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Topics - UEC Historical Events

Pages: 1
« on: March 02, 2022, 11:07:18 pm »

Organized by the 1st North Carolina Sharpshooters and the 51st New York Infantry as part of the UEC

Welcome to the Community Event of the "United European Community". As a community we have already participated in many events and got to know many different ideas in the course of time. Now we want to start our own pilot project and therefore invite the whole Battle Cry of Freedom community to support us in this project and to participate in a successful event together. From the time planning we orientate ourselves towards suitable event times for Europeans, but we would also like to invite every unit of the North American community to participate and thus strengthen the ties between BCoF players of all time zones. With our event we do not want to leave it simply with an appointment and a time, but create a rounded complete package, in order to offer each unit an organized framework and a maximum play fun and originality to offer. The inspiration comes as already mentioned from many different events in which have participated, rounded off by own ideas and conceptions. We would like to thank every event organizer who has invited us to one of his events in the past and has contributed significantly to the development of this event.


Time: 21:00 CET | 3:00pm EST | 8:00pm GMT - Meeting 30 (8:30pm CET) minutes before the Event starts
Location: The Official UEC Discord (Further details are provided upon contact)
Day: Friday
Type: Conquest

Sign up:
Just fill out the following template, read the rules and contact us via Steam if we don't contact you first.

Faction (Union/CSA):
Time zone (NA/EU):
Commanding officer (with link):
Number of attendance (valued):
Preferred role (Line/Skirmishers/Artillery):
We have an artillery section (yes/no)(numbers):
I have read the rules and accept (yes):

Pages: 1