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Topics - Skye

Pages: 1
Regiments / Swedish Regiment of Lights [SRL] Recruiting*
« on: July 17, 2017, 06:25:22 pm »

General Information about the SRL:

Swedish Regiment of Lights is a detachment belonging to the 95th Rifles. SRL operates in Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars. Our unit is built on respect and discipline.

All kind of hate is prohibited and if caught doing so you will be severely punished, SRL prides itself in tolerating all who want to join .
Trolling is also prohibited and if caught doing so you will be punished.
Disobeying a higher ranking officials order is a serious offense and will result Punishment.
Be sure to be nice to the other members of the SRL and be sure to respect other members of regiments, the SRL is a respectful Regiment and disrespecting other does not only lead to bad reputation for us but you will be severely punished.
It is suggested that you use common sense when you are in the SRL.
Internal Fighting is strictly prohibited and please if have problems with another member bring it up to your C.O so that it may be resolved.
Punishment will be decided by your C.O
Further rules may be added.

Måndag Line Battle=20:30-21:30
Tisdag Träning=20:00-20:45
Onsdag= Free
Torsdag Line Battle=20:00-21:00
Fredag Seige Event=20:00-21:00
Lördag Line Battle=20:00-21:00
Söndag Seige Event=20:00-21:00

Recruitment is encouraged in the SRL and may be rewarded with Promotions and medals.
But do not expect to be rewarded every time you enlist a new member.

Procedure for Recruitment:
Inform either a C.O or a N.C.O that you have a new willing member and if there are no C.O or N.C.O available at the time just invite the recruit to the steam group and ask them to go through our rules.
Then give further information like TeamSpeak address and what rank they shall be enlisted as.
It is crucial that you make the recruit feel welcome. If you are having trouble with the enlistment please ask a N.C.O or higher to help.

Our tag is 95th_SRL_Rank_Name

TeamSpeak Address:

Events: EU / 95th Rifles Saturday Line Battle[Closed]
« on: April 12, 2017, 04:33:00 pm »

The 95th Regiment of foot would like to invite regiments to its new Saturday Line Battle, which will be taking place on a regular basis every week. The event will be hosted on our server every Saturday at 7:00 p.m. GMT. The server name will be 95th_Saturday_Event at the time the event takes place! Signups will be made on this forum and the details will be in our TS: Details may be given out on steam 1 hour before the event starts but if you did not get them join the teamspeak and they will be in the channel.

We are endeavouring to provide a good, solid, and hassle free linebattle, hosted on a reliable server. We will maintain the rules with strict discipline and will not tolerate any troublemakers in the event.

As soon as the participating regiment`s have the password they should start getting their men into the server in readiness.  The event will consist of 4 rounds in total to be played on 2 different maps. If you have any question regarding this event or anything you wish to discuss feel free to add me on steam [95th] Skye


-All except artillery must join another line when they number 3 or less, Cavalry must dismount at this point!
-No teamkilling!
-No Ramboing!
-No trolling!
-No abusive behaviour!
-No Spamming!
-No musketoons!
-No OA (unless the officer is standing behind / in / in front of the line (when charging the enemy straight on).
-No FiC (Fire in charge). Only Riflemen and artillery guards (when at the cannon) are allowed to.
-Obey the admins!

Gen Staff Rules:

- General staff is limited to 5 max per staff unit. There is no min amount, however the head admin must approve
-Only those who serve a purpose go as General Staff.
- General staff may only bring a MAX of 3 pistols. The rest MUST bring rifles, music items, or flags.
- General staff may only be assigned to ARMY groups, BRIGADE groups, or DIVISION groups. This isn't a unit anyone can just sign up for.
- Must engage with a friendly group. You are NOT cavalry!! If you are acting as Gen Staff and are engaged, you may not counter-engage, you MUST be with a friendly group to partake in any combat activities.

Class rules

Line Infantry: 5-30
*Must be at a reasonable distance to charge
*May crouch while not engage, but while shooting or in close quarters may not crouch
*Must maintain a line formation

Light Infantry: 5-15
*May use 2 man spacings in their line.
*May crouch.

Skirmishers: 5-15
*May use 5 man spacings.
*May crouch.
*Must maintain cohesion.
*May fire in the Charge.
*Can OA (Officer aim).

Cavalry: 5-15
*Must maintain cohesion.
*Dragoons may fire off horseback but only when halted and in a line formation.
*Pistols may be fired off horseback during the charge.
*Dismounted Dragoons are classed as skirmishers in terms of rules.

Artillery: 5-12
*May use either howitzers or cannon but may not take more than 1 artillery pieces in total.
*Artillery guards may fight as skirmishers but should stick close to the guns under normal circumstances. They should take line or lights.
*Do not use rockets
*Max 2 sappers per team.

Signing up

For signing up use the following format:

Regiment name:

Contact us

If you have any questions, please tell us! Just contact me via steam:[95th] Skye
The server will be 95th_Rifles_Official

Regular attending regiments


Artillery 1: 3aDiv
Artillery 2: 66pp
Artillery 3: Free
Artillery 4: Det Kongelige Artilleri
Artillery 5: 3aDiv
Artillery 6: 1aBAC


Cavalry 1: 3aDiv
Cavalry 2: Free
Cavalry 3: Free
Cavalry 4: Free


Skirms 1: 3aDiv
Skirms 2: 95th Rifles
Skirms 3: 7e
Skirms 4: BIR


Lights 1: 3aDiv
Lights 2: KBH Füsilier Regiment Nr5 (KBH_FR_Nr5)
Lights 3: 2nd Royal Horse Artillery
Lights 4: 1ºBatallon Provisional de Galicia


Line 1: 3aDiv
Line 2: BIR
Line 3: Free
Line 4: Free
Line 5: 59e
Line 6: 66pp
Line 7: Free
Line 8: Free
Line 9: Free
Line 10: Free

Reserve Regiments

Events: EU / 95th Rifles Thursday Line Battle. [Full]
« on: February 07, 2017, 04:23:05 pm »

The 95th Regiment of foot would like to invite regiments to its new Thursday Line Battle, which will be taking place on a regular basis every week. The event will be hosted on our server every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. GMT. The server name will be 1st_Brigade_Official at the time the event takes place! Sign-ups will be made on this forum. Final confirmation of attendance on steam and if you do not come to the event then your spot will be given away.

We are endeavouring to provide a good, solid, and hassle free linebattle, hosted on a reliable server. We will maintain the rules with strict discipline and will not tolerate any troublemakers in the event.

As soon as the participating regiment`s have the password they should start getting their men into the server in readiness.  The event will consist of 4 rounds in total to be played on 2 different maps. If you have any question regarding this event or anything you wish to discuss feel free to add me on steam [95th] Skye


-All except artillery must join another line when they number 3 or less, Cavalry must dismount at this point!
-No teamkilling!
-No Ramboing!
-No trolling!
-No abusive behaviour!
-No Spamming!
-No musketoons!
-English only in global chat
-No blocking buildings.
-Lines that have sappers cannot camp, nor can they build an encampment
-Obey the admins!
-Insulting admins excessivly results in a temp ban. No exceptions.
-No racism
-No Homophobia
-In order to be garrisoned the full unit must be in the building if not it is normal formations

Class rules

Line Infantry: 5-30
*Must be at a reasonable distance to charge
*May crouch while not engage, but while shooting or in close quarters may not crouch
*Must maintain a line formation
*Can apply for a sapper when signing up

Light Infantry: 5-15
*May use 2 man spacings in their line.
*May crouch.
*May fire in the charge.
*May only take Inf Muskets

Skirmishers: 5-15
*May use 5 man spacings.
*May crouch.
*Must maintain cohesion.
*May fire in the Charge.

Cavalry: 5-15
*Must maintain cohesion.
*Dragoons may fire off horseback but only when halted and in a line formation.
*Pistols may be fired off horseback during the charge.
*Dismounted Dragoons are classed as skirmishers in terms of rules.
*If 3 or less must dismount and join a friendly line

Artillery: 4-12
*May use either howitzers or cannon but may not take more than 2 artillery pieces in total.
*Artillery guards may fight as skirmishers but should stick close to the guns under normal circumstances.
*Arty peices must be on the ground.

Signing up

For signing up use the following format:

Regiment name:
Do you wish to have a sapper [lines only] -

Contact us

If you have any questions, please tell us! Just contact me via steam:[95th] Skye
The server will be 1st_Brigade_Official

Regular attending regiments

Arty:(4 max)

8e Régiment d'artillerie à pied
Suisse 2e [1 cannon]
Det Kongelige Artelleri (DKA) [1 cannon]

Cav:(2 Max)

GHR(Gardehusarregimentet) - On holiday
2nd RSG

Skirms:(2 Max)

Livgardet till häst (K 1) - on holiday
95th Rifles

Lights:(No Limit)

Kongelige Holstenske Jægerkorps (KHJ)

Line:(No Limit)

Suisse 2e

Reserve Regiments:

Events / 95th New York Wedensday line battle 9PM GMT
« on: December 30, 2016, 04:29:45 pm »
The 95th New York Infantry would like to invite regiments to our new Wednesday Line Battle, which will be taking place on a regular basis every week. The event will be hosted on our server every Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. GMT. The server name will be 95thNY_Linebattle at the time the event takes place! Sign-ups will be made on this TS: sign ups will start 30 mins before the event at 8:30 p.m GMT if you are late you may not get the class you are looking for. The server password will be given out at the end of the sign ups.

We are endeavouring to provide a good, solid, and hassle free line battle, hosted on a reliable server. We will maintain the rules with strict discipline and will not tolerate any troublemakers in the event.

As soon as the participating regiments have the password they should start getting their men into the server in readiness.  The event will consist of 5 rounds in total to be played on 3 different maps. The first two maps will be random maps and the last round will be played on a stock map. If you have any question regarding this event or anything you wish to discuss feel free to add me on steam There will be a steam group when an announcement will be posted prior to the sign ups starting as a little reminder to everyone.

If you can provide a general indicator on this forum that your regiment is interested and follow the following format that would be awesome!

Regiment name:
Number of attendees:
Officers steam ( Will require two officers steams ):


General Rules

-Absolutely NO RACISM and NO HOMOPHOBIA. Depending on the severity, an offender may be warned, kicked, and/or banned from the event server.
-All units may fire while charging.
-One officer per regiment/ 1 pistol per regiment
-No reloading in charge unless defending a building.
-Any unit under 3 must join a friendly unit. Only exception is if the unit were already in charge. Failure to follow this will result in slays.
-No Trolling or insulting Admins.
-No TNT allowed.
-No reloading on the move.
-Two NCOs max per line. If your line is very large, you may request more NCOs from the head admin and he will grant you some.


-Infantry regiments are allowed one man spacing.
-Infantry regiment may not crouch in open only in man-made cover.
-Infantry may have 3 man spacing in cover.
-Infantry MUST bring rifles that can fix bayonets.
-Two NCOs max per line. If your line is very large, you may request more NCOs from the head admin and he will grant you some.
-There is no max to as many men a regiment can bring.


-Skirmish regiments are allowed a five-man spacing.
-Skirmishers may always crouch.
-One officer per skirm group.
-Two NCOs max per skrim group. These NCOs may use rifles that can fix bayonets.
-Skirm groups MUST bring Mississippi rifles or Lorenz rifles.
-A regiment may only sign up for a MAX of 15 skirms.


-Sharp regiments are allowed a five-man spacing.
-Sharpshooters MUST go as the sharpshooter class.
-Two NCOs max per sharp regiment. These NCOs may use rifles that can fix bayonets.
-A regiment may only sign up for a MAX of 15 sharps.
-Sharps must take sharp rifles, Hawken rifle or Kentucky rifle.


-Artillery are allowed a maximum of ONE engineer.
-Four cannons each for both teams max (must be equal on each team).
-As arty you may have arty guards, they must stay near the artillery (unless they move out as a line with 3 or more people in line formation). Arty Guard is not limited to number of people a regiment can bring.
-Artillery Guard to be considered arty guard must stay within 10 paces from the Artillery Encampment. This means they can stay in the current skirmisher rules, and reload on themselves. However, once Artillery Guard advances beyond the 10 paces limit, they must act as line. Failure to do so may result in a Slay or Temp Ban.
-Arty May capture enemy Guns that were in use by the enemy, however, cannot use any additional guns if more have spawned on the map on the enemy side only those that were former enemy cannons.
-Max of one arty Officer per gun.


-Cavalry are not allowed to fire from horseback (officers included).
-As dismounted cav you have the same rules as skirmishers.
-A regiment may only sign up for a MAX of 15 cav.
-All members must go the same unit.
-Cavalry regiments are allowed a maximum of two NCOs.

Good luck to anyone coming and I hope to see you on the battlefield!

Pages: 1