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Topics - Twitchels

Pages: 1
Released Modifications / MY version of the "BEEP" mod ;) (OLD SPICE!!)
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:40:00 am »
So all this does is change the sound that plays when you shoot someone with a musket (the sound that is really easy to miss) to the Old Spice Whistle... I think it's hilarious :P


There is a readme.txt file in the download that also explains how to install. 1st, extract the contents from the "NW Old" file. 2rd, Open the "NW Old Spice" Folder. 3th, Move the "mp_arrow_hit_target.wav" file to your Sounds folder in your Napoleonic Wars module and say Yes if it asks you about replacing a file. 4nd, Laugh...or don't. It's up to you really.

"Beep" Mod:

Note: this was my first post... I'm still trying to figure out how to make things look nice lol
Note II: You may want to create a copy of the original sound file just in case you ever want to uninstall...but why would you ever want to do that?  8)

Pages: 1