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Topics - -[TRR]- Pte. Forrest

Pages: 1
Today, 28/12/12; at lets say noon, 2 guys (1stWPL_A2_Kpt_Jack and DH_livgarde-serg_Spy) were TK'ing and griefing arty by always jumping infront of the barrels.

- 1stWPL_A2_Kpt_Jack  Always TKed me ( here is the proof, I hope its enough;;

- DH_livgarde-serg_Spy Griefed me with Arty alot, you can ask Gokiller that because he was there for like 1 map. ( Here is the proof = that was when he jumped infront of me barrel and killed the other TKer, 1stWPL_A2_Kpt_Jack,

I hope this is enough evidence to ban these trolls/TKers.

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