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Topics - Just Ray

Pages: 1
Hello Everyone, I am Ray, and I am the Oberst of the Nr. 77. We formed about a month ago but are now up to more than 50 members in our NA community with about 36 of them being active. I am trying to find someone to create and then lead the EU side of our regiment. We have a few EU members, but none want to step up and accept the responsibility of running the EU side. So, if you are interested feel free to add me on steam at [Nr. 77] Ray or post on here. It would obviously help if you were able to bring members along with you, but, I am willing to help you start from scratch, we already have a teamspeak and an NA NW server, also, we have a EU server to train and recruit on as well.

Regiments / 2. Hannoversches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 77
« on: June 24, 2015, 03:27:13 pm »

Regimental Info:

Contact Information:
Regimental Leader: Oberst Ray
Second in Command: Hauptmann Wilhelmrk
Third in Command: Stabsfeldwebel Dio
Teamspeak Address:

Hello and welcome guys, my name is Ray and I am the new Oberst of the Nr. 77.
We are a mature and active regiment with over 25 active members now. If you are interested in joining add me on Steam!

Event Schedule:

Tuesday [Training] - 8:00 PM EST                                           

Wednesday: [Optional Events]                                             

Thursday: [Linebattle] - 12e_Linebattle 8:15 PM EST           

Friday: [Linebattle] - Bush_Wookie_Gaming 8:00 PM EST     

Saturday: [Linebattle] - Bush_Wookie_Gaming 8:00 PM EST

Sunday: [Siege] - KaiservonMagnerheim 8:00 PM EST           

Rank Structure:

CO Ranks:
Oberst [Oberst]
OberstLeuntnant [OTL]
Major [Maj]
Hauptmann [Hptm]
Oberleutnant [Olt]
Leutnant [Lt]

NCO Ranks:
Stabsfeldwebel [Stfw]
Oberfeldwebel [Obfw]
Feldwebel [Fw]
Quartiermeister [Qtm]
Adjutant [Adj] 
Zugsfuhrer [Zgf]
Fähnrich [FR] (Flagbearer)
Korporal [Kpl]

Veteran [Vet]
Oberstabsgefreiter [Osegefr]
Stabsgefreiter [Sgefr]
Hauptgefreiter [Hgefr]
Obergefreiter [Ogefr]
Gefreiter [Gfr]
Soldat [Sdt]
Rekrut [Rkt]

Pages: 1