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Topics - Pau Catacumbes

Pages: 1
Regiments / Regiment Pirinenc número 1 de Catalunya
« on: June 06, 2017, 10:09:21 pm »



The "Regiment Pirinenc número 1 de Catalunya" was the first army created and commanded directly from the "Generalitat de Catalunya" since 1714.
This regiment was consisted mostly by well trained men for fighting and surviving in extreme conditions like the Pirinees, most of them came from hiking groups and paramilitary groups.

This regiment serviced the Generalitat de Catalunya and participated in the numerous fightings against the "Nacionales" at the Pirinees with great success and also fought against anarchists in Balaguer and later on defending the Generalitat de Catalunya against the Anarchist groups during "els Fets de Maig".


/CLOSED/ -> Contact the high ranks listed below


- Main language: Catalan
- Also speak: Spanish

Unit ingame:

- Infantry

Basic Information:

- This is a catalan regiment.
- There are not only Catalan members, also from other parts of Spain.
- To join this regiment if you don't speak Catalan, is to respect and accept that the main language is Catalan, that doesn't mean that Spanish can't be spoken but to understand that you have to make the effort to try to understand it, don't be scared to ask for help for understanding orders or any other type of aid.


-PauCat: Steam account-> Gmail->


General Discussion / Up or Down?
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:22:32 pm »
Here we will see which is more popular, Upstabs or Downstabs?
 Blackpowder lovers not allowed here

Pages: 1