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Topics - Manstein

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Servers / Independent Regiment Group
« on: January 25, 2013, 08:28:23 pm »
Independent Regiment Group

The goal of the IRG is to bring together many small to medium size regiments or even larger ones to mutually benefit each other. Every regiment will contribute to the upkeep of a TeamSpeak server, and a M&B server(s). The regiments will maintain complete independence pooling financial resources together to accomplish projects that are on their own unattainable. Also down the road to host LBs for the community and for ourselves. At no time will the regiments’ sovereignty be violated. There will be a council established that will meet one a month to solve matters relating to the IRG’s resources, like expanding the TeamSpeak server or renting out another server, among other things.

The benefits of being in the IRG is having your own TeamSpeak server and in-game server, along with the possibility of recruiting mercs from other regiments in the IRG to your cause. Since you are contributing to the upkeep of everything these will truly be your servers. As well the IRG hosts an enjin forum allowing you to communicate to your members; the forum also includes a calendar where you can schedule your practices and events.

The Council:
The council is the decision making body that is over the regiments in the IRG. Each Regimental Commander has a spot on the council. The councils responsibilities are as follows: resolving issues between regiments in the IRG, decide on the expansion of the IRG which ranges from deciding to rent a new server on M&B or making the TS speaker larger, deciding the financial contributions made by regiments, to electing a new administrator. The Council reserves the right to decide, or fix any issues or problems that relate to the group. The Council is forbidden from entering into regimental issues or problems, unless the regimental commander requests the Councils help. The head of the council is the Secretary General. Meetings of the council will be held on the 1st of every month, or as needed. A simple majority vote is required to pass anything though the council, except for monthly dues being raised or lowered. The council including the Secretary-General must decide unanimously to do so. The Secretary-General while having voting rights will refrain from voting unless it is needed to break a tie, or is a major IRG issue.

The Administrators
The Administers run the day to day operations of IRG and have no decision making power over any regiments. They are here just to make the day to day operations run smoothly and are at the service of the regimental commanders.

The current Secretary-General is Manstein as the Founder of the IRG. His responsibilities include:
Supervise the Council meetings.
Voting on the Council as the representative for the Admin Team
Collecting the financial contributions every month from the regiments
Paying all of the IRGs’ expenses
Creating and keeping well recorded financial records on the forums
The official mediator in any regiment on regiment issue if requested by both regiments involved OR issues between individual members of different regiments if both Regimental commanders request this
Running the Administration side of the IRG
Being the Admin for any IRG hosted Line Battles
Handles all Public Relations Matters
The Judge for Bylaw violation court cases
Any other responsibilities assigned by the council temporary or permanent

Forum Moderator
The current Forum Moderator is Skyskull. His job is to moderate the forums, and the calendar.

Server Manager
The current Server Manager is Romulus. His job is to manage the servers both TeamSpeak and in-game.

IRG Bylaws:
By signing up to the IRG you agree that your unit will obey all bylaws and the council decisions.
1)   The Decisions by the Council are final, and can only be overruled by another council vote.
2)   Only the Council may make changes to the bylaws or add/remove old Bylaws
3)   No one is above the Bylaws
4)   Should you be unable to attend the Council Meeting, you have the right to send a delegate from your regiment who has your voice and power, including voting rights. However you do not have to send a delegate, it is strongly suggested
5)   Respect the sovereignty of other regiments
6)   Respect other regiments activities
7)     Every 6 months the IRG will perform a self-audit

IRG Court
Should regiments’ or individual actions ever become heinous and disrupted, another regiment can call an emergency Judicial Council Meeting, after another regiment seconds their motion and both regiments tell the Secretary-General a Judicial Council Meeting will be held. The Council member from the accused regiment has 1 week to come up with a defense and the Regiment council member that made the complaint has a week to prepare the prosecution. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution; the offending regiment is innocent until proven guilty. The Secretary-General will serve as the Judge over the trial, and the other council members will form a jury of at least 12. The decision by the other council members must be unanimous. If the Jury is not of 12, some regiments will bring more officers as Jury members chosen by the Secretary-General. If found guilty the Secretary-General will decide punishment, which at most is expulsion from the IRG either of a single member, or a whole regiment.

Every regiment will pay monthly dues of US $20 for the upkeep of the in-game server and the TS. They are to be paid at any time during the month, as long as it is during the month. Financial plans can be created at the discretion of the Secretary-General; however a discounted rate must be approved by the council. Should any member regiment not pay their dues 3 months in a row or 4 months not in order a Judicial Council Meeting will be held. If the IRG ever makes a profit it will be held as a rainy day fund at a maximum amount of US $100. Once the rainy day fund hits US $200 a refund will be arranged by the council, back down to the US $100 maximum. The Secretary-General will keep well recorded financial records on the forums showing exactly where every dollar goes. Every 6 months the IRG will perform a self-audit to insure financial bookkeeping is being done properly. The council reserves the right to increase the dues.

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