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Topics - The_Finest_Walnut

Pages: 1
Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Unban Request [Walnuts_Klan]Finest_Walnut
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:04:32 pm »

I was falsely accused of impersonating. I was under the name "64th_is_meanies_like_johann". I was trying to make a statement to convince Johann to come back to 9th. I apologize if it seemed like i was impersonating. I deleted the name once they said that. I lost connection from the server and tried to rejoin but it said I was banned. I seriously think i should not be banned, as I had stopped doing what the admin had asked of me right away. I know I am trolly at times, but not like that. If I seriously offend someone or do something like that, I feel bad. i also stopped when the 64th asked me to.

Time: 4:20 P.M. EST, February 3rd.

User Identification Number: 461759

I should be unbanned because I stopped once the 64th and admin asked me to. I did not continue, and I quit badmouthing the 64th. I do apologize for that. I am trolly at times, but when an admin asks me to stop doing something, I stop. Even if it it Getty. I also do not see how the name I was using was impersonation. it definitely was not intended as such.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Request
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:44:26 am »
Server: NW_Official_NA_1
Those I am requesting to be banned: Balzam, Lezah, and 13te_Lev_Myshkin
Teamwounding and teamkilling me on purpose. ( Teamwounding happened repeatedly )
Date: January 3rd, 2015 Time: Around 8:15 P.M. EST
Relationship: Not sure what this means, but I don't really know them. ( If that would fit here ) I have only seen Lezah on before.

These are screenshots for proof.If one of the links don't work, please tell me.

Sorry for any English errors.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / I am being Impersonated. Pls Help
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:22:34 pm »
I am being impersonated. Please, if you see anyone with a name like mine, but not me, report please. I am only Meerkats_The_Finest_Walnut, 1stCraigslist_Finest_Walnut, The_Finest_Walnut, and Rustys_Servant_Finest_Walnut. Known People that are not me: The_Finest_Potato, The_Finest_Walnut*, The_Worlds_Finest_Walnut.

Pages: 1