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Topics - RGL Official

Pages: 1
Regimental Groupfighting League / [RGL5] Main Thread
« on: September 17, 2017, 07:04:43 pm »


    The most important question is probably what the Regimental Groupfighting League is. Well, the Headadmins of the RGL are sick of getting shot, facing camping matches were you basically just click again and again even though shooting is based purely on luck. As you noticed our main problem lies in the shooting aspect of the game, wich is the reason why we founded the RGL. Of course the idea of a Groupfighting League isnt new, but it never really had success. There were always only small Teams and the Leagues didn’t really last long. We decided that we should try to make a new concept, with up to 50 people divided into 2 teams on reasonable large maps. We are going to organize this as smoothly as possible and the rules are put quite clear. We are going to try to create a fun Groupfighting League wich is going to be very competitive. Long live Melee ! Since Cazasar, Phoenix and Hunter basicly stopped playing, I (Rommel) want to save the idea of the RGL and try to keep the NW community going. Credits are to be given out to these three for creating it, it's a great idea.


    1.1. It is allowed to change the team you play for during the league.
    1.2. Excessive team changing is prohibited.
    1.3. Invites aren't allowed.
    1.4. You are only allowed to play for one Regiment.
    1.5. If you are not in the Steam group of a Regiment during the match you are considered an invite.
    1.6. If the officer in charge can't be attending a match, he may give the responsibility to one of his members. The
    referee has to be informed about who is in charge.
    1.7. You may not be in more than one regiment that attends the RGL.

    2.1. Both teams must have the same attendance at the beginning of the round.
    2.2. 15-25 players can participate.
    2.3. If one team has less than 15 players, the other one is still allowed to play with 15 men.
    2.4. If a round has started and a player drops, the enemy team doesn’t have to balance.
    2.5. Players are not allowed to join in after the round has started.
    2.6. If a regiment doesn’t show up or leaves early the enemy team receives the rounds that haven’t been played.
    2.7. The referee opens the round.
    2.8. Before the referee opens the round, both teams have to stay behind the white line.
    2.9. Before the referee starts the round, both teams have to be ready.

    3.1. The format will be first to 20 rounds.
    3.2. You have to play as a ranker.
    3.3. It’s prohibited to leave the arena
    3.4. No delaying
    3.5. No spamming in chat.
    4.1. The organization has a privilege in all decisions and can make exceptions.
    4.2. The organizers have the right to change rules and overrule a referee’s decisions.
    4.3. The organizers deal with all complaints.
    4.4. The organizers’ decisions are final.
    5.1. The matches should be played in the Matchweek they belong to. There will be a final deadline announced
    when we are half way through the Tournament.
    5.2. Both captains have to agree on the date of the match.
    5.3. The RGL is a tournament with a league-system. A win will get the winning team a point. A loss equals 0
    5.4. The matches can only be played on the official RGL servers.
    5.5. The match has to be played on a RGL map.

    6.1. There has to be a referee if one regiment demands one.
    6.2. The captains of the playing regiments can replace the referees if both regiments agree on it.
    6.3. Both teams have to agree on a referee if there is to be one. If no agreement is possible, the organizers pick
    a referee of their choice.
    6.4. Spectators can only be kicked if there’s not enough slots on the server or if they are actively sabotaging
    the match.
    6.5. Only referees may type in admin chat. If a team captain replaces the referee, only he is allowed to use
    the admin chat. The normal chat is to be used for any communication except the decisions of the referee.


    Founders :               

    Sign-up as a Regiment:               
    Name :               
    Team-Captain's Steam:               
    Normal Attendance:               

    Why you want to be a Referee:
    When do you have time:


              Announce a match:               
    Who against Who:
    Referee (If chosen):


    Regimental Groupfighting League / [RGL4] Main Thread
    « on: January 01, 2017, 06:23:05 pm »


      The most important question is probably what the Regimental Groupfighting League is. Well, the Headadmins of the RGL are sick of getting shot, facing camping matches were you basically just click again and again even though shooting is based purely on luck. As you noticed our main problem lies in the shooting aspect of the game, wich is the reason why we founded the RGL. Of course the idea of a Groupfighting League isnt new, but it never really had success. There were always only small Teams and the Leagues didn’t really last long. We decided that we should try to make a new concept, with up to 50 people divided into 2 teams on reasonable large maps. We are going to organize this as smoothly as possible and the rules are put quite clear. We are going to try to create a fun Groupfighting League wich is going to be very competitive. Long live Melee ! Since Cazasar, Phoenix and Hunter basicly stopped playing, I (Rommel) want to save the idea of the RGL and try to keep the NW community going. Credits are to be given out to these three for creating it, it's a great idea.


      1.1.1. We are going to distinguish between regiments and teams. The team is the group of players who
                 are fighting in the arena. Spectators are members of the regiment but not members of the “team”.
      1.1.2. You can change the members of the team, while the league is not finished. This changes don’t have
                 to be announced.
      1.1.3. Invites aren't allowed.
      1.1.4. You are only allowed to play for ONE Regiment. You can NOT be in 2 Regiments that both participate.
      1.1.5. If you are not in the Steam group of a Regiment during the match you are considered as an Invite.
      1.2.1. Both teams must have the same attendance at the beginning of the round. 15-25 are allowed.
      1.2.2. If one team has less than 15 players, the other one is still allowed to play with 15 men.
      1.2.3. If the round has started and a player drops, the enemy team doesn’t have to balance.
      1.2.4. Players are not allowed to join in after the round has started.
      1.2.5. You are only allowed to choose rankers.

      2.1.1. The referee opens/starts the round.
      2.1.2. Before the referee opens the round, both teams have to stay behind the white line/marking.
      2.1.3. Before the referee starts the round, both Teamcaptains have to type in that they're ready.
      2.2.1. 20 rounds are to be played.
      2.2.2. If a team has to leave before the 20 rounds are reached or doesn’t attend to the match, then
                 the enemy team gets all “not played” rounds, unless the referee decides something else.
      2.3.1. It’s only allowed to use the bayonet as melee weapon.
      2.4.1. It’s prohibited to leave the arena
      2.5.1. No delaying
      2.6.1. You must use the name you are known under, unless the regiment you are in uses historical names.
                 then the referee must go on the TS of the regiment to check for invites
      2.7.1. No spamming in chat.
      2.7.2. Be respectful.

      3.1.1. The organization has a privilege in all decisions.
      3.1.2. Organizer's announcements have to treated like rules.
      3.2.1. The matches do not have to be played in the Matchweek they belong to. There will be a deadline announced when
                 we are half way through the Tournament.
      3.2.2. Both captains have to agree on the date of the match.
      3.3.1. The RGL is a tournament with a league-system. You will get 3 points for a win, 1 point
                 for a draw and 0 points if you lose.
      3.4.1. Matches and their dates have to be announced on the RGL-thread. Referees are to be organized
                 independend. Both teams have to agree on a referee.
      3.5.1. If a captain can't be attending a match, he may give the responsibility to one of his officers. The
                 referee has to be informed.
      3.5.2. If a regiment wants to change the team's Captain it has to be announced.
      3.6.1. A referee has to be present at every match.
      3.7.1. The referee decision can be changed through the organization.
      3.7.2. All complaints have to get passed to the organisators.
      3.8.1. Rules can get changed, added and remoted while the league is still active. It will be announced

      4.1.1. The matches can only be played on the Official RGL Servers.
      4.1.2. If all servers are booked for a specific time, the one that booked last has to postpone.
      4.2.1. You only fight on the maps made for the RGL
      4.3.1. Only referees may get the admin password.
      4.3.2. Before the match starts the referee changes the password and send it to both captains on steam.
      4.4.1. Both Captains have to agree to kick out the specs.

      The RGL will start on the 13th of February



      Founders :               

      Sign-up as a Regiment:               
      Name :               
      Team-Captain's Steam:               
      Normal Attendance:               

      Why you want to be a Referee:
      When do you have time:


                Announce a match:               
      Who against Who:
      Referee (If chosen):



      Regimental Groupfighting League / [RGL3] Main Thread
      « on: July 09, 2016, 09:51:13 pm »


        The most important question is probably what the Regimental Groupfighting League is. Well, the Headadmins of the RGL are sick of getting shot, facing camping matches were you basically just click again and again even though shooting is based purely on luck. As you noticed our main problem lies in the shooting aspect of the game, wich is the reason why we founded the RGL. Of course the idea of a Groupfighting League isnt new, but it never really had success. There were always only small Teams and the Leagues didn’t really last long. We decided that we should try to make a new concept, with up to 50 people divided into 2 teams on reasonable large maps. We are going to organize this as smoothly as possible and the rules are put quite clear. We are going to try to create a fun Groupfighting League wich is going to be very competitive. Long live Melee ! Since Cazasar, Phoenix and Hunter basicly stopped playing, I (Rommel) want to save the idea of the RGL and try to keep the NW community going. Credits are to be given out to these three for creating it, it's a great idea.


        1.1.1. We are going to distinguish between regiments and teams. The team is the group of players who
                   are fighting in the arena. Spectators are members of the regiment but not members of the “team”.
        1.1.2. You can change the members of the team, while the league is not finished. This changes don’t have
                   to be announced.
        1.1.3. Invites aren't allowed.
        1.1.4. You are only allowed to play for ONE Regiment. You can NOT be in 2 Regiments that both participate.
        1.1.5. If you are not in the Steam group of a Regiment during the match you are considered as an Invite.
        1.2.1. Both teams must have the same attendance at the beginning of the round. 15-25 are allowed.
        1.2.2. If one team has less than 15 players, the other one is still allowed to play with 15 men.
        1.2.3. If the round has started and a player drops, the enemy team doesn’t have to balance.
        1.2.4. Players are not allowed to join in after the round has started.
        1.2.5. You are only allowed to choose rankers.

        2.1.1. The referee opens/starts the round.
        2.1.2. Before the referee opens the round, both teams have to stay behind the white line/marking.
        2.1.3. Before the referee starts the round, both Teamcaptains have to type in that they're ready.
        2.2.1. 20 rounds are to be played.
        2.2.2. If a team has to leave before the 20 rounds are reached or doesn’t attend to the match, then
                   the enemy team gets all “not played” rounds, unless the referee decides something else.
        2.3.1. It’s only allowed to use the bayonet as melee weapon.
        2.4.1. It’s prohibited to leave the arena
        2.5.1. No delaying
        2.6.1. You must use the name you are known under, unless the regiment you are in uses historical names.
                   then the referee must go on the TS of the regiment to check for invites
        2.7.1. No spamming in chat.
        2.7.2. Be respectful.

        3.1.1. The organization has a privilege in all decisions.
        3.1.2. Organizer's announcements have to treated like rules.
        3.2.1. The matches do not have to be played in the Matchweek they belong to. There will be a deadline announced when
                   we are half way through the Tournament.
        3.2.2. Both captains have to agree on the date of the match.
        3.3.1. The RGL is a tournament with a league-system. You will get 3 points for a win, 1 point
                   for a draw and 0 points if you lose.
        3.4.1. Matches and their dates have to be announced on the RGL-thread. Referees are to be organized
                   independend. Both teams have to agree on a referee.
        3.5.1. If a captain can't be attending a match, he may give the responsibility to one of his officers. The
                   referee has to be informed.
        3.5.2. If a regiment wants to change the team's Captain it has to be announced.
        3.6.1. A referee has to be present at every match.
        3.7.1. The referee decision can be changed through the organization.
        3.7.2. All complaints have to get passed to the organisators.
        3.8.1. Rules can get changed, added and remoted while the league is still active. It will be announced

        4.1.1. The matches can only be played on the Official RGL Servers.
        4.1.2. If all servers are booked for a specific time, the one that booked last has to postpone.
        4.2.1. You only fight on the maps made for the RGL
        4.3.1. Only referees may get the admin password.
        4.3.2. Before the match starts the referee changes the password and send it to both captains on steam.
        4.4.1. Both Captains have to agree to kick out the specs.

        The RGL will end on the 2nd of October



        Founders :               

        John Price                     

        Sign-up as a Regiment:               
        Name :               
        Team-Captain's Steam:               
        Normal Attendance:               

        Why you want to be a Referee:
        When do you have time:


                  Announce a match:               
        Who against Who:
        Referee (If chosen):


        Special thanks to Cazasar, Phoenix and Hunter for giving the league to us so it can go on!
        Also thanks go to Arctic servers for providing 3 servers of excellent quality

        15th Yorkshire "The Snappers"
        Kaiserlich-Königliche Armee
        72nd Seaforth's Highlanders
        18e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
        6te Garde-Grenadier Regiment
        Garde Grenadier Regiment Nummer 4 Königin Augusta
        17e régiment d’infanterie
        66.Peší pluk
        Spartan Hoplites
        77y Pehotniy Polk


        Regimental Groupfighting League / [RGL2] Main Thread
        « on: March 02, 2016, 02:41:47 pm »




          The most important question is probably what the Regimental Groupfighting League is. Well, the Headadmins of the RGL are sick of getting shot, facing camping matches were you basically just click again and again even though shooting is based purely on luck. As you noticed our main problem lies in the shooting aspect of the game, wich is the reason why we founded the RGL. Of course the idea of a Groupfighting League isnt new, but it never really had success. There were always only small Teams and the Leagues didn’t really last long. We decided that we should try to make a new concept, with up to 50 people divided into 2 teams on reasonable large maps. We are going to organize this as smoothly as possible and the rules are put quite clear. We are going to try to create a fun Groupfighting League wich is going to be very competitive. Long live Melee !


          1.0.  Teams

          1.1.1. We are going to distinguish between regiments and teams. The team is the group of players who
                   are fighting in the arena. Spectators are members of the regiment but not members of the “team”.
          1.1.2. You can change the members of the team, while the league is not finished. This changes don’t have
                     to be announced.
          1.1.3. Invites aren't allowed.
          1.1.4. You are only allowed to play for ONE Regiment. You can NOT be in 2 Regiments and still play in this league, even if your other Reg(s) are not in RGL.
          1.1.5. If someone is being accused of double regging or inviting he/she has to bring evidence that shows that the evidence the accuser brought is invalid. Concerning double reggers: You are considered as a double regger if you attend more than 50% of the Events of your second regiment.
          1.1.6. If you are not in the Steam group of a Regiment during the match you are considered as an Invite.

          1.2.1. Both teams must have the same attendance at the beginning of the round.
          1.2.2. Both teams must have at least 15 players attendance.
          1.2.3. The manpower is limited to 25 players.
          1.2.4. If one team has less than 15 players, the other one is still allowed to play with 15 men.
          1.2.5. If the round has started and a player drops, the enemy team doesn’t have to balance.
          1.2.6. Players are not allowed to join in after the round has started.

          1.3.1. The two Nations will always be UK and Austria. The Regiment that is higher ranked in the league table
                     will play as UK. Every unit from theses Nations can be picked as long as it is Line Infantry and not the
                     Grenzer unit.
          1.3.2. In one Team you can have multiple classes selected as long as they are Line Infantry and not Grenzer.
          1.3.3. You are only allowed to choose rankers.

          2.0. Ingame Rules
          2.1.1. The referee opens/starts the round.
          2.1.2. Before the referee opens the round, both teams have to stay behind the white line/marking.
          2.1.3. Before the round starts you have to get into “melee mode”.
          2.1.4. Before the Referee starts the round, both Teamcaptains have to type in the internal admin chat,
                     that they're ready.

          2.2.1. 20 rounds are going to get played.
          2.2.2. If a team has to leave before the 20 rounds are reached or doesn’t attend to the match, then
                     the enemy team gets all “not played” rounds, unless the referee decides something else.

          2.3. It’s only allowed to use the bayonet as melee weapon.

          2.4. It’s prohibited to leave the arena

          2.5.1. No teabagging.
          2.5.2. No „Jumpstabs“.
          2.5.3. No Bugusing.
          2.5.4. No Trolling.
          2.5.5. No Delaying.

          2.6.1. Do not be AFK.
          2.6.2. Do not be Fake-AFK

          2.7. You are NOT allowed to use Troll names. Always use the name most people know you under.

          3.0. Organization

          3.1.1. The organization has a privilege in all decisions.
          3.1.2. Organizer's announcements have to treated like rules.

          3.2.1. The matches are going to be played in the Matchweek they belong to. The Matchweeks
                  always start Monday at 6pm gmt and end at Sunday at 8pm gmt. The matches have to
                  be played in this timeperiod.
          3.2.2. Both captains have to agree on the date of the match.

          3.3. The RGL is a tournament with a league-system. You will get 3 points for a win, 1 point
          for a draw and 0 points if you lose.

          3.4.1. Matches and their dates have to be announced on the RGL-thread. After
                     that you will receive info about your Referee and your Server.
          3.4.2. Matches have to be announced to the Organizers 24h before they are played.
          3.4.3. When you already talked to an organizer over steam and he agreed on the date
                     of your match, you don't need to announce your match 24h before he's played.
          3.4.4.Announce the matches under the following code:
          [u][b]Who against Who:[/b][/u]
          [b][u]Wished Referees (min. 3):[/u][/b]
          3.4.4. All the informations about the match are posted by the organizers on the RGL-FSE-thread, that includes the date and the referee.

          3.5.1. If no captain or Co-Captain is present, a match may not be played.
          3.5.2. Every Regiment has to announce a Co-Captain before the Season starts.
          3.5.3. If a regiment wants to change the team's Captain or Co-Captain, it has to be announced.
          3.5.4. If only the Co-Captain is on the Server, than he will be treated like a Captain.

          3.6.1. A referee has to be present at every match.
          3.6.2. The organization choose the referee for every match.
          3.6.3. A player can play for a team and be a referee too.

          3.7.1. The referee decision can change through the organization.
          3.7.2. If one team doesn’t behave like the rules say, then the enemy team can get the wins for
                     these round through the organization.
          3.7.3. All complaints have to get passed to the organisators.

          3.8.1. Rules can get changed, added and remoted while the league is still active.
          3.8.2. If the rules get changed they count for the day the change was made. It will be announced
                     in this FSE thread.

          4.0. Chat
          4.1. No spamming.

          4.2. Be respectful.

          4.3.1. If a referee has a question the teamleaders have to answer in the internal admin chat.
          4.3.2. Communications between the teamcaptains and the referee are also going to be in the internal admin chat.

          5.0. Server
          5.1.1. The matches can only be played on the Official RGL Servers.
          5.1.2. There are 3 Servers in total. If all Servers are taken than there can be no more matches
                     this day.

          5.2.1. You only fight on the maps made for the RGL
          5.2.2. Two different RGL maps are avaible . The referee shows you both maps and the team captains decide
                     on which map they want to play
          5.2.3. If the team captains want to play different maps the referee decides which map you have to play on.
          5.3.1. The Captain, the referee and the Co-Captain will receive the admin pass. The Admin pass shall not be given
                     to anyone else..
          5.3.2. Before the match starts the server is already configured by one of the organizers. The referee only choose
                     the nations, the map and a password.
          5.3.3.  Before the match starts the referee changes the password and send it to both captains or their co-captains  on steam.

          5.4.1. All specs except for the referee and organizers can be kicked.
          5.4.2. All specs, who are not part of the fighting regiments can get kicked
                     as well, except for the referee and organizers.
          5.4.3. Both Captains or Co-Captains have to agree to kick out the specs.



          CEO :




          Sign-up as a Regiment:
          Name :
          Team-Captain's Steam:
          Normal Attendance:

          Why you want to be a Referee:
          When do you have time:


          You can help the league if you.....

          ... make maps like this one .

          ...sponsor more servers to the league.
          ...sign-up as regiment.
          ...make a referee-application

          Thanks to Dodo and MrSt3fan  for sponsoring servers to the league !

          1.     15th Yorkshire Regiment
          2.     74th Campbell Highlanders
          3.     72nd Seathforth's Highlanders
          4.     93é
          5.     6te Garde
          6.     78th Regiment of Foot
          7.     63e Régiment
          8.     92nd Regiment of foot (Gordon Highlanders)
          9.   77y
          10.   66pp
          11.   33rd Regiment of foot

          Regimental Groupfighting League / [RGL1] Main Thread
          « on: February 27, 2015, 11:35:10 pm »




            The most important question is probably what the Regimental Groupfighting League is. Well, the Headadmins of the RGL are sick of getting shot, facing camping matches were you basically just click again and again even though shooting is based purely on luck. As you noticed our main problem lies in the shooting aspect of the game, wich is the reason why we founded the RGL. Of course the idea of a Groupfighting League isnt new, but it never really had success. There were always only small Teams and the Leagues didn’t really last long. We decided that we should try to make a new concept, with up to 50 people divided into 2 teams on reasonable large maps. We are going to organize this as smoothly as possible and the rules are put quite clear. We are going to try to create a fun Groupfighting League wich is going to be very competitive. Long live Melee !


            1.0.  Teams

            1.1.1. We are going to distinguish between regiments and teams. The team is the group of players who
                     are fighting in the arena. Spectators are members of the regiment but not members of the “team”.
            1.1.2. You can change the members of the team, while the league is not finished. This changes don’t have
                       to be announced.
            1.1.3. Invites aren't allowed.
            1.1.4. You are only allowed to play for ONE Regiment. You can NOT be in 2 Regiments and still play in this league, even if your other Reg(s) are not in RGL.
            1.1.5. If someone is being accused of double regging or inviting he/she has to bring evidence that shows that the evidence the accuser brought is invalid. Concerning double reggers: You are considered as a double regger if you attend more than 50% of the Events of your second regiment.
            1.1.6. If you are not in the Steam group of a Regiment during the match you are considered as an Invite.

            1.2.1. Both teams must have the same attendance at the beginning of the round.
            1.2.2. Both teams must have at least 15 players attendance.
            1.2.3. The manpower is limited to 25 players.
            1.2.4. If one team has less than 15 players, the other one is still allowed to play with 15 men.
            1.2.5. If the round has started and a player drops, the enemy team doesn’t have to balance.
            1.2.6. Players are not allowed to join in after the round has started.

            1.3.1. The two Nations will always be UK and Austria. The Regiment that is higher ranked in the league table
                       will play as UK. Every unit from theses Nations can be picked as long as it is Line Infantry and not the
                       Grenzer unit.
            1.3.2. In one Team you can have multiple classes selected as long as they are Line Infantry and not Grenzer.
            1.3.3. You are only allowed to choose rankers.

            2.0. Ingame Rules
            2.1.1. The referee opens/starts the round.
            2.1.2. Before the referee opens the round, both teams have to stay behind the white line/marking.
            2.1.3. Before the round starts you have to get into “melee mode”.
            2.1.4. Before the Referee starts the round, both Teamcaptains have to type in the internal admin chat,
                       that they're ready.

            2.2.1. 20 rounds are going to get played.
            2.2.2. If a team has to leave before the 20 rounds are reached or doesn’t attend to the match, then
                       the enemy team gets all “not played” rounds, unless the referee decides something else.

            2.3. It’s only allowed to use the bayonet as melee weapon.

            2.4. It’s prohibited to leave the arena

            2.5.1. No teabagging.
            2.5.2. No „Jumpstabs“.
            2.5.3. No Bugusing.
            2.5.4. No Trolling.
            2.5.5. No Delaying.

            2.6.1. Do not be AFK.
            2.6.2. Do not be Fake-AFK

            2.7. You are NOT allowed to use Troll names. Always use the name most people know you under.

            3.0. Organization

            3.1.1. The organization has a privilege in all decisions.
            3.1.2. Organizer's announcements have to treated like rules.

            3.2.1. The matches are going to be played in the Matchweek they belong to. The Matchweeks
                    always start Monday at 6pm gmt and end at Sunday at 8pm gmt. The matches have to
                    be played in this timeperiod.
            3.2.2. Both captains have to agree on the date of the match.

            3.3. The RGL is a tournament with a league-system. You will get 3 points for a win, 1 point
            for a draw and 0 points if you lose.

            3.4.1. Matches and their dates have to be announced on the RGL-thread. After
                       that you will receive info about your Referee and your Server.
            3.4.2. Matches have to be announced to the Organizers 24h before they are played.
            3.4.3. When you already talked to an organizer over steam and he agreed on the date
                       of your match, you don't need to announce your match 24h before he's played.
            3.4.4.Announce the matches under the following code:
            [u][b]Who against Who:[/b][/u]
            [b][u]Wished Referees (min. 3):[/u][/b]
            3.4.4. All the informations about the match are posted by the organizers on the RGL-FSE-thread, that includes the date and the referee.

            3.5.1. If no captain or Co-Captain is present, a match may not be played.
            3.5.2. Every Regiment has to announce a Co-Captain before the Season starts.
            3.5.3. If a regiment wants to change the team's Captain or Co-Captain, it has to be announced.
            3.5.4. If only the Co-Captain is on the Server, than he will be treated like a Captain.

            3.6.1. A referee has to be present at every match.
            3.6.2. The organization choose the referee for every match.
            3.6.3. A player can play for a team and be a referee too.

            3.7.1. The referee decision can change through the organization.
            3.7.2. If one team doesn’t behave like the rules say, then the enemy team can get the wins for
                       these round through the organization.
            3.7.3. All complaints have to get passed to the organisators.

            3.8.1. Rules can get changed, added and remoted while the league is still active.
            3.8.2. If the rules get changed they count for the day the change was made. It will be announced
                       in this FSE thread.

            4.0. Chat
            4.1. No spamming.

            4.2. Be respectful.

            4.3.1. If a referee has a question the teamleaders have to answer in the internal admin chat.
            4.3.2. Communications between the teamcaptains and the referee are also going to be in the internal admin chat.

            5.0. Server
            5.1.1. The matches can only be played on the Official RGL Servers.
            5.1.2. There are 3 Servers in total. If all Servers are taken than there can be no more matches
                       this day.

            5.2.1. You only fight on the maps made for the RGL
            5.2.2. Two different RGL maps are avaible . The referee shows you both maps and the team captains decide
                       on which map they want to play
            5.2.3. If the team captains want to play different maps the referee decides which map you have to play on.
            5.3.1. The Captain, the referee and the Co-Captain will receive the admin pass. The Admin pass shall not be given
                       to anyone else..
            5.3.2. Before the match starts the server is already configured by one of the organizers. The referee only choose
                       the nations, the map and a password.
            5.3.3.  Before the match starts the referee changes the password and send it to both captains or their co-captains  on steam.

            5.4.1. All specs except for the referee and organizers can be kicked.
            5.4.2. All specs, who are not part of the fighting regiments can get kicked
                       as well, except for the referee and organizers.
            5.4.3. Both Captains or Co-Captains have to agree to kick out the specs.


            CEO :




            Sign-up as a Regiment:
            Name :
            Team-Captain's Steam:
            Normal Attendance:

            Why you want to be a Referee:
            When do you have time:


            You can help the league if you.....

            ... make maps like this one .

            ...sponsor more servers to the league.
            ...sign-up as regiment.
            ...make a referee-application

            Thanks to Grim and quickzR for sponsoring servers to the league !

            1.     15th Yorkshire Regiment
            2.     84th York & Lancaster Regiment of Foot
            3.     2. Leibhusarenregiment
            4.     82e
            5.     6te Garde
            6.     Spartan Hoplites
            7.     63e Régiment
            8.     92nd Regiment of foot (Gordon Highlanders)
            9.   77y
            10.   66pp
            11.   33rd Regiment of foot

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