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Topics - 69th_Lt_Kosaka

Pages: 1
Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Unban Request: 69th_Lt_Kosaka
« on: March 22, 2015, 05:31:04 pm »
User Identification Number* (This is a number server admins can find in their logs THIS IS NOT YOUR CD KEY, DONT POST YOUR CD KEY!)

Server(s) you are banned from-Server NW_Official_NA1

What was happening when you got banned-I was team killing and one of my "victims" was my fellow regiment member because we decided to team kill each other like a duel as we were going to leave the server afterwards, and I understand that team killing is not allowed at all times so I apologize.

Did you break any other rules prior to your ban?-No I did not break any other rules other than team killing.

Time and date when the account was banned-19 March 2015 6:13 PST

Timezone-Pacific Standard Time

Name under which you were banned - INCLUDE IN TOPIC TITLE-ID 1164152

Why should you be unbanned?- I very much enjoy playing on NA1 and would like to join my fellow regiment members so we can practice in "real life" scenarios.

-Additional Notes: I know I have shown a disregard to the rules in which I apologize so I do hope you consider my appeal to be un-banned as I have learned my lesson and will surely follow the rules.

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