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Topics - God_

Pages: 1 2
General Discussion / Biggest KS in NW. Pics or it didn't happen yah sluts!
« on: December 20, 2015, 06:56:19 pm »
1: has to be a KS against humans
2: pics or it didn't happen
3: Anyone can post a screenshot except Fireboy, because fuk that guy lolol

Off Topic / Favorite Mount and blade Line
« on: December 20, 2015, 10:30:38 am »
The line can be from any game.


The Mess Hall / Thouhts on AP0C being back in the community?
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:05:44 pm »
what are everyone's thoughts on AP0C being back in the community. Will Bill finally be dethroned as the best meleer NA?

Community / How to turn off smoke
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:17:30 am »
Is there a way to turn off smoke or just make it less annoying? in battle it always gets in my way and is basically a free smoke grenade every time you shoot.


Community / How good is the person above u in melee?
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:11:59 am »
1/10 scale. be a dick.

The Mess Hall / Is anyone not watched/banned on these sub reddits?
« on: September 16, 2015, 11:48:55 pm »
Is there a reason that almost no one with over 2000 posts doesn't have a watched emblem or gotten banned? Is it just me or does it seem like they are getting handed out like candy. Now that I said that plz don't Perma Ban me :c

Other Games / Dirty bomb
« on: September 16, 2015, 11:45:13 pm »

Community / getting into NA competitive cav
« on: September 16, 2015, 01:02:43 am »
Since I am interested in Competitive and feel that I am getting to be better at it than my inf, I was wondering if there is NA tourneys for cav hopefully hussars.


Off Topic / Favorite RL sport to play
« on: September 14, 2015, 12:12:14 am »
I love to run because its a great way to meet new people, physically exert yourself, and you are able to do it anywhere anytime. Its also a pretty fun introverted sport

Community / Favorite Mounted unit
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:37:24 am »
So what is your favorite?

General Discussion / a nerf for hussars
« on: September 06, 2015, 10:42:10 pm »
As a man who always heard that hussars were Op, I always thought that opinion was just simply not true. after all Hussars seemed to sacrifice hit points for speed, and there are many games where people bitch about how OP a class/weapon is. But after playing an LB as a hussar I would have to agree with the others. A hussar can simply do to much damage in my opinion taking out infantry almost all of the time in one hit and having speed that makes it easy to outrun enemies and much harder to get shot. Lancers and heavy cav had no chance against hussars, and cannot retreat because of the hussars speed. It also seems like hussars don't have any counters, even a well organized infantry regiment has nothing on a hussar reg that has any experience whatsoever.
A good nerf to the hussars would to make the horses have less hit points, or the hussars sabers more weak. obviously these are extremely basic but would change the competitive scene immensely.
Have any ideas than this very linear one? Comment on how you would change the hussars and if you think that they are OP or perfectly fine the way they are.

I really started thinking about this when Wiki made his thread "Do you ever wish you had not bought this game" one person made a point that they had met friends on mount and blade that they still have today. I feel the same way. but still, I wonder what makes a friend, lets say from school different than a friend you have chatted with on steam. what makes it different, what is similar? could someone try to explain? thanks.

Community / 3eVolt trolling LB hosted by 4th
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:23:33 am »
The LB was pretty crazy on its own, with almost 2 or 3 resets just because of bush pirates ambushing seperate reg's (ones name was BillTheButcher but it was probs a fake.)But the bush pirates only contributed to half the chaos and resets. The 3eVolt actually attacked our reg multiple rounds firing apon us, and charging us individually or as a group in melee. It stalled the entire event, making the admins have to reset multiple times. But the cherry on top was when all the 3eVolt all switched to Arthur Wesley instead of going line inf and attacked our reg, with officer swords and pistols. After leaving the event right after the act,[4th]~Col_Nico said they would never be a part of events hosted by the admins again. I have multiple questions for the 3eVolt, one being, why the fuck would you try ruining an LB that takes hard time and planning, and why take the risk of getting banned from LB's forever? my other question is has the 3eVolt been known to be trolls, because this was the most immature act by any reg I have ever seen. Anyway if Nico is reading this it was still a great LB and was glad I could come, even with the bush pirates and reg's trolling.

Also i'm not blaming this entirely on the 3eVolt, because other reg's including mine definitely participated in the trolling slightly, but the 3eVolt does take the cake for douchiest reg of the week. I also understand that the 3eVolt is a long time rival with the 111e, but for what they did was not excusable, almost ruining a LB for all the other reg's there.

General Discussion / swords and there differences
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:11:50 pm »
Just wondering if anyone could explain (or give me a credible source) how the swords in NW are different. I understand that short swords are short.... and officer swords are officer swords, but am pretty clueless besides from that

General Discussion / Sudden spike in Napoleonic_Roleplay
« on: July 23, 2015, 07:41:48 am »
why is there a sudden spike in the number of players on Napoleonic_Roleplay? 200 players a day is not uncommon. Its just so strange to see such a populated server in such an old game

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