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Topics - Chip_Chip

Pages: 1
Official Servers Bans & Unbans / i'd like to get an unban plz : Lins
« on: March 27, 2019, 01:44:47 pm »
howdy partner, i'd like to ask for an unban at BBG Bot survival NA, i got banned for saying the N word because i was really drunk and had no idea what i was doing i regret my actions, i got kicked as a warning before the ban, sadly the dumb drunk me instead of letting it go and moving on with the day rejoined the server and started saying the N word again, i can't really remember the day at which i was banned nor the hour, it was around 1 and a half month ago my indentification number is 1918532. I believe that i should be unbanned because i agree that i acted in an indecent way and i regret doing so but, i'm really sorry for my actions as i mentioned before and  i had no control of myself while intoxicated, i really hope that i can get unbanned and will do my best to avoid doing such thing again both sober and drunk

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