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Topics - [55e] Official

Pages: 1
Regiments / ♜♜| 55e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne |♜♜[NA]
« on: June 11, 2017, 11:53:44 pm »

Information about the 55e Regiment d'infanterie de Ligne

The 55e Regiment d'infanterie de Ligne is a North-American Regiment.
The community was formed by Suzuki in February of 2017 with originally ten members. Since the establishment, the community has grown to over 40 members and growing. The community focuses on a role-playing environment for it's members while also exercising an enjoyable environment at the same time. Each member of the 55e varies from experienced members to brand new people to the game. Every member is taught how to shoot, melee, and exercise formations to be able to perform on the battlefield. The 55e exercises discipline as well and will not tolerate insults on other regiments, general trolling, and misconduct.

Regimental Ranking System

Commissioned Officers
Colonel   Col
Lt. Colonel   LtCol
Major   Maj
Capitaine   Capt
Lieutenant   Lt
Sous-Lieutenant   SLt
Non-Commissioned Officers
Adjudant-Chef   AdjC
Adjudant   Adj
Serjent-Major   SgtMjr
Sergent   Sgt
Enlisted Men
Caporal-chef   CplC
Caporal   Cpl
Fusilier   Fus
Soldat de Premiere   SoP
Soldat de Deuxime   SoD
Cadet   Cdt

History of the 55e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne during the Napoleonic Wars

Founded during the year of 1644 as Regiment of Conde, the regiment was formed right out of the heartland of France. During the time of the French revolution the regiment was renamed to the 55e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne. Many of its men were volunteers from the region of Ardeche at the time, and took part of numerous battles during this decade. During Napoleon's invasion of Italy, the regiment took part in numerous battles at the Battle of Mantua Headquarters, Battle of Rivoli, and Battle of Valvassone. During Napoleon's Austrian and Prussian campaign, the regiment took part in the Battle of Austerlitz, Lubeck, Jena, and Eylau. The regiment was re-assigned to Spain, and saw action at Almonacid, Ocana, and the battle of Albuera.

Regiment Contacts


55e regiment d'infanterie de ligne
Regiment Roster

Commissioned Officers

Colonel Honda
Lieutenant Suzuki

Non-Commissioned Officers

Sergeant Herian

Commissioned Officers: 1
Non-Commissioned Officers: 1
Enlisted Men: 22
Recruits: 11
Total Strength: 38

Enlisted Men & Recruits

Corporal-Chief Henry
Corporal-Chief Qman
Corporal-Chief Josh
Corporal HorsieHox
Corporal Westwork
Corporal Profanity
Corporal 2-D
Fusilier Newind
Fusilier Tex
Fusilier Swole
Fusilier Onimadica
Soldat de Premiere Ghostwar2211
Soldat de Premier Grim
Soldat de Premier SuitingColt
Soldat de Premier Ramon
Soldat de Premier Deeshy
Soldat de Deuxieme Ryan
Soldat de Deuxieme Taylor
Soldat de Deuxieme Rantilla
Soldat de Deuxieme Shadowbolt
Soldat de Deuxieme Battletrooper121
Soldat de Deuxieme Delete

Cadet Nerion
Cadet ssumbra
Cadet Cockboi
Cadet Nor
Cadet ScaredFeminist
Cadet Sharky
Cadet Donrekt
Cadet MadMax
Cadet Nicholas
Cadet Buster McNasty
Cadet Rico
Cadet Stonk Soviet Slav
Cadet Edum

Pages: 1