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Topics - 1èreDivision

Pages: 1

The event will be held on our server named: 1erDiv_Friday_Event
The event will take place every Friday at 19.30 PM GMT.
Thread signups are required to attend.
Event details are given out through our Steam chat 15-30 minutes prior to the event.
The event details will also be posted in the description of our Chat group event channel.
The event is open to Line Infantry and Light

Event rules

1: No FIC (Firing in Charge) for any unit. This includes Lights / Skirmishers.
2: No RIC (Reloading in Charge) for any unit.
3: OA is prohibited
4: No spamming in chat.
5: No Rambo
6: No FOL
7: Doctor Allowed

Line Infantry
1: Min: 7  Max: 30
2: Can not fire in charge (FiC).
3: Can not reload in charge (RiC).
4: Must join another line if 3 or less.

Light Infantry
1: Min: 5  Max: 15
2: Can not fire in charge (FiC).
3: Can not reload in charge (RiC).
4: May crouch.
5: May spread, 4 men spacing when firing in formation.

1: Min: 5  Max: 15
2: If dismounted you must either find a new horse or a friendly line.
3: If less than 3, you must dismount and go to the nearest friendly line.
4: May choose any type of cav, following the below rule;
5: If choosing dragoon, you must dismount to fire your weapon.
6: Max 1 Officer per unit, no pistol spam.

1: Two cannons per team
2: No rockets.
3: May have 1 sapper only per team
4: Arty Guards may spread and crouch. FiC not permitted.
5: No howitzers.

Sign up:

Regiment Name:
Expected Attendance:
Once or Weekly?:
Regiment leaders steam name and link, with other contacts:

Attending Regiment :

                                                                                 faction 1 :                                                                               
Line 1 : Pontonnier de la Garde
Line 2 :
Line 3 :
Art : 4e Régiment d'Artillerie (1Canon) / Artillerie côtière de la Rochelle (1Canon)
Cav : Chasseur à Cheval de la Garde
Light : 1er Chasseur à pied de la Garde

faction 2 :
Line 1 :92nd Regiment of Foot
Line 2 :Gendarmerie d'élite de la Garde impériale
Line 3 :
Art : 48th Artillery (2Canons)
Cav : 3e Hussard
Light : 92nd Regiment of Foot


Première Division Saturday Event
Next Event -   March 23rd 2019!


The event will be held on our server named: 1erDiv_Saturday_Event
The event will take place every Saturday at 19.00 PM GMT.
Thread signups are required to attend.
Event details are given out through our Steam chat 15-30 minutes prior to the event.
The event details will also be posted in the description of our Chat group event channel.
The event is open to Line Infantry and Light

Event rules

1: No FIC (Firing in Charge) for any unit. This includes Lights / Skirmishers.
2: No RIC (Reloading in Charge) for any unit.
3: OA is prohibited
4: No spamming in chat.
5: No Rambo
6: No FOL
7: Doctor Allowed

Line Infantry:                                                                                                                                                             Light Infantry                                                    
1: Min: 7  Max: 30                                                                                                                                                                 1: Min: 5  Max: 15                                 
2: Can not fire in charge (FiC).                                                                                                                                              2: Can not fire in charge (FiC).             
3: Can not reload in charge (RiC).                                                                                                                                         3: Can not reload in charge (RiC). 
4: Must join another line if 3 or less.                                                                                                                                     4: May crouch.                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                              5:4 men spacing when firing in formation.   
Cavalry                                                                                                                                                                       Artillery
1: Min: 5  Max: 15                                                                                                                                                                  1: Two cannons per team
2: If dismounted you must either find a new horse or a friendly line.                                                                                    2: No rockets.
3: If less than 3, you must dismount and go to the nearest friendly line.                                                                              3: May have 1 sapper only per team
4: May choose any type of cav, following the below rule;                                                                                                      4: Arty Guards may spread, FiC not permitted.
5: If choosing dragoon, you must dismount to fire your weapon.                                                                                          5: No howitzers.
6: Max 1 Officer per unit, no pistol spam.

Sign up:

Regiment Name:
Expected Attendance:
Once or Weekly?:
Regiment leaders steam name and link, with other contacts:

Attending Regiment :

faction 1 :
Line 1 : Pontonnier de la Garde
Line 2 :
Line 3 :
Art : 8e Artillerie
Cav : Première Compagnie de Gendarme
Light : 1er Chasseur à pied de la Garde

faction 2 :
Line 1 : Gendarmerie d'élite de la Garde impériale
Line 2 :
Line 3 :
Art : 2e Léger
Cav :  7th "Queen's Own" Hussars
Light : 2ème Chasseur à pied de la Garde

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