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Topics - Azbenol

Pages: 1
Regiments / 9e de la Garde Imperiale [EU/Recruiting]
« on: February 03, 2013, 03:26:21 pm »


We aim to represent a highly-skilled French Guard Infantry regiment from the Napoleonic era. We are a large, EU based Regiment, with daily events and Linebattles. We have our own server where we will conduct training sessions to prepare for the events, such as Linebattles and sieges. We are a friendly, fun regiment, but we expect high amounts of discipline from everybody, as we believe that a successful regiment is a fun regiment, and with discipline comes success. Members are expected to attend as many trainings and events as they can, and those who excel in battle, and are loyal and active within the Regiment can expect to be promoted. In the 9e, we value commitment, not just towards the Regiment, but to yourself. It is important to be committed towards getting better and more skilled at the game, and those who do strive to get better as an individual can expect to be promoted.

We follow the basic ranking structure of most French regiments of the period. The Officers run the regiment and ensure everything goes smoothly, the NCO's deal with discipline and training, and the Enlisted men are the backbone of the regiment. If you join the regiment, you will start as a recruit. You can advance through the ranks by attending events, being active, and being skilled.

[Colonel] Colonel
[Lt-Colonel] Lt-Colonel
[Captain] Capitaine
[Lieutenant] Lieutenant
[Sergeant Major] Sergent-Chef
[Sergeant] Sergent
[Corporal] Caporal-Chef
[Lance Corporal] Caporal 
[Grenadier] Grenadier/Voltigeur
[Private] Soldat
[Cadet] Cadet
[Recruit] Recrue

The 1st Company of Garde make up the backbone of the Regiment. They fight in a line with muskets, and deadly bayonets. Firing in Massed volleys, and then eventually finishing with a charge and clash of bayonets, the Line infantry deal, and take, the most damage out of all the companies. Melee and shooting skill is required to progress within the ranks of the 1st Company. All new recruits begin in the 1st company, and upon being promoted to the rank of Soldat, you will have the choice to join any of the other companies (depending on numbers).

The 2nd Company of Light act as an aid to the center company. They scout ahead, and protect the main line from being flanked, as well as working together with the main line to help flank enemies. The 2nd Light company play as Skirmishers and Light infantry, so are very flexible infantry. Shooting skill is hugely important in the Light company, but Melee is also highly valued. The Light company have limited spaces and are considered to be the best shots in the Regiment, so in order to get in you must prove yourself in the center company first.

The 3rd Artillery Company are a small group of handpicked members of the Regiment, who have already proved themselves in the 1st Company. The Artillery are highly skilled at shooting with a cannon, and setting up defences and positions quickly, but also are highly skilled at melee, in order to protect themselves from attacking lines. Members of the Artillery Company are chosen by the Officers and, as in the Light company, officers will only consider members who have already shown themselves to be active and skilled in the 1st company.

Think you have what it takes to be a member of the 9e de la Garde Imperiale? Go to our website, and fill out the application form, where it will be looked over and should be approved by an Officer within 24 hours. Or, you can hop onto our Teamspeak (, and ask for an Officer there. We look forward to hearing from you!

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