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Topics - Joker

Pages: 1

Major Yokerton

Battalion Serjeant Major Redcoat

Back or something, Maybe, Probably.

Regiments / #92 New Brunswick Leib Battalion (Name Reserve)
« on: June 19, 2013, 11:43:30 pm »
Name Reserved!

Community / A Warning about Hobbit.
« on: April 20, 2013, 03:42:42 pm »
Hello Chaps!
I first want to state the point that this isn't a normal thing for me to do, but this has distressed me to such a level that this is the only appropriate thing to do. This thread is about a member of the community called Hobbit that has been personally insulting one member of mine recently, I decided to confront him and ask him to stop and got a very disappointing reply.
I of course can not post the conversation here (if you want to see it, feel free to message me on the forums or steam), but this is a warning to everyone, Hobbit is a troll and that is all he is. I tried to talk to him normally and my god, he is nothing more than a troll. He tried to make my members troll the particular member that he was trolling, he tried to turn half the regiment against them. I want to warn regiment leaders and any member of the community to stay away from him, because that is what he deserves.

Once again, I don't want this turning into a huge argument or I will lock this thread, it is simply a warning about this absolutely horrible member of the community,

- Yoker

Clans / [Bear Force II] 212th Attack Battalion
« on: April 10, 2013, 10:55:59 am »

Clans / [Mandalorian] Clan Kerr [Bear Force II]
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:50:29 pm »
Under Construction, Just putting the name up!

Community / Harlem Shake : 7te Edition
« on: February 17, 2013, 10:19:04 pm »

We had a go at the Harlem Shake!

Media / Post your ingame face!
« on: January 14, 2013, 06:46:35 pm »
Post your ingame face!

Ill start off with my beautiful face!

Events: EU / [EU] 88th & IIe Saturday Historical Conquest
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:17:01 pm »
T H I S   
I S   Y O U R   C H A N C E

T O   R E W R I T E   H I S T O R Y

W I L L   Y O U   C H A N G E   I T ?

I I E   &   8 8 T H   H I S T O R I C AL   C O N Q U E S T

U N I T   R U L E S

Foot Infantry

- Maximum is 40, Minimum is 8
- You must fire in formation and you can not fire in charge.
- You can not crouch unless behind cover or in a double rank.
- You must fight in a line unless inside a building.

Light Infantry
- Maximum is 15, Minimum is 5.
- You can not fire in charge.
- You can not crouch unless behind cover.
- You are allowed up to 3 man spacing.


- Maximum is 15, Minimum is 5.
- You can not fire in charge.
- You may crouch in line.
- You are allowed up to 4 man spacing.


- Maximum is 15, Minimum is 5.
- You may only fire when halted in a line.
- You can not capture flags.
- Lancers can not couch their lances.
- Cavalry can not jump in a charge.

Artillery and Guard

- Maximum Artillery Guard is 10.
- Guard may adopt light infantry tactics.
- Guards must stay with the Artillery.
- Guards can not capture flags unless the Artillery is with them.
- The Battery may take up to two cannons or one cannon and one howitzer.
- The Battery may take one sapper.

G E N E R A L   R U L E S

Rules will not be enforced zealously, but we are looking for a fair and fun event, so we will be punishing repeated rule-breakers.

- You may not leave the flags unless in a group of 4
- If you are the last person left in your line, you must join another or defend one of your flags, you may not capture another flag on your own.
- Officers may fire out of formation.
- You have to be in a group of 4 people or above to capture a flag.


- The Event will be hosted at 7:30 GMT.
- The Event will be hosted on a good quality 200 slot server.
- Custom maps will be used for the event.
- Teams will have light infantry or rifles, not both.
- Server details will be given out via steam at 7:15

S I G N I N G   U P

If you wish to sign up please copy and fill out the following application:
Regiment Name - 
Expected Attendance -
Desired Unit -
Understand the Rules? -

Example of an Application-
Regiment Name - 7. Silesian Landwehr Infanterie
Expected Attendance - 30
Desired Unit - Foot Infantry
Understand the Rules? - Yes.

C U R R E N T L Y   A T T E N D I N G

- 88th Regiment of Foot - Line, 20 People.  [REGULAR]

- 4e Grenadiers - Line, 25 People.  [REGULAR]

- K.K. Hussars regiment N° 3 - Cavalry, 15 People.  [REGULAR]

- Kaiser Franz Nr1 - Artillery, 15 People.  [REGULAR]

- 105e Regiment d'Infantrie - Line, 15 People. [REGULAR]

- The Royal Recruits  - Line, 15 People.  [REGULAR]

- Artillerie de la Garde Impériale - Artillery, 10 People. [REGULAR]

- 6e Regiment de Cuirrassiers - Cavalry 10 People. [REGULAR]

- 79th Regiment of Foot - Line, 15 People.

- 3rd Kent Regiment of Foot - Line, 10 People.

- 2nd Coldstream Guards - Line, Cavalry, Artillery 50 People.

-  K-KA Nr57- Line, 15 People.

- 44th Regiment of Foot - East Essex - Line, 35 People.

- 1. Garde-Landwehr-Regiment - Line, 15 People.

Regiments / 88th "Devils Own" Connaught Rangers
« on: December 20, 2012, 04:39:31 pm »

The 88th was established in Connaught in 1793 and it bore on its colours and appointments a harp and a crown with the motto Quis Separabit – "Who shall divide us". It first saw service in 1794 in Flanders in the disastrous Walcheren campaign against Napoleon's troops and, despite their inexperience, the troops fought well, but hundreds perished in the British Army’s winter retreat that year. The regiment later fought in the West Indies, Egypt, India and South America before it joined Wellington’s army in the Peninsular in 1808. It was during the Peninsular campaign that the 88th distinguished itself as one of the finest regiments in what Wellington himself was later to describe as "that most astonishing infantry".

Posterity has ensured that we have a first hand account of some of the most extraordinary actions that took place in the Peninsular of that time by the published diaries of Lieutenant William Grattan who served with the 88th in Spain from 1809 until 1813. The Connaught Rangers were "the most Irish of all Irish regiments" (Oman) and in Grattan's own words were "a parcel of lads that took the world aisy" and "without shoes they fancied themselves at home, without food they were nearly at home." The 88th served under General Picton in the 3rd Division or the "Fighting Division" as Grattan was proud to call them. Picton himself seemed to have had a love-hate relationship with the 88th. When he first addressed them he called them "The Connaught Footpads" in reference to their reputation for plundering, but he soon recognised their abilities when it came to a hard fight.

It is evident that in moments of crisis he came to use the 88th as shock troops – heavy stormtroopers to be used at the critical point of a battle to break the spirit of their opponents by hand-to-hand fighting, and it was Picton who came to give them the infamous nick name of "The Devil’s Own". The many battles of the Peninsular War have filled many books but the major actions in which the Connaught Rangers made an inimitable contribution can be summarised below:

For example, during the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, it was in order to confer a mark of distinction upon the Connaught Rangers that a junior officer or subaltern volunteer from the 88th was requested to lead the "Forlorn Hope", the first storming party through the main breach of the fortress walls. Almost certain death, but if he survived, the leading officer was normally assured a captaincy. A Lieutenant William Mackie volunteered and was granted the command, composed of 20 volunteers from the 88th. Before hurling the whole of the 3rd Division into the assault, General Picton gave this particular address to the 88th:

"Rangers of Connaught!
It is not my intention to expend any powder this evening.
We’ll do this business with the cold iron."

Read the rest of the history here!

The 88th Connaught Rangers is a regiment that has been around for a year now. We are a few dedicated friends who have chosen to avoid large regiments, and therefore favour regiments in which everyone knows each other. We look for friendship and fun in a regiment instead of the desire to win: you can't always win you see! Therefore, we have formed in order to create a long lasting brotherhood of friendship between members. If you are interested in joining the 88th and want to know more about who we are and what we do, then add Major Yoker on Steam for details. For some basic information, we have trainings on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:30PM GMT, and we host our own event on Saturdays.
[EU] Monday Training - 7:30PM GMT
[EU] Wednesday Training - 7:30PM GMT
[EU] Thursday Siege - 6:30PM GMT
[EU] Friday Linebattle - 6:40PM GMT
[EU] Saturday Conquest - 7:30PM GMT
[EU] Sunday Linebattle - 6:30PM GMT

We have a Steam Group, here. Use this to contact any member of the regiment and upon acceptance into the regiment you will be invited to join the group. We also have our own teamspeak server. The address is We'll post any announcements we have in the Steam Group, so that everyone can see it.

In the Connaught Rangers, you are expected to be active, mature and well disciplined. In order for you to be able to advance up the ranks, you must show that you are capable of following orders, making constructive suggestions and have a good ability at the game. It is also preferred if you are active on TaleWorlds and on Steam, but most important is overall activity within the regiment. The co-founders of the regiment will always hold the highest ranks in the hierarchy and you should follow the examples they set: they will always be mature and well behaved, you must follow in their footsteps in order to go far. Do not troll, make the Rangers proud!

Now, it's rumoured that this newfangled thing called a "Roster" is something that lets you list all the members of your regiment, and actually see where they're from! By Jove technology is advancing tenfold is it not! I daresay that we might get one if we can figure out how to run the damned things, but as of yet I can't for the life of me figure out how they work. Anyway, I'll just leave this here until I can discover exactly what I'm meant to do to "get" a roster, as it were.
I'll also need to find a list of those damned ruffians that I have under my command, those vagrants and vagabonds sure love to fight, I'll tell you that for nought but a clip 'round the ear! Anyway, when I get around to gathering the bastards into one place and counting/naming them all, and then recording it, and on top of tha figuring out how to make a roster work, we'll sure as hell have one! Oh and by the way, you can in fact apply here (strange I know), so just fill out the thingy below if you feel like it, and we'll assess your application.

Major Yoker
Captain Neo
Ensign Aether
Ensign Mina

Corporal Antony
Lance CorporalBraxen
Lance Corporal Clueless
Lance Corporal Giovanni
Lance Corporal Oakenshield
Lance Corporal Jersei

Recruit Ace
Recruit Adron
Recruit Aikai
Recruit Assasine
Recruit Bennet
Recruit Bunny Man
Recruit Chrisfire
Recruit CornishKnight
Recruit Doodboom
Recruit Helmut
Recruit Liquid
Recruit  Joehim2020
Recruit Jeff Mcbiggie
Recruit Mojojoejoe
Recruit Nik12
Recruit Rynkk
Recruit SandPapp3r
Recruit Saize
Recruit Seven
Recruit Sore Potato
Recruit Simon Mcbiggie
Recruit Stitch
Recruit SwedensPride
Recruit The Ripper
Recruit Xaunders


Enlisted men,
Kingsman Cake
Kingsman Kaya
Kingsman Sasha-Jen
Kingsman Cannonball
Kingsman Urrik
Kingsman Hagran
Regular FlunkY
Regular Mike
Regular Tharan
Regular Wonko
Private Barristan
Private Chocolate
Private Cooper
Private Demonbooty
Private Ennis
Private Frenky99
Private Greyscale
Private Haystack
Private Hells Inferno
Private Loras
Private Masa
Private Matthew
Private Mattybill
Private Milkshake
Private Wayne
Private Wonko

[b]Do you speak english:[/b]
[b]Prior clan/regiment experience:[/b]
[b]Which days in the week, are you able to attend trainings on (day and time):[/b]
[b]How long have you played Mount&Musket:[/b]
[b]What skills do you have that will help the regiment:[/b]
[b]If you have steam, whats your login name:[/b]
[b]Do you have a microphone:[/b]
[b]Are you willing to fully dedicate yourself to the regiment:[/b]

Pages: 1