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Topics - notmoving

Pages: 1
Events / Looking for events
« on: July 08, 2015, 01:55:04 am »
I will make this short, we are looking for a regiment or a couple that host an IE event on Mondays or Wednesdays 51st are looking into playing an event once in awhile on IE

Servers / Trench Battle Official
« on: June 08, 2015, 11:45:13 pm »

The Trench Battle was established by the 2nd Regiment of Foot following popular suggestion by members of the regiment, and has been up and running
since March 2014. The server has been handed over to the safe care of the 51st Regiment of Foot after the 2nd Regiment of Foot disbanded in June 2015. The server's rotation consists of a number of custom maps created by a variety of mappers both members and ex-members of the regiment,
each with a unique layout and appearance. The maps are designed to force a faster style of play than most battle servers while keeping it interesting. Trench warfare offers a number of interesting game play opportunities from the standpoint of the Napoleonic Wars
module, forcing team play and tactical decision making by players on the server.
Trench Battle is a Certified and Copy protected Server
No regiment or organisation may 'steal' or use the idea of Trench Warfare/Trench Battle

  • Recruiting is restricted to one messages per map except for members of the 51st Regiment of Foot.

  • Teamkilling is not allowed, accidental teamkills are inevitable, but repeated teamkilling
    will result in you being automatically kicked.

  • The rule above also applies to teamhitting.

  • Building 'Sky Structures' is prohibited. For those that are unsure of what this denotes, check the gallery.

  • Excessive abuse towards admins will not be tolerated, if you have an issue and the admin can not solve it on the server,
    or you have a complaint to make about an admin, please leave a comment in this thread.

  • If you are going AFK, please join spectator or leave the server, others may be trying to join!

  • Excessive racism will result in a ban, particularly when directed at another player.

  • Please be respectful of other players, getting angry at the guy who's on your cannon won't help, ask politely
    to use it if you want to.


Server Owner

Head Admin

Senior Admin Team
To Be Decided

Admin Team:
To Be Decided

Trial Admin Team
To Be Decided

We are currently looking for more admins

Do you know the rules?:
How often do you play The TB?:
What can you bring to the server?:
Have you been an admin before? (List past experiences):.
Why do you want to be an admin?:

Server Details

Name: Trench_Battle_Official
Game Mode: Battle
Slots: 200
Region: EU (France)

Server provided by Beyondservers hosting, you can find their thread here:


Events: EU / Saturday Trench Battle Event by 2nd Regiment of Foot
« on: June 07, 2015, 12:10:18 am »


Welcome to the 2nd Regiment of Foot official Trench Battle Event. We plan to continue the legacy of the 2nd Queens Royal Regiment of Foot's, (With the consent of the owners of trench battle & the Senior Officers in the 2nd) The well know 'Trench_Battle_Official' server concept and maps have been given & entrusted to the 51st Regiment of Foot. We are back!

The events are large scale Trench warfare using Napoleonic period weapon (of course) You will experience the terrifying  sight of entire lines being eradicated in front of your eyes by mortars & enemy small arms fire in front of your eyes as they charge over the top in seek to gain the smallest amount of ground for their nation .

We hope you enjoy & Welcome all members of the NW community to create maps and provide us with feedback on our current maps. We want to create the best experience for you and your members.
    When - 19:00 GMT weekly on Saturday
    Be on this Teamspeak 3 at 18:30GMT to confirm sign ups

    Where - Trench Battle Official
    Who to Contact: 
    Lt Colonel notmoving


Sign up format
    [b]Regiment Name[/b]:
    [b]Preferred nation[/b]:
    [b]Expected Attendance[/b]:
    [b]Leader/Representative's Steam[/b]:
    [b]Temporary or permanent signup[/b]:
    No trolling
    No insulting others
    No spamming in the chat
    No ramboing
    No team killing/hitting purposefully

    Respect and listen to the admins, they're trying to make the event fairer for you.
    Infantry must remain in a group
    Strictly shaped formations are not necessary, however, you are required to have some kind of formation
    You may only reload in trenches/craters and the Artillery Battery's

    There is no reload in charge for any units.
    Cavalry is not entered into the event, please do not sign up as cavalry!

Unit Rules:
Line Infantry
    Min 5 - Max 30
  • fire in charge.
  • You may crouch in a trench.
  • Must join another line if less then 3 men remain.
Light Infantry
    Min 5 - Max 15
  • Must stay in formation when moving.
  • You may use 3 Man line spacing.
  • fire in charge.
  • May crouch.
  • When 3 men or less, must join a line.
    Min 5 - Max 15
  • Must keep a reasonable formation when moving.
  • May use 5 men spacings in their line.
  • May fire in charge.
  • May crouch.
  • Can use landscape as cover.
  • When 3 men or less, must join a line.
    Min 4 - Max 20
  • May have a maximum of 15 Guards.
  • May use any Artillery equipment placed onto the map
  • Artillery guards may fight as skirmishers but should remain close to the guns.
  • May bring 1 sapper.


Regiments / 51st (Yorkshire, West) Regiment of Foot
« on: May 24, 2015, 09:17:29 pm »


About the 51st Regiment of Foot

The 51st Regiment of Foot, is a specifically "line only" regiment which with utmost passion, strives to base our experienced and professional potential, not to outman...but to outmatch our enemy with a shere  aptitude and ability. The 51st are not the biggest, but do not rely on the incompetence of capacity, our rigidity and motivation to stay in, and to carry on effecting the NW community in outstanding ways is one reason to why we reformed, creating a more professional and accomplished regiment, We are eager to compete in the more prestigious side of NW. For retreat is not an option, and victory is a thirst......we are the 51st

We pride ourselves on creating a more comfortable and supportive regiment for our members and community base to improve the continuous growth in our virtuosity as competitive players of NW. We also urge our members to participate in external activities such as Groupfighting leagues, Persistant World clans and also the regimental NWL team! Within compliance of this, the regimental duties must ALWAYS take priority!


Every single person within the 51st is expected to behave with the contextual knowledge of what is respect and maturity. All members must show this is proportion to the activity, For example: if it is a live event then ALL members must show imense discipline and exceeding quality. But if it is either an external event or is just a small out of regiment game, then discipline is bound to deteriorate and this is understandable to a certain extent (No flaming etc). The 51st have strict and non-negotiable Code of Conduct which promotes control, regulation, and authority, the code of conduct will be taken as pure LEGISLATION and LAW. If it is broke then punishments will be given out in relation to the proportional action. We try to inform our members to restrain from interminable inactivity. We also deem noteworthy that our members talk to the NCO's and CO's if they have any complaints so the regiment can take it on as constructive criticism to adapt and improve as nothing and nobody is perfect. The reason we have implemented the code of conduct is so 1. All members know the boundries of the regiment, and 2. So the officers do not have to constantly repeat theirselves.

Understanding and Perception

We as the 51st encourage other members of the NW community to understand our regiment, and what we stand for, the increasing correlation between the members, the potential and also, the relationship between the 51st and the other regiments is exponential. Our aim and focus is to persue an appropriate relevance of heirarchy in correspondence to our regimental competence. We are a genuine and informative regiment, we hope to accomplish alot in a short amount of time, but we are motivated and dedicated to thrive...and we will.... as our objective is clear and firm.


In the 51st regiment of foot, One of the most essential aspects within the success and improvement of the regiment is the teamwork, coordination and respect the members portray to eachother, this all makes up DISCIPLINE. If the majority of the members within the regiment are slacking in the discipline department, the regiment will turn to complete chaos and that is not an option, we thrive to implement discipline and constant comendation to boost morale. The 51st are not just a regiment, we are a FAMILY, but it is because we are a family that we work so hard together and that we all work in collaberation to create what is, a professional unit.


The 51st was formed in 1755 for service during the Seven Years' War. Originally numbered the 53rd, Napiers, Regiment of Foot, and bearing the name of its colonel, Robert Napier, it was re-numbered in 1757, with the name of its new colonel, as 51st Brudenells Regiment. In 1759 they saw action at the battle of Minden, which later became their first battle honour. Following the war, the 51st had garrison duty in Ireland and Minorca, acquiring their county association in 1783 as the 51st (2nd Yorkshire West Riding) Regiment. The regiment was at Gibraltar at the start of the French Revolutionary Wars and in 1795 they were in Corsica at the siege of Calvi. In 1808, the 51st became a Light Infantry regiment and took part in Peninsular War, where they fought in every major action. Following Napoleon's escape from Elba in 1815, including in the Battle of Waterloo.


Our First Event 51st Vs 2nd 10 - 0 Victory

Our second 1v1 against the 63e   7 - 3 Victory

Our third 1v1 against the Ulster 7 - 3 Victory

Our forth 1v1 against the 1stRGJ 8 - 2 Victory

1v1 Against the 7th QRC 9-1 Victory

1v1 Against 47th Loss 7-3

1v1 Against 75e 8 - 2 Victory

1v1 Against Spartans 8 - 2 Victory

1v1 against 23e 9 - 2 Victory


Apply to join on our forums

Colonel Notmoving:
Lieutenant Colonel Unai:


"Retreat is not an option, and victory is a thirst......we are the 51st"


The 2nd Regiment of Foot are proud to present our Saturday custom map line battle. Our event will consist of Line, Lights, Rifles, Cavalry & Artillery. We will host our event every Saturday at 19:00 (British Summer Time)UTC/GMT +1 hour. The details will be posted 30 minutes before the event is due to start on the 2nd Teamspeak Address:

Our first event will be hosted on Saturday the 25th of April.

The maps are made and produced by Zebaad and members of the 2nd Regiment of Foot.

                     Please ensure you're commanders are aware of the rules.                       

General rules
- Keep global and team chat polite.
- Do not rambo, stay with your regiment.
- Reload in charge is classified when a single man in your unit is in melee, the whole unit is now in charge and may not reload.
- Listen and obey to the admins and what they say.
- Play as the unit you have enlisted.

Line Infantry
- 10 men minimum are needed to sign up.
- 30 men maximum are allowed on the field.
- Fire in charge not allowed.
- A line may not crouch.
- Gaps must be filled.
- A line may not spread out.
- No reloading during the charge.
- If you have 3 men or less, join a friendly line

Light Infantry
- 5 men minimum are needed to sign up.
- 15 men maximum are allowed on the field.
- Fire in charge not allowed.
- Light Infantry may spread out 3 man spacing.
- No reloading during the charge.
- If you have 3 men or less, join a friendly line

skirmishers (Rifles)
- 5 men minimum are needed to sign up.
- 15 men maximum are allowed on the field.
- Fire in charge is allowed.
- Skirmishers may crouch.
- No reloading during the charge.
- Skirmishers may spread out.
- If you have 3 men or less, join a friendly line.

- 5 men minimum are needed to sign up.
- 15 men maximum are allowed on the field.
- When charging & numbers reach 3 or less you may continue the charge until that unit is destroyed or you are all dead. If the unit is destroyed your charge is over and you must dismount.
- If you have 3 mounted or less, you must dismount and join a friendly unit.
- Cavalry must stay in formation, unless in charge.
- Dragoons may not fire from horseback.
- Dismounted Dragoons are considered as being an Line infantry.

- 3 men minimum are needed to sign up.
- 15 men maximum are allowed on the field.
- 2 pieces are given to each team.
- You may have one howitzer.
- You may have one sapper.
- Guard may act as light Infantry near the placement & Line away.

Please make the difference between your expected attendance as low as possible.

Regiment Name:
Leaders Steam Link:
Unit you're applying for:
Expected attendance:
Have you read the rules:

Application code
[b ]Regiment Name:[/b]
[b ]Leaders Steam Link:[/b]
[b ]Unit you're applying for:[/b]
[b ]Expected attendance:[/b]
[b ]Have you read the rules:[/b]

2nd Regiment of Foot (Guards)Line15
2nd Regiment of Foot (KGL)Line10
2nd Regiment of Foot (REE)Lights15
2nd Regiment of Foot (QR)Rifles10
2nd Regiment of Foot (RH)Calvary10/15
2nd Regiment of Foot (KGA)Artillery 10
kb Nr. 1Calvary8/10

*Note* This event is seprate from our other Saturday linebattle
Zebaad's thread

« on: September 05, 2014, 11:40:02 pm »

The 2nd Will soon begin hosting a small IE event on Thursday & Saturdays

What will this event include?
We will do three rounds of battle mode on a different map each time to remove unfair advantages of the maps. Then depending on the time we will do a conquest match.

When will this happen?
The event time will be at 8:30PM GMT every Thursday & Saturday

What server do we connect to?
The server the event will be hosted will be on the 2nd_IE_OfficalServer

What are the event rules?
•Minimum sign ups of five men.
•One Sniper per team.
•At most two HMG per team.
•One LMG per squad of ten men.
•Limit of two Grenadiers per squad of ten men.
•No limit on medic or support class
•Limit of 2 mortars per team

What are the common rules?
•No rambo
•No trolling
•Do not insult other regiments.
•No racism (This includes Nazi-ism)
•Stay in squads of at least four

How can i join?
post the following application below filled in with the valid information
Regiment Name:
Leader's Steam:
Preferred Nation:
Day's you can attend

Pages: 1