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Topics - FlowBeatBox

Pages: 1
Regiments / 17th Leicestershire Regiment of Foot
« on: October 21, 2018, 09:37:30 pm »
17th (Leicestershire) Regiment of Foot


If you wish to join there are no exceptions! All we ask is that you be mature and disciplined. And please try to abide by the rules, or there wont be unnecessary executions.


17th Leicestershire Rules


1. If you are found to be acting in a foolish manner while any one of my officers is trying to lead, you will be reprimanded.

2. Listen to your Officers and follow Line Battle rules

3. Do not fight back if someone kicks you, or insults you. You take what they say and proceed in an orderly and calm manner.

4. No talking when PTS has been allowed, and respect the right of the NCO's to tell you to quiet down.

5. We will honor those in the Military and Police force, if you are seen disrespecting the people who lay down their lives for you, you will be kicked.

6. Free speech is Free speech, you may say anything that you want to. (Abiding by the PTS rule) But do not talk in All chat.



The Leicestershire Regiment (Royal Leicestershire Regiment after 1946) was a line infantry regiment of the British Army, with a history going back to 1688. The regiment saw service for three centuries, in numerous wars and conflicts such as both World War I and World War II, before being amalgamated, in September 1964, with the 1st East Anglian Regiment (Royal Norfolk and Suffolk), the 2nd East Anglian Regiment (Duchess of Gloucester's Own Royal Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire) and the 3rd East Anglian Regiment (16th/44th Foot) to form the present day Royal Anglian Regiment, of which B Company of the 2nd Battalion continues the lineage of the Royal Leicestershire Regiment.

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Former Owner Ceanos -\
Colonel FlowBeatBox (Line) -\

This regiment name is reserved.


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