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Topics - TheConfederate

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Regiments / The Red Collar Army
« on: July 01, 2016, 02:07:51 pm »

Red Collar Army Colonels:

The RCA is a laid back community but serious during events. We play the Napoleonic Wars mod on Mount and Blade:Warband and we use this TeamSpeak: , the RCA is a newer army on NW, each regiment is led by it's own colonel and officers and an overall council has been created with 3 members nominated in all from each regiment by their colonel to handle matters concerning the entire army, and the people assigned to the council maybe changed at any given time.  We go to the same events as one army and help each other out in those events. Things like 1v1's can be seperate from being concerned with the army upon the colonel setting it up's discretion. We do our best to accept any and all who come to game with us, we are a gaming community and play more than just Warband with each other.

Regiment's of the Red Collar Army

78th (Highlanders) Regiment of Foot (The Ross-shire Buffs) (Line)

Col. TheConfederate

YouTube(Getting to this hopefully)

Expected Numbers: Ask us in teamspeak

The Clan Mackenzie, The various Battalions of the 78th, Offers from F. H. Mackenzie, Esq. of Seaforth, to raise a Regiment for Government, Letter of service granted to F. H. Mackenzie, Esq., to raise a Regiment of Highlanders, to be numbered the 78th, The 1st Battalion, List of officers, Inspected and passed by Sir Hector Munro, Under Lord Moira in Guernsey, The Campaign of 1794—95 in Holland, The Regiment joins the Duke of York on the Weal, Nimeguen, Disastrous retreat on Deventer, The Regiment returns home, The Loyalist war in La Vendée, The Quiberon Expedition, Occupation of L’Ile Dieu, The Regiment returns home, Colonel F. H. Mackenzie’s proposals to raise a 2nd Battalion for the 78th, Letter of Service granted to him for that purpose, List of Officers, lnspected and passed by Sir Hector Munro, Granted the title of the Ross-shire Buffs, Ordered to England, Difficulties prior to embarkation at Portsmouth, The Regiment sails on secret service, Capture of the Cape of Good Hope, The Regiment goes into quarters at Capetown, until the arrival of the 1st Battalion.

4th Royal Veterans Battalion (Cavalry)

Col. Jamestown

YouTube(Getting to this hopefully)

Expected Numbers: Ask us in teamspeak

Established in December 1806 for service in Canada, the 10th Royal Veteran Battalion arrived in Quebec the following year with a full complement of officers and 600 other ranks. As the name implies, this corps was formed with veterans from other regiments and each individual volunteering to the unit was promised land in Canada upon their retirement or the battalion's disbandment.  When war broke out, the 10th RVB was the first into action.  The detachment of veterans at Fort St. Joseph crossed Lake Huron in July 1812 and captured Fort Michlimackinac.  The following year members participated at River Raisin and Fort  Stephenson (Miami).  As new regiments arrived in Canada, the 10th Royal Veterans were slowly withdrawn from areas of action to do garrison duty in Lower Canada, Prince Edward Island, and Cape Breton.  In April 1813 a corps of seventeen "Mounted Veterans" was formed presumably for maintaining communications between the various posts around Montreal.  The Battalion was renumbered to the 4th RVB and was disbanded in 1816.

85th King's German Legion (Lights/Skirms)

Col. Prinzvonprussia

YouTube(Getting to this hopefully)

Expected Numbers: Ask us in teamspeak

The 85thKGL is a North American line and light infantry regiment who aims to have one of the best communities in NW. We speak English in all of our events on NW. We look for recruits that speak English, follow orders in events and have a positive effect on our community. We have events during the week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 to 9pm EST. Aside from playing NW we as a community play lots of other games including many from the Total War series, Crusader Kings II, Verdun and many Mount and Blades mods.

If you wish to join, add one of the Colonel's on steam here to join their specific regiment.
If you are intrested in joining this Army, join our Teamspeak and we can talk!


History of the Regiment
Formation of the Regiment
The Clan Mackenzie, The various Battalions of the 78th, Offers from F. H. Mackenzie, Esq. of Seaforth, to raise a Regiment for Government, Letter of service granted to F. H. Mackenzie, Esq., to raise a Regiment of Highlanders, to be numbered the 78th, The 1st Battalion, List of officers, Inspected and passed by Sir Hector Munro, Under Lord Moira in Guernsey, The Campaign of 1794—95 in Holland, The Regiment joins the Duke of York on the Weal, Nimeguen, Disastrous retreat on Deventer, The Regiment returns home, The Loyalist war in La Vendée, The Quiberon Expedition, Occupation of L’Ile Dieu, The Regiment returns home, Colonel F. H. Mackenzie’s proposals to raise a 2nd Battalion for the 78th, Letter of Service granted to him for that purpose, List of Officers, lnspected and passed by Sir Hector Munro, Granted the title of the Ross-shire Buffs, Ordered to England, Difficulties prior to embarkation at Portsmouth, The Regiment sails on secret service, Capture of the Cape of Good Hope, The Regiment goes into quarters at Capetown, until the arrival of the 1st Battalion.

Unusually, it was a two-battalion unit from its inception. The 2nd Battalion’s only foreign posting was to the Cape of Good Hope where it helped capture Cape Town in 1795 before being merged into 1st Battalion the following year.

1st Battalion fought in the Netherlands (1794) and Brittany (1795) before arriving in India for the first time in 1797. There it served in the Second Maratha War (1803-06), seeing action at Ahmednuggar (1803), Assaye (1803) and Gawilghur (1803). It then took part in the capture of Java in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) in 1811 and was awarded an honorary third colour by the East India Company. It returned to India in 1816.

In 1817 the regiment returned from India. It was only back in Britain for nine years, however, at the end of which it sailed to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). This was followed by another deployment to India in 1842. While there it suffered heavy losses from disease in Sindh. In 1857 the regiment took part in the Persian War (1856-57), fighting at the Battle of Khushab (1857).

The regiment was next engaged in the Siege of Cawnpore (1857) and the First Relief of Lucknow (1857) during the Indian Mutiny (1857-59), with eight officers and men of the 78th winning the Victoria Cross over the course of that campaign.

The regiment spent four years on home service from 1860, and the rest of the 1860s on garrison duty in Gibraltar and Canada. It spent most of the 1870s back in Britain, before being sent to fight in the Second Afghan War (1878-80) in 1879.

In the meantime, in 1804, the regiment had formed a new 2nd Battalion that served in Sicily and Italy (1806), Egypt (1807) and Walcheren in the Netherlands (1809). After four years of home service it returned to the continent in 1813 and held the garrison town of Nieuwpoort during the Waterloo campaign (1815). In 1816 the battalion was disbanded.

North American Event Schedule
European Event Schedule
(Being Updated)
Monday: Training and Ceremonial Promotions - 5Pfc/8est/2am GMT +1
Monday: Training 18:00 GMT

Tuesday: 1stRM Event - 5Pfc/8est/2am GMT +1
Tuesday: 51st Minisiege 19:00 GMT
Wensday: KH Siege - 5Pfc/8est/2am GMT +1
Wensday: N/A
Thursday: Volunteer (Not Mandatory) Training - 5Pfc/8est/2am GMT +1
Thursday: 1st Brigade Thursday Line Battle 19:00 GMT
Friday: 1stRM - 5Pfc/8est/2am GMT +1
Friday: N/A
Saturday: N/A
Saturday: 3e Grenadiers linebattle 19:00 GMT
Sunday: 94th Scotch Rifles LB - 5Pfc/8est/2am GMT +1
Sunday: Ceremonial Promotions 19:00 GMT

Commissioned Officers                   Non-Commissioned Officers                 Enlisted
Colonel                                               Regimental Sergeant Major                       Lance Corporal
Lieutenant Colonel                              Sergeant Major                                         Kingsman
Major                                                  Colour Sergeant                                       Guardsman
Captain                                               Sergeant                                                  Regular
Lieutenant                                          Corporal                                                   Private

If you are intrested in this regiment, join our Teamspeak and we can talk!

Steam Contacts:
Colonel NA

Lieutenant Colonel NA

Major EU

Captain EU
NA Roster                                     EU Roster

Commissioned officers                                         Commissioned officers
Colonel- TheConfederate                                            Major- Goring
Lieutenant Colonel- JDusmcJD                                   Captain- Dorito
Lieutenant- Nox

Non-Commissioned Officers                                Non-Commissioned Officers
Sergeant- Justin
(Temp)Corporal- Joe
Corporal- Stonehouse

Enlisted                                                                      Enlisted
Guardsman- Macman                                                 Regular- Reece
Regular- KelseyDaHnter                                              Private- Ancient
Regular- G_mill99                                                       Private-FabU
Regular- Hagman                                                        Private- Campbell
Regular- Neff                                                               Private- Homemarine
Private- Artyom                                                           Private- Trent                                                                                                   
Private- Redwolf1k                                                       Private- Panther Prolly
Private- icewolf                                                            Private- Hughberts
Private- Garrosh                                                          Private- Sparks
Private- Shield Maiden                                               
Private- Alex
Private- Kingsteen
Private- DXGhalo
Private- JIDF
Private- Berryfresh

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