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Topics - Nachtel

Pages: 1
Events: NA / Tuesday Line Battle - Server Provided by Warlance
« on: April 19, 2020, 07:49:16 am »
Hello and welcome, I am planning on introducing a full-on 200 max player Tuesday Line battle, the server of which has been graciously provided to us by Warlance!

Current Admins: Nachtel, Xethos, Jazz, WarlordofGaul, MadKitty

Each team will have:

-1 Cavalry Regiment (Max 15) (Dismounted cav counts as skirms) (Dragoons may fire in line or dismounted only) (No Mixed Cav)
-1 Artillery Regiment (Max 10) (Two guns max) (No Rockets) (Infantry may not act as arty guard) (1 Howitzer max; it can be combined with another artillery piece)
-1 Skirm Regiment (Max 14) (Max 5 man spacing for rifles, and 3 man spacing for lights.) (May Crouch) (No musketoons)
-As many Line regiments as there are regiments remaining. (Lines may not Crouch) (Max half-line spacing)

Limits will be adjusted if need be for the sake of a proper and fair event.

**If not enough attendance, we will use variable-spec rules^

Rules are:
-***No firing on all-charge
-***No team-killing
-***No excessive spam
-**No FOC
-**No FOL for non-skirm regiments
-**No ROL
-**No rambo
-*Sappers should try to not troll (EX: building stairways to heaven rather than arty defenses) Also no TNT.
-*Max 3 officers.
-*All units must stay as a group.
-*A line must consist of at least 3 players.
***There will be an all-charge
Unit limits are subject to change depending on the circumstances of the event[\b]
***There will not be a traditional rule of 3; instead, there will be an edited version***

***Nachtel's version of Rule of 3: Once the number of players goes to 3 or below, all cav must dismount, and all units must charge if not already. Nobody may shoot during this period.

**If there are any questions or suggestions on changes to the info/rules, I'd really appreciate them, thank you; while I don't expect my first time hosting to be perfect, I wish to be fair and at the very least provide an enjoyable experience for all parties involved.
***Server info will be given at the fse teamspeak:

To sign up, simply reply with the name of your regiment and the spec you want to go; large enough regiments may sign up for two specs.

***Weekly Signups will be every Tuesday at 9 PM EST (6 PM PST) after the first event; prior to that, all signups before the event will be accepted before the deadline of Monday April 27th, 10 PM EST.

First come first pick.

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