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Topics - Davos

Pages: 1
Media / GettyPuns™
« on: June 15, 2015, 11:15:11 pm »
For all things GettyPuns I decided to make this subreddit:

By the way I looked through the rules and didn't see anything that didn't allow linking to other website but if this is somehow breaking the rules feel free to remove it.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / pretzel_pretzel unban request
« on: June 13, 2015, 08:51:28 pm »
Name under which you were banned - pretzel_pretzel
Server(s) you are banned from: NW_Offical_NA_1
What was happening when you got banned: During the round I said "gay" in teamchat then the admin warned me not to use slurs so I didn't, I was chilling in a bedroom literally doing nothing and in team chat I was just chilling telling people to guard the "holy bed" and shortly after I was banned without warning. Zzehth then told me on steam that 1erPLG Pepper
banned me for using slurs despite the fact I used none after I was warned before, if you check the logs it will support my claim.
Did you break any other rules prior to your ban? (this may include any prior bans, or any other rules you were or were not punished for) no.
Time and date when the account was banned: Somewhere around 2:30- 2:50 6/13/15
Timezone: EST
User Identification Number: 793526
Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned because I didn't do anything wrong to get my self banned, I understand that there were a TON of pretzel's on so there may have been some confusion or it could have been plainly because the admins online at the time were just hating on the pretzels in general.

Pages: 1