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Topics - Romulus

Pages: 1
Regiments / Sons of Serbia [NA] [Recruiting]
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:03:27 am »

Pozdrav readers thank you for stopping by, allow me to introduce myself. I am Romulus, Ezredes of the Nr.96 Grenadiers of Ferdinand Kronzprinz Von Romania, Pukovnik of the Sons Of Serbia Infantry Division, Commander of Her Majesties Canadian Light Infantry Taskforce, Tribunus of the Legio Numidium, Lord Protector of the Battle Hamsters, and Colonel of the 149th Pennsylvania Bucktails. I am here to tell you about my glorious Regiment.

Teamspeak ( 2-14-14 )
Members of the Sons of Serbia
(Cultural Ranks)
Pukovnik: Romulus
Potpukovnik: OGBigBrother/Limbo
Kapetan: Marshall
Porucnik: Lighthouse
Vodnik: Lusitano
Vodnik: Dowdpride
Vodnik: Last Beluga
Desetar: PersianGoo
Desetar: Lain/ The Dane
Desetar: Peanutz/ The Imp
Desetar: Leo/ Turian Daddy
Barjaktar: Horus/ MountainMan
Barjaktar: DarfDj/ korean BBQ
Barjaktar: Lyth/ Palistinian
Privatan: SkyIceWolf
Privatan: Aloysius
Privatan: Yuri
Privatan: Fraoliva

Regimental Assets:
  • 200 Slot Mount and Blade Warband Server
  • 50 Slot teamspeak Server
  • 30 Slot Minecraft Server (I Dunno why lol)

  • Friday 8 EST- Nr96 Friday Night Linebattle
  • Saturday 8 EST- USMC Iron Europe Saturday Trench Assault
  • Sunday 8 EST- NACE Iron Europe Sunday Battle
  • 30 min practice before every battle.
  • Get the password to the Linebattles from an NCO.
Our regiment is an active group of friends who play a wide variety of games, Organized play rests solely on Napoleonic Wars. We welcome anyone who wishes to join from any part of the world. We have 3 events a week not including invitationals and 1v1s. Our regiment is not massively strict and We have a long running administration in place which played a big part in the Long Standing of our regiment, dont think you can just earn ranks easily, Our ranks are badges that commerate great events in our teamspeak and events, our actual military ranks are mostly ceremonial. Which works as a good system of fairness and promotes dedication, We are however strict when we need to be. So if you're looking for a easy going regiment and want to have a fun-ass time then the Sons of Serbia might be the place for you.

Why Serbia?
Why Serbia? I hear you ask, but Serbia was a major part in World War 1! The Austrians had a whole front dedicated to them and almost every participating nation in the war had troops stationed on the front. The victory that the Entente won on that front cost around 1 million Serbian lives, both civilian and military. The Serbian people showed extraordinary courage fighting against the Central Power and were a major factor in the onset of the war. The Serbians fought  against the much larger combined forces of the Central Powers at great battles like, Battle of Cer which was the first Entente victory against the Central powers. In the face of defeat the Serbs did not give up and after facing several defeats rallied there armies and marched to reclaim there home from the central powers. Serbia and her allies were able to liberate her and country and went on to push into Austria Hungary. Serbia isnt an unsung hero of the war but they deserve respect and acknowledgement for their contributions to the victory over the central powers. My Regiment is an North American based one and i am not going to say that we are the sole Serbian Army, and that is not what i am branding us as. Rather, we are sons of adversity and we choose to fight for the country who deserves to be fairly represented. We have the resources and manpower to make the name of serbian army known throughout the mod. If you join our regiment I can promise you a comraderie that not many others can provide and a tag that you can wear with pride. Join the Sons of Serbia, fight for serbia and remove the central powers from our lands and liberate the serbian people!

The rules and regulations of our regiment:
  • -We ask that you be respectful to your comrades and helpful in training and events
  • -We ask that you use our Tag in battle: SoS_(Rank)_Name
  • -We ask that you be present on TeamSpeak during events and practice
  • -We ask that you join our Steam Group so we can post events and notify you when events are scheduled.

Regarding promotions, and Discipline.
  • -Promotions we believe should be earned through marksmanship and melee prowess, however showing a level head and intelligence in a leadership or survival situation will score you great marks.
  • -We will use each individual member to their fullest potential and will reward the best and brightest with honors.
  • -Punishment we believe is not necessary, though deliberate actions taken against the regiment members within the regiment will result in demotion, and possible temporary bans.
  • -Finally We ask that you have fun when playing and remember to play as best you can, don't worry we all suck.

Events: EU / Nr.96 North American Friday Linebattle (cancelled)
« on: November 30, 2013, 06:21:14 am »
Nr.96 North American Friday Night Linebattle
the Nr96 has had a moderate history of Linebattles we started back in December 26th 2012 almost 1 year of linebattlin and we feel its time to host some good old Napoleonic action. the old friday event we went to unfortunately went under so we thought it is a good time to finnaly put forward the Nr96's resources. 200 slot server hosted in Michigan ready for battle, eager admins ready to service this glorious event. Rules will be fairly simple and will
be talked about later in the post.

Event starts at 8 PM EST/5 PM PST/1 GMT

General Ruleset:
  • All lines (excluding skirmishers), must fire in a line. You must be in a Line of 4 men to fire upon another line. If your regimnet reaches 3 men you must find an ally line to tag along with.
  • No Double Gunning
  • Skirmisher class should not exceed 12 fighting men. Officer and Bugler does not count to this number.
  • Cavalry may not exceed 12 men, this includes officer and NCO class.
  • One cannon must consist of 3 crew (Officer, Gunner, Train) and atleast 1 guard. Cannon allowance is up to balance it is unlikely that there will be specialists in the first LB.
  • Firing in a Charge is not allowed. Firing in melee is not allowed
  • You must accompany your line at all times. leaving your regiment may be seen as Ramboing.
  • officer buffs will not be turned on.
  • Artillery may have sappers at the moment.
  • To gain specialized classes like Artillery, Skirmishers and Cavalry we will run this on requests first come first serve.
  • If your Arty guard is to large they can split off and be a seperate line if they wish to do so. No Howitzers/Rockets only regular cannon
  • Admins word is law
  • 3+4=8
  • The server this battle will take place on is: Nr96_FKR_NA. Come to the Hosts Teamspeak 30 minutes prior to Line Battle:  for standard information and any questions please feel free to post here
  • Or add me on steam here:

Regiments attending this event:
16th FG
27th highlanders

Application Template:

Name of your Regiment
Average Attendence
Steam Identification URL
Do you agree to follow the rules
By applying to this you are liable to laceration, incineration, atomization, and californication.

Optimates / Legio_Numidium (NA/EU) (Recruiting)
« on: November 17, 2013, 11:37:35 pm »
Legio Numidium

Hello all I am Romulus Tribunus of the Legion of Numidia and proud protector of the Numidian people. The Legio Numidium is a branch of the NA Napoleonic Wars regiment Nr 96, a small regiment in the NA circuit of NW events. The Legio Num is a regiment that likes to exclusively go Numidian in the Shield Battles and we host our own 200 slot NA server. We have an active roster of 16 people, We have been active in the BC NA events and havent gotten around to make a Regiment thread until now. We are actively recruiting and have alot of highly skilled Numidian soldiers ready to die for our glorious king Juba. We host our own 100 slot TS server that has been pretty faithful. If your interested in joining up with an active Legion add me on steam. We have events on Saturday and Sunday at 6 EST and 11 GMT.

My steam:


Regiments / The Zouaves of the Imperial Guard [NA] [Recruiting]
« on: June 02, 2013, 03:28:31 am »
The Zouaves of the Imperial Guard

Vive l'Empereur!

The Zouaves of the Imperial Guard is a French regiment in the mod Blood and Iron. The ZouG will use line infantry doctrine, and a little bit of fun thrown in the mix. The ZouG is a active regiment with a 200 slot Server on Blood and Iron for now and a 100 slot Teamspeak, we are a branch of the Napoleonic regiment Nr. 96 FKR Hungarian grenadiers of line. We plan on hosting some events with friends or possibly public, we are not strict in requirements however we will remind any recruit that our time schedule lies in North American Eastern Standard time. This however does not seem to bother the numerous European members we have who stay up late to play with us. Our regiment is based on fun and camaraderie we do alot of things together we have weekly game nights of Paradox GSG games and Source games like L4D2 and Payday: the Heist. We have an active teamspeak. We also currently have a 26 Slot Minecraft server set up with Bukkit for regiment members. our administration treats all members fairly and justly regardless of rank and we are a friendly lot with members of all ages.

Currently our Regiment stands at 20 active members for this mod and we are fully interested and plan on being as active as possible, Our ranks currently stand at


Col: Com
LtCol: Chef
Captain: Cap
Major: Maj
Lieutenant: Lt
Master Sgt: Asp
Color Sgt: Sou
Sgt: Ser
Corporal: Capo
Private First Class: Soldat
Private: Cadet

And our roster:



If you are interested in joining Add me on steam:


Pozdrav readers thank you for stopping by, allow me to introduce myself. I am Romulus, Ezredes of the Nr.96 Grenadiers of Ferdinand Kronzprinz Von Romania, Pudkovnik of the Sons Of Serbia Infantry Division, Commander of Her Majesties Canadian Light Infantry Taskforce, Tribunus of the Legio Numidium, Lord Protector of the Battle Hamsters, and Colonel of the 149th Pennsylvania Bucktails. I am here to tell you about my glorious Regiment.

Teamspeak ( 2-14-14 )
Members of the Nr. 96
Colonel: Romulus
Lt Colonel: OGBigBrother/Limbo
Captain: Marshall
1st Lieutenant: //DODGE CARAVAN SXT
2nd Lieutenant: Lighthouse
Sergeant: Lusitano
Sergeant: Dowdpride
Sergeant: Last Beluga
Corporal: PersianGoo
Corporal: Lain/ The Dane
Corporal: Peanutz/ The Imp
Corporal: Leo/ Turian Daddy
Lance Corporal: Horus/ MountainMan
Lance Corporal: DarfDj/ korean BBQ
Lance Corporal: Lyth/ Palistinian
Private: SkyIceWolf
Private: Aloysius
Private: Yuri
Private: Fraoliva

Regimental Assets:
  • 200 Slot Mount and Blade Warband Server
  • 50 Slot teamspeak Server
  • 30 Slot Minecraft Server (I Dunno why lol)

  • Friday 8 EST- Nr96 Friday Night Linebattle
  • Saturday 8 EST- USMC Iron Europe Saturday Trench Assault
  • Sunday 8 EST- NACE Iron Europe Sunday Battle
  • 30 min practice before every battle.
  • Get the password to the Linebattles from an NCO.
Our regiment is an active group of friends who play a wide variety of games, Organized play rests solely on Napoleonic Wars. We welcome anyone who wishes to join from any part of the world. We have 3 events a week not including invitationals and 1v1s. Our regiment is not massively strict and We have a long running administration in place which played a big part in the Long Standing of our regiment, dont think you can jsut earn ranks easily, Our ranks are badges that commerate great events in our teamspeak and events, our actual military ranks are mostly ceremonial. Which works as a good system of fairness and promotes dedication, We are however strict when we need to be. So if you're looking for a easy going regiment and want to have a fun-ass time then the Nr.96 might be the place for you.

Our History
It has been a long dark road for us since our founding by our antiquated traitorus old Colonel. We could have split many times, under the decrepid rule of our former Colonel we would have been led into a spiraling freefall of mismanagement, slothfulness, endless political debates, and failed RPs. There were times where the night was dark and full of terrors, and our community could have become cancerous and bloated with arrogance and self righteousness A very Illogical place. However dear reader I refused to allow that to happen. I mustered up what i could and kept us alive, i used the flame glowing in my heart to advance past the adversity of a small up and coming regiment, and tried to achieve the beautiful beautiful goal that all regiments strive to achieve. For to long have I stood idly by while other regiments grew, for it is our time to sieze the oppurtunity. I am re vamping our regimental thread in a effort to start a recruitment campaign. My regiment is a close knit group, our core lies in the North American Continent but our heart shine from all over the world. We have Members from Brazil, Canada and the UK, and all over the US. We vary from ages, but most of us are 16-19. we have a 50 slot Teamspeak and a 200 slot Mount and Blade Warband server. We are dedicated to gaming, we play shooters RPG's, RP's, Strategy games, Grand Strategy Games, and obviously Napoleonic Wars. We like to joke around alot and tend to scare off alot of new recruits but we all mean well and love to meet new people. Our Regimental structure is a standard one, however we can't seem to find a use for ranks other then ceremoniously. I like to pride myself on operating a pretty smooth ship, i value the council of all of the members from Private to Lt Col. We dont discipline much but when we do its done by the group for a truly heinous act. I tend to record and upload some of our Linebattles so watch out for that if your interested in joining up. Our teamspeak is very active its more of a forum then a actual chatting client. We use our TS for announcements, gaming, aswell as movie nights. We used to do a Movie night every saturday until all of our streaming options banned us for copyright. We started doing our events last year in November and our event has been growing strong since. I have faith in every single member of my clan that they wll make me proud in every game they play. I see my regiment as my friends and treat them with the repect they deserve.

The rules and regulations of our regiment:
  • -We ask that you be respectful to your comrades and helpful in training and events
  • -We ask that you use our Tag in battle: Nr96_FKR_(Rank)_Name
  • -We ask that you be present on TeamSpeak during events and practice
  • -We ask that you join our Steam Group so we can post events and notify you when events are scheduled.

Regarding promotions, and Discipline.
  • -Promotions we believe should be earned through marksmanship and melee prowess, however showing a level head and intelligence in a leadership or survival situation will score you great marks.
  • -We will use each individual member to their fullest potential and will reward the best and brightest with honors.
  • -Punishment we believe is not necessary, though deliberate actions taken against the regiment members within the regiment will result in demotion, and possible temporary bans.
  • -Finally We ask that you have fun when playing and remember to play as best you can, don't worry we all suck.

Events / 3rd_EKR NA/EU Saturday 10:00 AM PST Anglo Zulu battle
« on: January 26, 2013, 08:13:59 pm »
3rd_EKR Anglo Zulu LineBattle Event

Due to recent events and the lack of events we the 3rd_EKR propose a Saturday battle for all to join on our server. the 3rd_EKR_US_AZW we purpose a standard rule set:

British Rules:

-No double gunning
-max 12 cav
-Cav can fire on horseback
-Cav can reload on horseback
-Max 1 sapper for one line
-Minimum of 8 soldiers for a eligible Sapper

Zulu Rules:

-Picking up British rifles is allowed except for Sabres and melee.
-One maximum Skirmisher line
-Throwing spears must be thrown in a volley, Line is not necessary just a group.
-Zulu Skirms and rifle looters must fire in Line

This would be the 3rd event played on our server and although we are not used to organizing events we are good at admining

Application to join:

Regiment name:
Average attendence:

Sorry if this seems unprofessional but i am not good at making these kind of things, just good at leading and server maintenance.

Attending Regiments:


Regiments / The 3rd Royal East Kent Regiment of Foot
« on: January 10, 2013, 07:13:50 am »
The Royal East Kent Regiment of Foot

Hello i am Romulus LtCol of the 149th Pennsylvania and now LtCol of the East Kent Regiment of Foot. Our regiment is proud to support this great mod and will gladly join the events that are being made for it. We are a dedicated bunch who may number small, around 19 men, we still love to play this game and most importantly this mod. Our regiment likes to keep discipline but at the same time we are more into the fun part of the events, after all the Colonel's whip cracks out of love! Currently we have 19 members but we want to facilitate at least 20, and ranks aren't to important to us the privates suggestions will be as valuable as the Lt. Colonels, however all action is to the current highest ranking living soldiers discretion.  The 3rd_EKR or the 3rd East kent Regiment of Foot will serve the Zulu mod with utmost loyalty and dedication in fact some of us already started playing the mod, I have a alias known as Michael Caine  ;)

Regarding rules, promotions, punishments and regulations in our Regiment.

-We ask that your be respectful to your comrades and helpful in training and events

-We ask that you use our Tag in battle: 3rd_EKR

-We ask that you be present on TeamSpeak during events and practice

-We ask that you join our Steam Group so we can post events and notify you when events are scheduled.

-Promotions we believe should be earned through marksmanship and melee prowess, however showing a level head and intelligence in a leadership or survival situation will score you great marks.

-We will use each individual member to their fullest potential and will reward the best and brightest with honors.

-Punishment we believe is not necessary, though deliberate actions taken against the regiment members within the regiment will result in demotion, and temporary bans.

-Finally We ask that you have fun when playing and remember to play as best you can, don't worry we all suck.

Currently our ranks and soldiers that we use are.
Colonel: Stephen Colbert
Lieutenant Colonel: Romulus
Lieutenant: thefatkid
2nd Lieutenant :
Non-Commissioned Officers
Sergeant Major:
Color_Sergeant: Lighthouse
Lance Corporal:
1st Private: CaptainMcMuffin, Siphilis, Big Brother,
Private: Washington, Vladimirglenin, Augustus, Darthdj, Jack, Skyicewolf, aloysius, xorph, persian

History of the Royal East Kent Regiment of Foot:
The origins of the regiment lay in Thomas Morgan's Company of Foot, The London Trained Bands which was in existence from 1572 to 1648. In 1665 it was known as the 4th (The Holland Maritime) Regiment and by 1668 as the 4th (The Holland) Regiment. In 1688-1689 it was "4th The Lord High Admiral's Regiment" until 1751 it was named as other regiments after the Colonel Commanding being the 3rd (Howard's) Regiment of Foot from 1737-1743 at which point it became the 3rd Regiment of Foot, "Howard's Buffs".

The 3rd Regiment received its nickname of "The Buffs" because it had been issued buff coats—made of soft leather—first when it served abroad in Holland and later when it was a Maritime Regiment of Foot. It was later given buff-coloured facings and waistcoats to distinguish itself from those of other regiments and had their leather equipment in buff rather than dyed the traditional white.
It received the title of "The Old Buffs" during the Battle of Dettingen in 1743, when the 31st (Huntingdonshire) Regiment of Foot marched past King George II and onto the battlefield with great spirit. Mistaking them for the 3rd due to their buff facings, the sovereign called out, "Bravo, Buffs! Bravo!". When one of his aides, an officer of the 3rd regiment, corrected His Majesty, he then cheered, non-plussed, "Bravo, Young Buffs! Bravo!", thus granting the 31st the honour of being nicknamed the "Young Buffs". The 3rd Regiment then took to calling themselves the "Old Buffs" to keep themselves distinct from the 31st.

The Buffs obtained the name of "The Buffs" officially in 1744 while on campaign in the Low Countries. The 3rd Regiment was then under the command of Lieutenant-General Thomas Howard. At the same time, the 19th Regiment of Foot were commanded by their colonel, the Honourable Sir Charles Howard. In order to avoid confusion (because regiments were then named after their colonels, which would have made them both Howard's Regiment of Foot), the regiments took the colours of their facings as part of their names - the 19th Foot became the Green Howards, while the 3rd Foot became Howard's Buffs, eventually being shortened to simply The Buffs.

In between the campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars and India, "The Buffs" had a tour of service from 1821 until 1827 in the British colony of New South Wales. For the duration of their service, The Buffs were divided into four detachments. The first was based in Sydney from 1821. The second arrived in Hobart in 1822. The third, entitled "The Buffs' Headquarters", arrived in Sydney in 1823. The fourth arrived in Sydney in 1824, but variously saw service throughout the colonies, being stationed at Port Dalrymple, Parramatta, Liverpool, Newcastle, Port Macquarie and Bathurst. The regiment reunited and was transferred to Calcutta in 1827. During their service in New South Wales, The Buffs were commanded by Lieut. Colonel W. Stewart and Lieut Colonel C. Cameron.

Our training Schedule is:

Tuesday: 3PST/6EST

Saturday: 2PST/5EST

See you in Zululand! Rule Britannia!

Pages: 1