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Topics - 8pu_Filson

Pages: 1
Events: EU / 8PU_WEDNESDAY cav event
« on: November 13, 2016, 08:14:41 pm »

RULES:No dragoons,officers cant shoot,dont trolling.

« on: November 12, 2016, 01:35:50 pm »

The 8pu Friaiday Line battle has been created by the 8 Pulk Ulanow to create a new experience of line battles. Its a new experiance for us. We will try to make good event with good organisation. We will achieve this by well performed organization, excellent servers (We hope) and exceeding adminship, we will play on random maps,but later probably will create something else.

This is a European Line Battle. All events will be held on a Dutch server which should provide decent pings for the whole of the EU player base (170 slots). We will  keep it up to about 170 people on the server. These events will be hosted every tuesday. The same thread will be used every week for this event.Time: 7pm GMT

In this event the classes to be played are Line,Arty,Cav and Light Infantry.

Details will be messaged to each regiment leader to 30 min before event.


1. No FoL (Fire out of Line)
2. No Fic (Fire in Charge)
3. No Ric(Reload in Charge)
4. No OA (Officer Aim)
5. You need a minimum  to sign up
6. Lines may only use the  Line Infantry classes (No Foot Guards)                   
7. Arty only has one Cannon
8. No Ramboing
9. No Slurs
10. Keep global chat to a minimum
11. Foot Guards only for Art Guard
12. Fic allowed only for lights
Class Information:


Maximum Artillery crew is 10 men
Minimum Artillery crew is 5 men
1 Cannon Per Regiment
2 Artillery Regiments Per Team


Minimum Line size is 8 men
Maximum Line size is 40 men                             


Minimum Cav size is 8 men
Maximum Cav size is 20 men
1 Cavarly Regiment Per Team
Dragoons can shoot only in line + no FiC

Light Infantry:

Minimum Light size is 6 men
Maximum Light size is 15 men
1 Regiment Per Team

Head Organiser:
Head Mappers:

93rd_Kgm_Arthur_McCloud (Artur)
2y_8pu_Plk_Filson (Filson)

|Sign-Up Format|

Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending:
Class :
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?:
Do you wish to come once or weekly?:

Make sure once you have signed up to add one of the organisers on Steam!

CAV reservasion and art

Pages: 1