel that our focus on courage, dedication, and discipline are the most important ingredients to bring to the table when the time comes to crush your foes and bring glory and fame to the Regiment and the Royal Army.


-Active: Member either in game, or through TeamSpeak 3
-Respect: Not only fellow 54th members but the whole community
-Maturity: Understand this is an online game and community. Trolling or otherwise inappropriate behavior is not tolerated.
-Integrity: Own up to mistakes and try to improve.

Add one of the administrators of the steam group to your friends.
Change tags accordingly 54th[Rct]Name. Understand there are no numbers or weird icons or extra "_" 1 name.
Receive a description of what to expect in the regiment.
Get on TeamSpeak 3 and join the fun.


Colonel - Col

Lieutenant Colonel - LtCol

Major - Maj

Captain - Capt

Lieutenant - Lt

Ensign - Ens

Regimental Serjeant Major - SgtMaj

Master Serjeant - CSjt

Serjeant - Sjt

Corporal - Cpl

Kingsman - Kgm

Lance Corporal - LCpl

Regular - Rgl

Private - Pte

Cadet - Cdt

Recruit - Rct

Pages: 1