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Topics - Gyrian

Pages: 1
Regiments / 5th French Foreign Legion. (NA) Recruiting.
« on: November 06, 2014, 12:32:59 am »
 Hello, my name is Gyrian. Or, I went by Sodapop for a little bit. Aswell as, Avoyelle. I am making the 5th Foreign Legion. I am claiming all rights to the name and yeah. I am Colonel and My friend is Lt Colonel. Add me on steam, 5th_Gyrian (

Insignia of the 5th Legion

Lieutenant Colonel
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Officer Candidate
Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Master Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Senior Corporal
Legionnaire Second Class
Legionnaire First Class

Regiments / The New Regiment RNA
« on: September 24, 2014, 04:19:16 am »
The RNA (Royal Netherland Army) Was made by me, September 4 2014, as they made theirs September 16 2014. I am calling a Blacklist on any members of the Regiment going by the RNA as of now. They are lead by a man called General William, His steam community profile. I made mine before his, and he took my idea all because i wouldn't mege into him and I banned him from 2 teamspeaks. This is me trying to prove a point, It's not ok to form a regiment without the man's permission who formed it before you actually did. It's wrong, because everyone thinks that man still leads the regiment, and you get a bad rep.
Never tell your password to anyone.
*Steam conversation removed by moderator*

Regiments / 1stWaddles
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:02:21 am »
I made a club penguin regiment. You should join me. 1stFLP Gyrian on steam.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Unban Request
« on: July 15, 2014, 03:23:48 am »
Name under which you were banned - INCLUDE IN TOPIC TITLE Something with Gyrian maybe?
Server(s) you are banned from Na Groupfighting
What was happening when you got banned the round ended and i killed my whole team and got perma banned
Time and date dont know
Timezone central
User Identification Number* (This is a number server admins can find in their logs THIS IS NOT YOUR CD KEY, DONT POST YOUR CD KEY!)

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Unban Request
« on: June 02, 2014, 03:32:09 am »
Name: Peferably Gyrian or Darkstar

Server: NA1

What happened: Me and the admin got into an arguement because he said the n word and i was telling him he couldnt say that.

Time and Date: No clue about a couple months ago.

Timezone: Central

User ID: 675408

Pages: 1