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Topics - MisterMcSuckface

Pages: 1
Regiments / 1e Infantrie Regiment de Ligne
« on: February 15, 2014, 02:25:50 am »
Add Mister McSuckface on steam to join woohoo

Events: EU / Gladius Obscura's Monday and Tuesday Linebattle! [NA]
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:18:48 am »
These Events will be hosted by Gladius Obscura, and there will be, as of now, a Linebattle on Monday and Tuesday starting at 8EST. There will also be naval events in the near future. Anyone may join, and we encourage you to invite other regiments to apply. We are also looking for admins. Our Current admins are Mister McSuckface (, Kitkatzzz ( Wumbology ( Add me on steam if you would like to help admin this event. Please add all of these people on steam in case someone is out.

General Rules:
1. Do not fire out of line. you will be slayed after one warning given to your regiment. Leaders are responsible for FOL, not rankers.
2. You must have a minimum of 7 rankers to attend this event as an individual formation, but if you don't have enough you may join the auxiliary line, formed of regiments with not enough people. In the event that there is not enough for an auxiliary line, you may ask to join artillery guard or simply not attend.
4. If there is under 75 people, there will be no cavalry. If under 50, no artillery. If under 30, there will be no skirmishers.
5. Specialist Roles will be decided at the meeting in our teamspeak, which starts at 7.50EST. IP:
Teamspeak is back up!

Line Infantry
1.Must be shoulder to shoulder to fire. Three men is a line. Once you are down to two people, you may rout and find an allied line or charge.
2. In the event you have 20+ people, you must form a double rank or split your line. 20 man single file lines are messy.
3. This is the default class. If you are not assigned a special role, do not play as a special role.
4. No, you may not play as lights and act as line.

1. Firing out of formation, in this event, will be defined as a single skirmisher firing a good deal away from any other skirmisher.
2. Skirmishers may act in pairs, as a single formation, or any division that comes to your mind. However, once there is only one skirmisher left, he must join a friendly line, he may not act alone.
3. There will be no more than 15 men with a rifle on one team at a time.
4. Skirmishers must be ~5-10 spaces away to be considered a pair.
5. Skirmishers may use natural cover.
6. Skirmishers are allowed one sapper, but may only build three items of their choice.

1. If under 100 people, there may be no more than 10 horses on he field. If above, there may be no more than 16.
2. Dragoons may fire in the charge, but otherwise must fire in formation. up to 3 spaces is allowed between each dragoon.


1. Artillery is allowed up to three guns of any combination. Two rockets is equal to one gun.
2. All of the guns must be within 20 spaces of each other.
3. Artillery is allowed up to 10 guards and one sapper.
4. Artillery guards may act as skirmishers, but must play as line infantry.

1. Sappers must stay with their unit at all times.
2. Sappers may not block doorways with anything that cannot be destroyed.
3. Sappers may not stack items. Example: Do not build a stairway up to a roof.

How to Join:
First of all, read and understand the rules listed above. After that, you can reply to this thread using the format below. Second, ad Kitkatzzz on steam: (
Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Leader's Steam URL:
Desired Role:
Days You Wish to Attend:

Rules are open and subject to change. If you think something could be improved, please message me.

Pages: 1