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Topics - pussymagnet

Pages: 1

Are you ready to fight against the Empire Invasion of Russia? The Empire is a gamer community that formed an army in Mount and Blade Warband Napoleonic Wars, a legacy product of the Empire regiment that existed in 2016-2018. It is a pseudo Franco-Russian Empire with a unique personal twist to it.

The upcoming date of August 23rd will mark the start of the Empire Invasion or Russia campaign! A huge unified army that never lost a battle or campaign, and that dominated all of mainland Europe - will be invading Russia! These are competitive events with a small addition of history and roleplay to them! Basically - a united army (a massive regiment/the Empire) fights against a team of regiments! There are custom historical maps, unique rules, and even an Empire themed texture pack! These events happen each Sunday at 20:00 BST (8pm London Time) aka 3pm EST! The upcoming Empire Invasion of Russia campaign will start on August 23rd and go on until August the 30th (2 events total, each on the Sunday)!

The outcome of the battles/events will decide the outcome of the campaign and determine what campaign happens next! These are challenging, but very fun events! Will Russia defeat the Empire and it's Emperor - Slavomir? Or will it succeed in creating a United Europe? Your arms and combat will decide (literally and figuratively)

General Rules 1 - If one member of your reg/line is in melee combat - this means the whole regiment is now in melee combat. This means you are in a charge. You may not Fire in Charge (FiC). In addition, you cannot Fire out of Line FoL (Fire Out of Line) or Reload out of Line (RoL). Line Infantry and Foot Guards need keep tight (shoulder to shoulder) spacing when firing; meanwhile, Light Infantry and Skirmishers need to have 6-8 men spacing when firing. If either unit does not keep proper spacing and shoots out of formation - it counts as a FoL and will result in a warning/slay (depending on outcome of the shots) fired.
General Rules 2 - When your line has 3 or less men you will have to join another line, or continue a charge if you were in one, or you may go and re-enforce the arty.
General Rules 3 -Rambo is not allowed. Rambo is when you are separated from your unit or running off by yourself. The distance for you to be considered a Rambo is 10 spaces from your unit.
General Rules 4 - When the "All Charge" is called you may not FiC (Fire In Charge) or RiC (Reload In Charge) this is forbidden.
General Rules 5 - Team-kills will only be revived if an officer messages an admin and requests the person to be revived.
General Rules 6When playing as dragoons they are classed as "mounted skirmishers" and are allowed to FiC/RiC BUT not in an "All Charge" - in addition dragoons must keep up formation of a cavalry group (6-8 men spacing) - otherwise it counts as a FoL and a warning/slay will apply!
Custom Rules 1 - If the balance is equal then classes/specialties are equal, if not, then the less manpower team gets +5/10 cav (extra cav unit).
Custom Rules 2 - Empire vs Regiments only (balance doesn't matter, the Empire fight have 75 men and fight against 90).
Custom Rules 3 - "Rule of 3" applies when it comes to defences/towns/villages (cavalry box+any sapper work applies as a defence). This means when in any of these places you may FiC, RiC, FoL and fight in a "house to house" style. You must be inside towns/villages (or by the entrance 5-10 meters close) to do the Rule of 3; however, when it comes to defences, like sapper builds and or fortified with defences artillery positions, you must be 5 steps near the build/cannon to attack it in a Rule of 3 style.
Custom Rules 4 - Most events will be played on custom maps. These custom maps might look imbalanced for one side (open space, many buildings, ...) yet they were made with the historic area in mind.
Custom Rules 5 - Admins say is final. If you have a problem with a specific admin, please contact them on discord. The admin team is made so that atleast half the admins on are not part of Empire to ensure no bias.

Application Form

[b]Regiment name:[/b]
[b]Class (Line, Guard, Skirmishers, Artillery, Cavalry):[/b]
[b]Expected attendance:[/b]
[b]Do you agree to abide by all the rules:[/b]
[b]Would you like to sign up weekly:[/b]
[b]Regiment leader's/Representative Steam/Discord name:[/b]

Contact information


Art Gallery of some previous events

The Battle of Jena-Auerstedt

The Battle of Somosierra

The Battle of Aspern-Essling

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