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Topics - Pinkamena

Pages: 1
Regiments / Nylands Jägarbataljon [NA][Recruiting]
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:17:44 am »
Nylands Jägarbataljon

Here again I find myself, making a regiment for Mount and Blade, though this time the difference is that it's Nap Wars and not North and South. This regiment will be simple, and will mostly hold more as a community of sorts then specifically a group for M&B. Focused on social and simple fun over much anything else. Expect a lot of shenanigans, a lot of stupidity, and a whole lot of other things along that sort of vein. Also you best have a high tolerance for weird shit and anime and the like.

Beyond that there is little to mention. I'm in the process of compiling our current roster, as it stands membership seems to be at around 10 people.

Nylands jägarbataljon (Nyland Rifle Battalion)– Finnish Unit
Unusually comprised 2 companies of varvade & 2 companies of indelta troops.
Disbanded 1809 following the Russian annexation of Finland.

Whats your Steam url?

Are you under 15?

How did you find us?

List your past experience in any guilds, clans, regiments, etc. If none, please answer N/A.

Will you download and use Teamspeak 3?

Do you have a mic?

Explain why you feel we should accept you?
Will continue to update as time passes.

Regiments / US 369th Infantry Regiment "Harlem Shakers" [NA]
« on: February 15, 2014, 04:50:53 am »

Regiment History
The 369th Infantry Regiment was constituted 2 June 1913 in the New York Army National Guard as the 15th New York Infantry Regiment. It was organized on 29 June 1916 at New York City. They were the most famous black unit in World War I. It was mustered into Federal service on 25 July 1917 at Camp Whitman, New York. It was drafted into Federal service 5 August 1917. The regiment trained in the New York area, performed guard duty at various locations in New York. They trained more intensely at Camp Wadsworth in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where they experienced significant racism from the local communities and from other units.

The 15th Infantry Regiment NYARNG was assigned on 1 December 1917 to the 185th Infantry Brigade. It was commanded by Col. William Hayward, a member of the Union League Club of New York, which sponsored the 369th in the tradition of the 20th U.S. Colored Infantry, which the club had sponsored in the Civil War.

The 15th Infantry Regiment shipped out from the New York Port of Embarkation on 27 December 1917, and joined its brigade upon arrival in France. The unit was relegated to labor service duties instead of combat training. The 185th Infantry Brigade was assigned on 5 January 1918 to the 93rd Division [Provisional].

The 15th Infantry Regiment, NYARNG was reorganized and redesignated 1 March 1918 as the 369th Infantry Regiment, but the unit continued labor service duties while it awaited the decision as to its future.

The US Army decided on 8 April 1918 to assign the unit to the French Army for the duration of the United States' participation in the war. The men were issued French helmets and brown leather belts and pouches, although they continued to wear their U.S. uniforms. The 369th Infantry Regiment was relieved 8 May 1918 from assignment to the 185th Infantry Brigade, and went into the trenches as part of the French 16th Division. It served continuously to 3 July. The regiment returned to combat in the Second Battle of the Marne. Later the 369th was reassigned to Gen. Lebouc’s 161st Division to participate in the Allied counterattack. On one tour they were out for over 6 months which was the longest deployment of any unit in World War I. On 19 August, the regiment went off the line for rest and training of replacements. While overseas the hellfighters saw propaganda for them saying that the Germans have done nothing wrong to black so why are they against them and that they should be for against the American. These statements only made the African American even more devoted to the U.S. On 25 September 1918 the French 4th Army went on the offensive in conjunction with the American drive in the Meuse-Argonne. The 369th turned in a good account in heavy fighting, sustaining severe losses. They captured the important village of Séchault. At one point the 369th advanced faster than French troops on their right and left flanks, and risked being cut off. By the time the regiment pulled back for reorganization, it had advanced fourteen kilometers through severe German resistance.

In mid-October the regiment was moved to a quiet sector in the Vosges Mountains. It was there on 11 November, the day of the Armistice. Six days later, the 369th made its last advance and on 26 November, reached the banks of the Rhine River, the first Allied unit to reach it. The regiment was relieved on 12 December 1918 from assignment to the French 161st Division. It returned to the New York Port of Embarkation and was demobilized on 28 February 1919 at Camp Upton at Yaphank, New York, and returned to the New York Army National Guard.

During its service, the regiment suffered 1500 casualties and took part in the following campaigns:
Champagne 1918
Alsace 1918



Contact Info

Regiments / uVe Warband/George City Mounted Police
« on: January 31, 2013, 10:27:28 pm »

When I look upon my homeland, I see these men from the far lands slowly coming into our homes. I am saddened, and angered if you forgive the hatred, at this obvious theft and plunder of our ancestral lands! I cannot stand it any longer, so as of now I have called upon my men, my tribe, and my lands to RISE up against the white man! We shall drive the foul men from our lands on a river of their own blood!

The only ranks we use are simple!

ubaba-Our father-Highest!

Zulu Call!
Ubaba Itumeleng (Myself)
Umama Ayo Obama (mjtkd)
Ihhashi Kgosi Uzochi (Fealress XIII)
Ihhashi Kwame Udo (Deejay)
Ihhashi Tumelo Chikelu (My Brand)
Ihhashi Jelani Kwadwo (Brandenburger)
Ihhashi Kayin Kojo (Pataur)
Ihhashi Obi Ihejirika
Ihhashi Azubuike Kato (Pinkie Pie)
Ihhashi Kwame Chinedu (Dreadmaul)
Ihhashi Akachi Sizwe (Lucas)
Ihhashi Ekenedilichukwu (mattboone7)
Ihhashi Idir Munashe (vFear!~)


This is majorly w.i.p. and we're gonna see how this goes.

We're a split Reg, so when we're British we're George City Mounted Police.

Confederates / Mosby's Rangers [NA, Confederate, Recruiting]
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:17:49 pm »

Mosby's Rangers, Mosby's Raiders or Mosby's Men, was a battalion of partisan cavalry in the Confederate army during the American Civil War. Noted for their lightning strikes on Union targets and their ability to consistently elude pursuit, the Rangers disrupted Federal communications and supply lines.

Mosby's Rangers is a mounted skirmishers unit for North & South, an American Civil War mod for M&B.

Mosby's Rangers, officially known as the 43rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry, was an irregular unit of partisan cavalry in the Confederate army during the American Civil War. The 43rd Battalion was formed on June 10, 1863, at Rector's Cross Roads, near Rectortown, Virginia. By the summer of 1864, Mosby's battalion included six cavalry companies and one artillery company, comprising about 400 men.

Noted for their lightning strikes and their ability to consistently elude pursuit, the Rangers disrupted Federal communications and supply lines. Mosby felt that "a small force moving with celerity and threatening many points on a line can neutralize a hundred times its own number." Speed, surprise and shock were the true secret of the success of Mosby's Command. A small intrepid mounted force could charge a much larger one, and with the terrorizing advantage of surprise, rout them. If attacked themselves the guerrillas would sometimes ride away a brief distance and then round on their attackers and charge back into them, panicking and scattering them in the melee.

According to the memoirs of former partisan Munson, Mosby welcomed volunteers attracted by the glory of the fight and the allure of loot, and had an eye for intelligence, valor, resourcefulness, but "what Mosby liked best was youth. He agreed with Napoleon, that boys make the best soldiers... mere boys, unmarried and hence without fear or anxiety for wives or children." A few partisans were wizened old men in their 40's, but most were in their late teens or early 20's; two paroled after the war at Winchester were only 14 years old.

It is difficult to evaluate the contribution of Mosby's raids to the overall Confederate war effort. In his memoirs, John Munson stated that if the objective was simply "to annoy the enemy," they succeeded. In discussing as Mosby's "greatest piece of annoyance", he mentioned the Greenback Raid, in which Mosby's men derailed a train and captured a $170,000 payroll from the paymasters of Sheridan's army (each of the 80 raiders received a $2100 share, though Mosby himself took nothing).

On the other hand, Mosby's guerrilla operations were not highly regarded even within the Confederate Army. Brigadier General Thomas Rosser urged disbanding Mosby's command in a letter addressed to General Robert E. Lee. Rosser agreed with the Union that Mosby's men were not soldiers but glorified thieves — and bad for morale, because his regular troops were jealous. General Lee sent the letter on to the Confederate War Department with an endorsement recommending "the law authorizing these partisan corps be abolished." On later reflection, however, Lee concluded that whatever the military utility of the rangers in the larger scheme of things, Mosby was "zealous bold, and skillful, and with very small resources he has accomplished a great deal."

Lt. Colonel
1st Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
Sergeant Major
1st Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Lance Corporal
Private First Class
Private Second Class

Commissioned Officers
Colonel John S. Mosby (onikujo)
Brigadier General Longstreet (mjtkd)
Captain Walter E. Franklin (Aumas)
2nd Lieutenant Matthew F. Magner (Pataur)

Non-commissioned Officers
Sergeant Major Pinkie Pie (Pinkie Pie)
Ranger Thomas A. Russell (1 Sgt.) (Mario647)
Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Snafu (YankeeSamurai)
Ranger John J. Williams (Sgt.) (PaladinToaster)

Corporal Applejack (Zontago)
Lance Corporal Rainbow Dash

Ranger Austin_Graves (Pfc.) (Forte)
Private First Class Nate_Caudell (Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter)
Private First Class Bosacknoodle (Weedninja22)
Private Second Class TK_512 (TK_512) 
Private Second Class Darkshifter98 (Darkshifter98)
Private Second Class MyBrand
Private Second Class Buckner

Private beansalot (benasalot)
Private MACbeasts (MACbeasts)
Private Bosacknoodle (Weedninja22)
Private NDSmore (NDSmore)
Private Gilda (Sparkle Kitten)
Private Boone (MattBoone7)
Private Octavia (Voxxin)
Private Omni (OmnipotentSnail)
Private Henry_Masters (DukeofWellington)
Private Burning Bullet
Private Deejay
Private Dreadmaul
Private Bran
Private William Jackson (Fearless XIII)
Private Pyle (Lucas)

Recruit TheWileyGreyFox
Recruit Furrycoat
Recruit Nightman
Recruit Ainokea (Ainokea)

Whats your Steam username?

Are you under 14?

How did you find us? (search tool, person sent you here, friend, recruitment message, youtube.)

List your past experience in any guilds, clans, regiments, etc. If none, please answer N/A.

Are you willing to download and use Teamspeak 3?

If so, do you have a working microphone?

Why should we accept you?

Are you willing to give your character facial hair?

Please fill the application out and either post it here, apply on our forums, send me a PM with it, or add me on Steam to talk to me.

The Mess Hall / FSE Official Pony Thread
« on: November 12, 2012, 10:18:17 am »
This doesn't exist yet? I think this needs to exist now to get the few bronies out and about. Also, don't hate me for it.

Everypony equal. Everypony Loved. You don’t have to have be cool or awesome to be a brony, it’s just for fun. Love, Tolerance, Friendship, and Kindness are the most important things a brony can have, let’s spread some joy and post some ponies! And anything else.

North & South: First Manassas / National Flagball League Association™
« on: November 11, 2012, 10:11:18 pm »

Welcome to the main thread for the NFLA, the soon to be National Flagball Association™ of North and South. We're pleased to announce the founding of a simple, fun and worryingly deadly game to be played aside from Line-battles. The idea was formed in the late night tussles that take place on the 4th Vermont's server, coming from a simple game of keep away between Aumas, Dreadmaul, TwilightSpurkel and others. After that, and with the corralling of a few other pubbers and regiment players, we had created two rudimentary teams with which to play the game.

It's a rather silly game, similar to keep-away, but covered with a bit more rules and regulations and spectated and announced by yours truly, with the intention of making the greatest possible experience for all. Small teams of 5-7 are made, similar to a reduced American Football team, without set positions. There's Team Captains, perhaps a few additional positions that are more for show, and a single judge/referee (In most cases myself). We'd hope to make a decent little league of a few teams at least, split into a similar system with the NFL involving divisions and conferences if possible.

Game Rules
-Each team will have 2 timeouts per round, the Captain of the team may use these at any time during the match.
-The game halts for halftime when 100 of the 200 kills are reached. This will be a short recess.
-All players start on horse, and cavalry is the required class for all players.
-Any and all attacks are allowed, firing from horseback, etc.
-If during the course of the match, the flag falls and becomes buried below ground, then a temporary time out where no combat takes place will come into effect until the flag is discovered, or failing that a reset will occur.
-During a reset, both teams will be set on either side of the field and the flag will be placed in the center, upon the referee's orders play will resume with a headlong charge in most cases.
-In order to win, the team with the flag needs to reach 200 points AND have possession of the flag in order to officially win the game. If a team has over 200 points and manages to pick up the flag, it's an automatic win.
-As the game reaches halfway in terms of kills, a half-time of sorts is called and enforced. It ends after a short break with the two teams restarting in lines away from each other and the flag with whomever had it at the end of half.
-Always listen to the Referee, his rulings are final always.

TBD when teams and people are formed together. As a rule most events will be normally at or around 5:00 PM PST whatever day it's on.

The Teams
-Burlington Applebuckers-                            Record 0-0
-Jeremiah J. Aumas <Captain>
-Jerry Bohan
-Twilight Sparkle
-Burning Bullet
-Forte <Backup>
-Jak_Sherman <Backup>

-Columbus Fudgepackers-                            Record 0-0
-Zoochenie <Captain>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>

-Boston RamRods-                                         Record 0-0
-Custer <Captain>
-Jay <Backup>
-AN Assassin <Backup>
-Conrad <Backup>

-Bridgeport Bastards-                                     Record 0-0
-Brandenburger <Captain>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>

-Toledo Continentals-                                      Record 0-0
-SaintKyle <Captain>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>
- <Unfilled>

I'd prefer to get a few more teams before a season is discussed, feel free to sign up, don't be shy!

Applying for a team
Team Name: <City> + <Noun or something>
Team Captain:
Are you and your team active and willing to play the game and have fun?:

This is a potentially fun game, but also totally new and also meant to be for fun, so take it with a grain of salt.

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