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Topics - 9e_Official

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Regiments / 9e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère [EU] [DISBANDED]
« on: August 27, 2017, 01:07:16 am »


The 9é Régiment d'infanterie légère strives to be a well disciplined regiment, while having fun so not to make things boring for our members. We play different kinds of games alwell as NW. We require respect from our members to not discriminate other members within the Regiment. The 9é Régiment d'infanterie légère hope to be a home for every person no matter how they sound, look or play, skill is not of importance to us. Those that desire fun above skill are welcome, but we expect respect whilst attending the events.


When you first join the 9é Régiment d'infanterie légère
Your very first rank will be Cadet. After you attend 2 events,
You will then go on to the rank of Fusilier. Once you have
achieved Fusilier, to be able to make progress, it will depend on your
Melee and shooting skill, activity and discipline.


Capitaine - Cpt
Lieutenant - Lt
Sous-Lieutenant - SLt


Adjudant - Adj
Sergent Major - SgtMaj
Sergent - Sgt


Caporal - Fourrier - CplFo
Caporal - Cpl
Fusilier Veteran - FusV
Fusilier - Fus
Cadet - Cdt


9e Régiment d’infanterie légère was a French army regiment. One of the most notable infantry regiments in the Napoleonic Wars, it was awarded the title "Incomparable" by Napoleon Bonaparte after their brilliant performance at the Battle of Marengo on 14th June 1800. The regiment went on to serve with distinction in the [Ulm Campaign], at the Battle of Dürenstein (11th November 1805), the Jena Campaign (1806), and the Battle of Friedland (14th June 1807). The regiment then served in the Peninsular War taking a notable role at the Battle of Talavera 27th–28th July 1809 and the Siege of Badajoz (1812). Battalions from the regiment also fought on the Wagram Campaign (1809), at the Battle of Leipzig (16th–19th October 1813), and Napoleon’s campaigns in France (1814). During the Hundred Days the 9e fought at Battle of Ligny (16th June 1815) and the Battle of Wavre (18th–19th June 1815). The regiment was disbanded in the aftermath of the Bourbon Restoration
The 9e's origins begin in 1758 with the creation of the Volontaires de Clermont-Prince, an irregular corps of foreign mercenaries raised to fight for King Louis XV of France. The regiment was composed of a mixture of infantry, grenadiers and dragoons, and was intended to fight in the advanced guard of the army. After the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), the original regiment underwent a number of reorganisations, becoming the Légion de Clermont in 1763 and then, after a change of proprietor, the Légion de Condé in 1766. The regiment was dissolved in 1776.
In 1784 a battalion of foot chasseurs (chasseurs à pied) was added to the 4th horse chasseurs (chasseurs à cheval) and a new regiment created, called the Chasseurs des Cévennes. Many of the foot battalion’s officers were veterans of the Légion de Condé.On 17th March 1788 a reform saw the creation of twelve independent light infantry battalions. The Chasseurs des Cévennes was therefore reformed. The cavalry component of the regiment was renamed the Chasseurs de Bretagne (later 10th horse chasseurs). The infantry battalion retained the title Cévennes and was ranked ninth among the twelve light infantry battalions.On the 1st January 1791 the French army was stripped of its feudal regimental titles. The Cévennes battalion became known as the 9th Battalion of Foot Chasseurs.


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