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Topics - Balder/Enrique

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Thursday Public Event - 1aDiv [Looking for lines]
« on: May 28, 2020, 01:10:45 am »
If u are interested in sign up a Thursday event, u are in the right place, we are making a new event at 19:00 GMT (UK) available for every regiment, if u are intersted in join, only sign up in this page or contact with me if u have some question, thank you so much for your atention and i hope to see you in this event :) (this event will be weekly)

Rules Inf:

-When your regiment has less than 3 members, you must join another line.
-Rambo is not allowed, if you were to get separated by for example gunfire, you must retreat to the nearest line.
-Firing in Charge (FiC) is not allowed.
-Reloading in Charge (RiC) is not allowed.
-Officer Aim (OA) is not allowed unless the officer is in charge
-Fire out of formation (Foof) in not allowed.
-Move in formation
-Keep the chat clean, and polite.

Rules Arty:

-Sappers will get 150 points and no explosives
-You can have 1 cannon since you are 5 men or 1 howitzer
-1 sappers max unless you have 5+ men
-1 officers max unless you have 5+ men
-Max: 2 cannons or howitzer per team
-Keep the chat clean, and polite.

Rules Cav:

-No ramboing
-No trolling, no teamkilling, no delaying
-In all charge, dismount
-Keep the chat clean, and polite.

Pls, put your steam here to add u in a steam group

Regiment name:
Number of members:
Leader Name:
Do you agree to the rules?:

Pages: 1