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Topics - ThatRussian

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Saturday Stampede and Monday Melee (Open)
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:55:55 pm »

Event will start on March 15, 2014 (In order to fill out teams)
Saturday Stampede!
An all specialist event followed by an organized fun-mode round.
Hosted by the Komanda Grodno Battalion

Server Information
The server will be open up to 30 minutes before in order for maps to be downloaded before the start of the event.

Server name will be *1stAA_Event* for all our events.  Password will be given 30 minutes before the start.

Battle time will begin at 8pm EST.  Rounds should start by 8:15pm EST.

Check In
Regiment leaders are expected to check in between 7:15 and 7:30 EST prior to event. We will be taking estimate numbers of attendees in order for team balance and all specialist units will be assigned.  Server password will be handed out at 7:30 EST.

Check ins will be held in the KGB team speak3:

Leaders will also be read the rules for that night's fun round before server information is handed out.  Fun Rounds will vary week to week as will the rules of that round, so leaders must stay for Fun Round info and pass that on to their members to ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows all the rules before we start.

Rules are subject to change if need be.

General Rules:
  • All units must move in formation and with their group
  • Fire on the charge is allowed for all units
  • Reload in combat is only allowed for skirmishers
  • You must stay the unit assigned unless you ok a change with an admin (changing from one cavalry unit to another is allowed, but not from cavalry to skirmisher)
  • Teams should consist of only one unit, do not mix and match.

1 regiment per team
  • May use up to 3 cannons or 2 cannons and one howitzer
  • May not exceed 20 players
  • May use any unit of guard or line infantry for artillery guard
  • May have 1 sapper, sappers will have 200 build points
2 Regiments per team
  • Minimum of 6
  • May fire and reload on charge
  • May have 1 sapper per team per skirmisher units (Artillery 1, Plus only 1 more for one or the other skirmisher regiment. Teamwork)
  • Skirmishers may use 5 man spacing and must be in an organized blob while firing
  • May only use rifles or swords. No Infantry muskets please
No limit
  • Minimum of 5
  • May use any cavalry unit, but must be all same unit (rule breakers will be slayed)
  • Must move in formation
  • Dragoons may fire on the charge but may not reload
  • When below 3 please join another regiment
  • May not dismount and garrison sapper buildings unless they are joining a foot regiment due to lack of numbers

Regiments / 1st Norfolk Regiment Sandringham Company (Closed)
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:45:53 pm »
1st Norfolk Regiment: Sandringham Company

This unit, 'The Sandringham Pals' is perhaps better known as 'The Vanished Battalion',  as most of them perished in an ill-conceived attack on 12th August 1915 at Suvla.

That they became so famous, was due to three factors : first of all, most of them were employed by the English Royal Family at the Sandringham Estate. A second strange fact was that - officially at least - their bodies were not found. And last but not least, long after the war, a strange story popped up, when two Gallipoli veterans declared they had seen the Norfolks march into a strange cloud, that engulfed them, then lifted and drifted away, leaving nobody behind. Clearly the work of an early UFO and a legend was born.

In the meantime, the definitive book on the matter is available and the BBC has even made a documentary film about the affair. What is harder to find however, is the official regimental history, published after the war, in which the few survivors tell about their experiences in Gallipoli at the time.

Rules and Guidelines

  • Have fun!  This is a game, real life will come first and foremost.  If you are having an issue and not enjoying yourself let an officer know.
  • Respect others, treat them as you would like to be treated.  Keep trolling reasonable and never degrade someone else.
  • Jokes are allowed, but keep them classy and non-offensive.  If someone asks you to stop because they were/are offended, please just stop.
  • We do not use ranks besides the head officers.  Everyone is equal and will get responsibility in par with their dedication and effort.
  • Do not ask for ranks, do not whine about problems you have not tried to solve, and do not be a debby downer.  We are here to have fun and do not need someone ruining the mood.  If you have a real issue, go to an officer.
  • Rules may be subject to change if need be.

The British Empire needs you!

To join please fill out this form and post it below in a new reply.  Once filled out you will be accepted via steam.

[li][b]Steam Name:[/b]              [/li]
[li][b]Game Name:     [/b]           [/li]
[li][b]Time Zone:  [/b]                     [/li]
[li][b]Preferred Unit:[/b]                  [/li]
[li][b]Days Most Available:[/b]            [/li]
[li][b]Do you agree to abide our rules? [/b]                [/li]

Regiments / [KGB] Komanda Grodno Battalion
« on: January 30, 2014, 09:42:33 pm »

The Komanda Grodno Battalion was formed in response to an overwhelming number of regiments playing favourites and always promoting melee proficient people over more dedicated and hard working individuals.  Myself (Vassili) and Madfast both agreed that something should be done for those who enjoy going specialist units and whom always get overlooked for promotions and recognition. 

In response, the KGB was formed.  We are a small regiment of friends and newcomers who all enjoy playing anything but line infantry.  This does not mean that infantry players are not welcome.  We will most often play as skirmisher, cavalry, artillery or light infantry units.  On occasion we will have an event where we must go line, but our overall goal is to have several events where we never have to go infantry.  One of our other goals is to have a totally impartial system for promotions and rankings.  Members earn points for various activities and once the number for their next promotion is achieved, that individual is promoted or put on review for promotion.  No more being overlooked for lack of higher skill.  No more being kicked to the side because that one good meleer joined and gets that last Corporal spot.  We are fair and impartial and no one will be left out.

Along with our point system, we have added in a voting system as well to ensure that everyone has equal say in whom they trust to lead them.  Thus, we have eliminated unfavourable  leaders being put in a position they are not ready for.



Merc Application:
This is if you intend to merc for us more than once.

[b]Steam Name:[/b]
[b]Game Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] (We just want to know, there is no age limit.)
[b]Microphone:[/b] yes/no
[b]Availability:[/b] (When can you attend events)
[b]Experience:[/b] (Have you been/ are in a regiment)
[b]Favourite Class:[/b] (Line infantry/ artillery/ cavalry/ skirms)
[b]Do you agree to abide by our rules?[/b] yes/no

Please post this in the thread below and an officer will get back to the application asap.



Polkovnik Vassili
SLt Gloomy

SYefr Hawke
Yefr Moon-Moon
Yefr Saimouer
Chev LolWhut
Chev Cheesyllama
Chev Tood33
Chev Taco


Myr Madfast

Yefr Olorin
Yefr Lazy Lad
Yefr General Genius
Yeger Kitsune
Yeger Willian
Yeger Camdog
Yeger Keebler


*coming soon*

KAYs Turric
KAYs Vex Striker
KAYs Chubgger
KAYs Legoninja
KAYs BlindMastaPo


Ready to Join?

Steps to join:
1. Add Mr. Lions, Madfast or [KGB]Gloomy Lions to steam
2. Make sure to have Team Speak 3 Downloaded.
3. Connect to the KGB TS3:
4. You will receive the tags and become a Red Army Man or Krasnoarmeyets (KAYs), this is a trial period until you rank up to a private.
5. Make sure to be Active so you can rank to a full member!


Regiment Tags:


  • Always be respectful of your team-mate as well as your opponent.  ie: No racism, sexism, religious slurs or bullying.

  • When wearing [KGB] tags you must act professionally and do not give us a bad name.

  • Trolling is prohibited, don't do it.  Act mature.

  • Please listen to officers and NCOs, they are there for your guidance and to help you improve and succeed.

  • BE ACTIVE.  We have no room for someone who is going to join and never come.  After a week of not showing up you will lose points, after enough points have been lost you will lose a rank.  If you do not show up within a month you will be removed from the roster.  You may dispute this with Polkovnik Vassili.

  • Have fun! We are here, first and foremost to have fun playing a game we like.  This is the reason we are here, this is the reason  YOU get to decide what you wish to play as.  We will always try to be accommodating and get a variety of events so that everyone can have fun.

  • If you do not know how to use TS3 or refuse to use this, please do not try to join.

Servers / SOS Custom Maps Server
« on: January 27, 2013, 05:43:47 pm »

  Hello all, I am here to promote the Sovereign Order of Slovacs server!  We provide custom maps created by myself, ThatRussian aka SOS_Cmdr_Kingsguard_Orys.  If you would like to borrow our server for events or ceremonies please contact me on steam: [SOS] Orys Baratheon.  We have 40 slots, so events are on a first come first serve.  The server can be found under the name: SOS_SlovacMercs.

SOS information can be found here:

Pictures of some of the maps:
[Coming Soon]

Pages: 1