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Topics - Azula

Pages: 1
Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Azula Ban Apeal (resolved)
« on: February 27, 2016, 05:42:06 am »
It seems the situation has resolved itself.  Thank you. 

Azula Unban request
Defended teammates from a repeat TKer.  Stated my reason in chat, teammates vouched for me in chat.  I killed him 3 times in a row after seeing him stab friendlies each time.  We asked the admin to ban him, but he waited until the end of the match, and banned every tker.  Including me. 
I realize that I did break the rules defending teammates.  But only after we tried contacting the admin. 
    1030 pm 2/26/2016
    Central Standard Timezone
I think I should be unbanned because i'm a reasonable person who isn't looking to ruin anyone's fun.  I realize contacting an admin is the right choice to stop a tker.  At the time the server was nearly full so I do not blame the admin for banning everyone with multiple tks.  Its the start of the weekend and I got newbs to skewer.  And tkers to not kill but report to admins..  :)




Pages: 1