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Topics - WodzuUK

Pages: 1
Regiments / 1-szy Pułk Strzelców Polskich [EU]
« on: February 15, 2014, 02:55:50 am »

"They fought for their family. They fought for their freedom. They fought for those who came before them. Most of all - they fought for their beloved homeland - Poland".

"They" were known by different names - - The Haller Army, the Blue Army(Błękitna Armia), and also as the Polish Legion in France. This Blue Army (they wore horizon blue French uniforms) was the Polish contribution to the forces on the western front in WWI. They initially trained and fought under the French, but they fought in the name of Poland and for the ultimate goal of Polish independence. By the war's end this force was officially recognized as the independent Polish Army and their leader was General Jozef Haller (the former leader of the 2nd Polish Legion under the Austrians).

On June 18, 1918, the first of the newly formed Polish forces finally got their chance to join in the fighting in France. The First Polish Regiment relieved the Tennessee "Wildcat" 81st Division at the front in the Champagne region. This First Polish Regiment was made up of a variety of men including former POW's from Europe, but the large majority (around 3 quarters) of the men where Polish volunteers from America.

Their fighting during this first combat won them recognition of their valor at a special military review held four days later. This event marked the first time since 1831 that an army unit flying the Polish colors had taken part in battle, a truly historic moment for Poles and their hopes of independence!

Józef Haller von Hallenburg (August 13, 1873 – June 4, 1960) was a Lieutenant General of the Polish Army, legionary in Polish Legions, harcmistrz (the highest Scouting instructor rank in Poland), the President of The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP), political and social activist, Stanisław Haller de Hallenburg's cousin.


Starszy Szeregowy

Non-commissioned officer:

Starszy Kapral
Starszy Sierżant
Młodszy Chorąży
Starszy chorąży

Commissioned officer


Populares / I Cohortes Praetoria
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:21:45 pm »
Rome Finest

"Non Nobis Solum"

Evolving from the concept of a Legionary Legate's personal bodyguard, under Augustus, the Praetorian Guard was established as the same, but instead were directly attached to the Emperor. The headquarters of the legion, or praetorium provided the namesake, and the practice was simply altered to encompass a much broader spectrum. The Praetoria Cohors, as they were first known, was originated with the emergence of great soldier politicians, Scipio Africanus being among the first to adopt these personal guards. Formed from the best, bravest and most loyal of his own men, the Praetoria were generally exempt from any standard camp duties, save for protecting their general.

While the later imperators, such as Caesar, Antonius and Octavian certainly fielded their own personal guardsmen, it wasn't until Octavian's ascession as Augustus, or emperor, that the Praetorian Guard as an institution was established. In the turmoil of nearly a century of civil war and social strife, Augustus saw the need to establish a body of soldiers explicitly loyal to himself. These guardsmen, unlike other military units, engaged in combat or went on campaign only at the direct behest, or in the company of the Emperor and the Emperor's family. Their primary role, of course, was the personal protection of the Emperor, but they also functioned as a police force both in Rome and other Italian cities, at least at their inception. Originally, Augustus wanted to maintain some Republican tradition, as well as avoid the appearance of tyrannical control. Therefore, those praetorians stationed within the walls of Rome weren't allowed to wear the customary armor or uniform that has been widely depicted. Called the cohors togata, this name reflected that these troops wore a civilian toga, more like the Republican era lictors than soldiers. However, they were armed with the standard army issue gladius, as opposed to the fasces (or bundled wooden rods) of the lictors. Outside of Rome, and on the battlefield, a Praetorian would be equipped in much the same manner as any other Imperial Legionary.

At the onset, Augustus recruited 9 cohorts of about 500 men each, essentially equal to the size of an imperial legion. Each cohort was eventually swelled to equal that of the double-strength first cohort of an Imperial Legion, so that each cohort, from this time on, was generally made up of 1,000 men. Three of these initial 9 units were stationed in Rome while the other six were garrisoned throughout Italy. At first each cohort was under the command of an Equestrian rank Tribune, but by the turn of the millennium, Augustus had created the overall command position of the Praetorian Praefectus. The Prefects eventually became incredibly powerful political players themselves, and in some cases wielded more direct control and power over the empire than the Emperor. Set up as an institution with supreme loyalty to the emperor, they eventually became a formidable political force, in many cases, both eliminating the current Emperor and dictating ascension to the throne.







*Coming Soon*

Screenshots and videos:

official anthem of the cohort: [youtube][/youtube]

If you wish to contact me, add me on steam: 1ps_KW_Kpt_Wodzu(UK) [♔]

Regiments / Nr. 3 Husaren-Regiment „von Zieten“
« on: June 03, 2013, 08:10:19 pm »
Nr. 3 Husaren-Regiment „von Zieten“


The Zieten Hussars,(German: Husaren-Regiment "von Zieten"), last designation: "Hussars Regiment 'von Zieten' (Brandenburg) No. 3" (Husaren-Regiment von Zieten (Brandenburgisches), was a hussar regiment of the Prussian Army and later the Imperial German Army, founded in 1730 and named after its first Colonel, Hans Joachim von Zieten.

Frederick the Great created it as the 2nd Hussar Regiment, and in 1743 it adopted the distinctive tiger-skin pelisse for their parade uniforms, with company officers wearing fur caps with heron feathers and field officers using an eagles's wing. During the 1806 campaign of the War of the Fourth Coalition, the regiment was known as von Rudorff Hussar regiment, soon renamed Life Hussar Regiment von Rudorff (No.2) (German: No.2 Leib-Husaren von Rudorff).

The regiment capitulated at Ratekau following the defeat of 1806 and was disbanded. In 1807 it formed a squadron in its former depot as Freikorps Marwitz and amalgamated with Blücher's Corps to create the 1st Brandenburg Hussar Regiment on 7 September 1808 (Husaren Regiment Nr.3). The regiment's 2nd squadron served during the Russian Campaign of 1812 on the French side, and the regiment served throughout the 1813-1814 campaigns on the Coalition side, also participating in the 1815 campaign.

In 1860, before the unification of Germany, the regiment became a part of the Federal Army. But it took until 1861 to officially recognize the regimental tradition of the old Prussian 2nd Hussar Regiment. Shortly before the outbreak of World War I it formed part of the 6th Cavalry-Brigade in the 6th Division (Brandenburg Division) known as Husaren-Regiment von Zieten (Brandenburgisches) Nr. 3 ("Hussars Regiment "von Zieten" (Brandenburgian) No. 3") and was stationed in Rathenow; on mobilisation, the cavalry brigades were re-organised into independent divisions; the regiment remained as divisional cavalry, split between the 5th Division and the 6th Division.









Soon to come..

Events: EU / 1ps Weekly Tuesday Siege event
« on: January 13, 2013, 08:50:31 pm »
Event has unfortunately been cancelled

The 1 Pulk Szwolezerów-Lansjerów Ksiestwa Warszawskiego Siege event

1 Pulk Szwolezerów-Lansjerów Ksiestwa Warszawskiego would like to present its weekly Tuesday Siege Event

Important Information

    • The Siege Event will take place every Tuesday at 19:00 GMT
    • You must join our teamspeak3 ( at 18:45 GMT in order to confirm your participation in the event, given your application have been accepted
    • The linebattle will officially start at at 19:10pm BST.
    • The name of the server 1ps_KW_Server_Battle.

This Weeks Factions are: Attacking Russia, Defending Prussia


  • Each regiment has to make a line before leaving the spawn area.
  • The only special classes that will be available are: Sappers (1 sapper per defending Regiment , Artillery (The First regiments to sing up for these will be assigned artillery positions depending on the number of men they bring)
  • Defending Team will receive most suitable amount of lives depending on the difficulty of the map
  • Note: Sappers ARE NOT allowed to block entrances and doors, rule breakers will be Temporarily banned

Sing up application

Regiment Name :
Preferred Faction :
Artillery positions (If none state so)   :
Amount of Men :
Leaders steam name :

Participating Regiments this week:

1 Pulk Szwolezerów-Lansjerów Ksiestwa Warszawskiego

 Infanterie-Regiment 24 (NR24)

5ty Pułk Piechoty

4. Pułk Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego  [4pp_XW]

Pages: 1