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Topics - Rackio

Pages: 1
Other Games / Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)
« on: March 14, 2015, 02:35:17 am »

Free you say???!!!! well as a Scottish based community how could we say no to free stuff...

In all seriousness we as a community have embarked in a long adventure. The Elves have left their safe havens and the Dwarves have left there mountains the Third Age has arrived and with it the problems of Middle Earth.
We have joined together as Dwarves, Elves, Hobbits and Men to aid the fellowship rid the lands of the enemies of the free people.

Starting together in Bree we launch our adventure and in doing so will meet the lore and traditions of the Books and *cough* films... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT ADD TOM BOMBADIL into the films... *cough*
Look at this majestic and crazy person, dancing everywhere just because he could, Like a badass

For any one else that plays were well not always the most polite or friendly people but once you get past our rough exterior were a bag of kittens and we all enjoy playing games and we are enjoying this. From people like Celtic who have been playing since Beta to the present and new players like myself joining now were having fun doing missions and learning new things about the Lord of the Rings lore.
If you play already or just want to start come and join us add me or Celtic and come talk and get shouted at by Celtic when you don't RP properly.

Community / Why no WebMs???
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:34:47 am »
As the tecnomilogical age has progressed the use of WebMs has grown why have they not been added to the forums yet?

would very much like to be able to do so :D

Off Topic / Scottish Independence
« on: September 17, 2014, 08:20:11 pm »
Well chaps and chappettes.
I have been having much enjoyment with taking the piss out of Yes Voters and having a good laugh at the thought of sending all my Scottish mates a brand new passport made of Whiskey labels and cans of Salmon if a Yes Vote happens.

So whats everyones views on the proud nation going on its own?

inb4 ''hurr durrr Americunts did it and its working out fine...''

on a serious note:
i am very much apposed to the splitting up of the union it would ruin the economy of Scotland and the Union. We are stronger together as an economy & a political entity, we should stay together at present. Give it another generation (30-40years) and have another vote.
(I have Scottish heritage and lineage, a Scottish name, before you all think im an imperialistic Englander)

Events / VĂ­kingr Shieldwall Event (1/9/13)
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:25:16 pm »

Shieldwall Event

When?:Sunday 1/9/13 & 6.30pm GMT
Where?: Shieldwall_Event_Server
TeamSpeak IP?: * make sure to use the Port when joining
Itinerary: Itinerary for events
Game Mode: Meat Grinder

Mod Version


This is the proposed itinerary for this Sunday's event:

6.30pm GMT - Participants should be on the TeamSpeak in the Team 1 channel under the Hildileikr spacer, though are encouraged to be on much earlier than this.

6.45pm-6.55 GMT - Participants will be given the password of the server and told to join the TeamSpeak channel and Team they wish to play as.

6.55-7.00pm GMT - Balancing will be looked at and changed if needed. People will be asked or forcebly moved to the weaker side, Clans/Groups who have Team-stacked will be picked on first, and within that Clan or Group recognizable persons will be asked.

7.00-7.10pm GMT - Rules will be quickly reminded to the participants and any questions about Classes and who is to play certain Classes etc will be done and answered and the Event will start. Three rounds will be played then a 10 minutes break will be had then another 3 rounds, depending on time and pace of the Event this will be subject to change. If participants are not back in time for the resuming of the Event, tough.

This ofcourse comes with some degree of grace-time allowed, but we aim to keep to this schedule as much as possible.

Community / Community Run Black List
« on: July 15, 2013, 06:45:46 pm »
This threads is catered to server owners exchanging player IDs for a banlist to help protect events from known trolls. The server owners would be acting on their own initiative and without FSE support. The banlist is not intended for any official servers but merely as a means to help third party servers protect their events from known trolls. FSE is not affiliated with this undertaking and the thread/banlist is solely intended for third parties.

After deliberation by the Community Representatives it has become an issue that long standing trolls or troll groups have been entering organised events to target regiments, their regiments leaders and in general just to cause trouble and disorganisation between teams and admins. After looking into this we have decided to create a list of these players ID's and known names/aliases so that event organisers can then choose to log ban these individuals as they see fit to.

Adding people to the list
If you have someone you think should be added to this list please can you forward their known name, their ID if you know it and evidence substantial enough for us to review it and see if the person is deemed to be added to this list.

Please for now do not submit applications openly here as it could cause devisions and breach FSE rules regarding privacy of chat logs which need both individual consent to be published openly.
Instead we would ask that you submit these applications to a Community representative via FSE private messages so that they can be reviewed internally first before open discussion.
Mailing list to choose from:
Malakith, Evanovic, 5arge, Stunned Lime, USE4life, Millander, Hypern, Rackio, Van_Hulstein, Gokiller
Submission form:
Your name/in game name including contact details:
Person you are putting forward for the list:
Event/server they effected:
Contact details of owner/organiser of the event/server effected:
Evidence to substantiate claim:
Evidence may come in the form of screen shots in game, chat logs of disruption, if access to the server logs a copy of that and a highlight of their game ID if possible

This topic is also up for a whole community discussion and NOT for the arguments and devision of community members and its regiments. Having a topic like this which could cause aggression moderators and admins will be watching and taking action as required.

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