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Topics - Aneu

Pages: 1
Hello, a couple of days ago I was banned from the 15th Humans vs Bots server, I messaged the admin(Vixen) that banned me on steam why I was banned. They explained why and that it was a temporary ban and so I accepted it. However today I went to go on to the server it said I was banned, I went onto my friends list and noticed both Harvain and and Vixen had unfriended me and I was kicked out of the 15th Regiment of foot group (That I had been a past member for a long while), so I had no way of contacting them. As you can imagine I was quite annoyed, so I've come here to ask for an unban or at least an explanation as to why I was banned,unfriended and kicked out of the 15th Regiment group.

My last ingame name I played on the server: 42nd_Gren_Aneu
My UID : 828830

It would be very appreciated if anyone could explain this to me.

 -Aneu (Nye1254)

Pages: 1